The rangers exclaimed in disbelief, but soon, those rangers who exclaimed and wanted to continue testing were stopped by the patrol soldiers in front of the gate.

But to the surprise of the youth, the patrol soldiers only warned and orally educated the rangers, and after the rangers promised not to continue, they left, and even the rangers took out their belongings to avoid trouble, but the patrol soldiers also reprimanded and refused to accept the rangers’ belongings.

Such a scene made the young and middle-aged scribes look at it and sigh a lot.

The young man even spoke up, “After Yun went down the mountain, I often heard how wise the king of Guanzhong Hongnong was, how strict military discipline and invincibility were in Guanzhong soldiers, and Yun did not believe it at that time, but when I saw it today, it was as its name was.” ”

The middle-aged scribe also took over, “But yes, I am also famous, but I first went to Nanyang County, where it was ruled by the Hongnong King for more than a month, but it has undergone earth-shaking changes, and now the people of Nanyang County can be described as living and working in peace and contentment, like a paradise on earth.”

Later, I went north, from Luhun Pass to Hongnong County, and all the way over, the people under the rule of King Hongnong were just like the “Book of Rites and Fortunes”, so that the old have some end, the strong have some use, the young have some growth, the widows and the lonely and the sick have something to support, plus the people have plenty of food and clothing, the officials and officials are clean and honest, and the warriors are close to the people and loyal, such a scene is difficult to see in a prosperous era.

It is no wonder that the people in King Hongnong called King Hongnong a saint, but King Hongnong deserved the title of saint. ”

The young man listened and found that it was similar to his own hearsay, but he had more respect for King Hongnong in his heart, but then reacted and said to the middle-aged scribe, “A certain person is Changshan Zhendingren, surname Zhao, name Yun, character Zilong, I don’t know the name of Mr. Dai?” ”

The middle-aged scribe returned the salute, “Yingchuan Changshe people, Xu surname, name Shu, character yuanzhi.” ”

Zhao Yun saluted again, “Mr. Yuanzhi, can you tell Yun about what you have seen in Nanyang and Hongnong County?” ”

Xu Shu smiled slightly, “Zilong doesn’t need to be polite, I’ll wait and say…”

Zhao Yun also smiled, “There is Mr. Lao.” ”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

The two each led the horses to the main gate of Hangu Guancheng, Xu Shu had rich experience, first took Zhao Yun to the city gate filing hall, filed horses and weapons and other military items, and then received a wooden carved, numbered temporary residence, and then could enter the city.

As soon as he entered Guancheng, Zhao Yun was immediately stunned by the prosperity in front of him.

At this time, Guancheng is no longer the desolation of the past, but the sound of people, merchants like clouds, pedestrians like rain, and the people in the Central Plains outside the Guanxi are full of complaints, even white bones are exposed, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.

At this time, Xu Shu, who was beside him, said, “Has Zilong ever traveled to the Central Plains? ”

Zhao Yun shook his head, “No, but since Yun went down the mountain, he went south from Zhending, passing through Jizhou Yecheng, Sizhi Luoyang and other giant cities, but he has never seen such a prosperous state of the people living and working in peace and contentment, and the king of Hongnong is really a virtuous king.” ”

Xu Shu nodded and said, “I was originally from Yingchuan Changshe, and when I saw the collapse of the Luoyang Emperor in the sixth year of Zhongping, Dong Zhuo led troops into Luoyang, knowing that the world was moving ~ and rising immediately, I moved the clan with my friends to Jingzhou to avoid trouble.”

After placing the clans, I began to travel the world, and when I went to the prefectures and counties, the officials were either mediocre and incompetent, or greedy and cruel, and the officials were corrupt, the family was indomitable, and the people under the rule were mostly hopeless, and even cannibalized, but the officials did not think so.

I once heard a nursery rhyme:

I don’t know the book.

Filial piety, fathers do not live.

Hansu is as white as mud

Gaudirian will be as timid as a chicken.

Hmph, originally I sighed that the more than 400 years of the Great Han Kingdom has come to an end, but I never imagined that God bless the Great Han, and the King of Hongnong must be like a light and martial artist, Zhongxing Great Han. ”

Zhao Yun nodded, “What Mr. Yuan Zhi said, as Yun has seen recently, the officials are rotten, the family is indomitable, the Son of Heaven is young, the powerful ministers are in charge, and the safety of the Han is only at stake, and Yun Ben wants to find a prince who cares for the people to devote himself to retribution.”

Later, because the world spread the name of King Hongnong, Yun came to take a look, if King Hongnong was really as famous as rumored, Yun threw himself under King Hongnong to achieve something. ”

Xu Shu laughed loudly, “I also think so, Zilong, how about I wait?” ”

Zhao Yun said, “I dare not ask if I wish.” ”

After the two finished speaking, they smiled at the same time.

However, at this moment, several patrolling officials passed by, bowed to the first strong man, and said to Zhao Yun and Xu Shu, “If you want to serve under King Hongnong, you can go to the new recruitment hall set up today, and set up recruitment halls in various county towns and Guancheng, regardless of their origins, they can enter the museum with only one skill.”

The two can try it, if they win the leader of the Culture, Martial Arts, Industry, and Agriculture Halls, they can be personally received by the Junshang. ”

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun’s eyes lit up as they listened, and Xu Shu asked, “This Shangguan, can you tell me the location of the Recruitment Hall in the city?” ”

“Just follow this road, you can reach the city office, on the left of the government office there is the ‘recruitment hall’ door number, and there are entry rules standing on the side, the two of you can know it at a glance.”

“Thank you Shangguan for guiding the way.” Xu Shu and Zhao Yun thanked each other.

The official smiled back and saluted, “This is my duty to wait for the officials, and there is no need for it.” ”

After saying that, the official led his subordinates to patrol the streets and continue to patrol the streets.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun did not hurry to leave, but watched those officials patrolling the street from a distance on the side of the road, and after watching for a while, Xu Shu and Zhao Yun were amazed.

Because not only the kind official is polite and kind to the people, but all the officials are the same and treat pedestrians very kindly. Similarly, those ordinary people and pedestrians were not afraid of the officials at all, nor did they have a trace of groveling, just like meeting relatives and friends on the street, and even seeing the officials patrolling for a long time, some enthusiastic small traders also took the initiative to send clean water food, but what is even more surprising is that those officials actually did not accept it, and politely refused, even if they did, they gave enough copper money.

Such a scene of harmony between the government and the people made Zhao Yun’s heart unbelievable.

However, Xu Shu has traveled to Nanyang County and Hongnong County successively, but this kind of picture of officials and people being like a family has seen a lot, and he is not as amazing as Zhao Yun.

The two walked in the street market for a while, making sure that this kind of scene of officials and people being like a family was very common, and the two slowly walked towards Guanchengzhi.

On the way, Zhao Yun sighed, “If the people and officials of the world can do this, then the world will be prosperous.” ”

Xu Shu shook his head and said with a smile, “Dong Zhuo and those Kanto princes are people who are considerate of the people, even if they occasionally do good deeds, they are just safeguarding their own fame and fortune.

Besides, those people from well-known families say that they will take the world as their duty and ask for the lives of the people, and the people they are talking about are not these low-level farmers, traders, and craftsmen, but ‘scholars’.

In their hearts, the Shi tribe is the ‘people’, and whether the life of the Shi tribe is good or bad determines the rise and fall of the world, and as for these real bottom people, there is no doubt about the poultry and livestock. Few clans would have mercy on these ordinary people.

But the problem is that there are tens of millions of people in the Great Han, but these ordinary people account for ninety percent, so it is simply absurd to regard the people as livestock and animals. ”

After listening to this, Zhao Yun lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and found that it was really just as Xu Shu said, and his heart was even more dissatisfied with the Guandong Gate Valve Clan.

Xu Shu said, “Since I left Hongnong County, I have understood that in this world, the only thing that really wants to treat the people well and take action, and can be regarded as successful, is only about King Zhonghongnong.”

However, the 800-li wasteland in Guanzhong was built into a paradise by King Hongnong in less than a year, and such a person of great sage, great talent, great ambition, great courage, and great courage must be Ming Junye. ”

Zhao Yun nodded, “Brother Yuan Zhi is right, King Hongnong is indeed a rare wise monarch in the world, if King Hongnong does not dislike it, Yun is willing to lead the horse for King Hongnong.” ”

Xu Shu also nodded and said, “What I said is that if I can work hard to promote the king of farmers, Fang will live up to what I have learned.” Zilong, let’s go, go and take the first of the pavilions in that recruitment hall! ”

Zhao Yun smiled, “Only from my brother’s life.” ”

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