"First take this woman in the vicinity of the Chinese army, properly protect it, and after killing Dong Zhuo's rebel thief, send it back to Cai Yong's mansion."

Liu Chen said lightly.

For Cai Yan's tragic fate, Liu Chen, who is a traverser, naturally understands.

Xu Huang's accidental intervention made Cai Zhaoji not have to marry the short-lived ghost of Wei Zhongdao, and Liu Chen did not mind being a favor.

Of course, this is not Liu Chen's stunning.

But when the Changshan Library opened, when he borrowed books from the family family to print, the great Ru Cai Yong selflessly used it, and this kindness Liu Chen remembered.

Not only is Cai Yan's fate tragic, it seems that Cai Yong will also be executed by Wang Yun in the future, and Liu Chen does not mind helping those who are kind to Changshan.

What's more, Cai Yan and Cai Yong's father and daughter are indeed Eastern Han talents, and it would be great if they could join Changshan.

"Yes! The end will obey! "

Those generals took orders and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Not far away, inside the carriage.

Cai Yan stretched out his hand and quietly opened the corner of the curtain, and finally saw Liu Chen and everyone not far away.

In this era, there is no electronic pollution, the eyesight is generally excellent, and Cai Yan also saw Liu Chen's appearance for the first time.

At this look, Cai Yan couldn't take his eyes off at all!

Liu Chen's talented and instrumental appearance deeply attracted Cai Yan. In particular, the temperament of a superior person exuded by Liu Chen fascinated Cai Yan even more.

Unconsciously, Cai Yan's cheeks flew with two red halos, and his heart fluttered like a deer, and even his breathing was a little rapid.

It was a gesture of love at first sight!

"Miss! Changshan King is really a talent, a peerless man! The maid on the side also looked at Liu Chen with a confused expression.

For Cai Yan and the maids, only Liu Chen was left in their eyes, and the princes and generals on their sides could not enter their eyes at all.

To put it bluntly, Liu Chen is like a bright moon in the night, no matter how many stars are around, how can he compete with it?

Cai Yan and Cai Zhaoji, a talented woman who is famous in the world, naturally cannot be so idiotic, and the reason why this is so is just Liu Chen's charm doing something strange!

Liu Chen's charm value is as high as 100 points!

The main manifestation of charm is a person's personality, appearance, temperament, treatment of others, etc., as well as the recruitment of military generals, the attraction of talents, the fascination with the opposite sex, and so on.

Liu Chen, who is worth full points in charm, even if it is the talented girl Cai Yan, it is difficult to resist that kind of attraction.

What's more, everything Liu Chen did during this time was spread throughout the country with the newspaper, and hundreds of millions of people loved, praised, and yearned, and the aura on his body was naturally more dazzling!

Under all kinds of bonuses, it is no wonder that Cai Yan, a talented woman, is involuntarily moved!


Cai Yan bowed his head and deeply agreed.

It's just that after speaking, she sighed a little lonely again. Even if King Changshan made her adorate again? She already had a marriage contract with the Wei family.

Thinking of this, Cai Yan lowered the curtain, and his face became even more helpless and lonely.

At this time.

The general also led them away, placed them near the Chinese military tent, and made proper arrangements.

Watching Cai Yan's convoy leave again, Liu Chen turned around and walked towards the Chinese army tent.

The princes on the side were full of questions.

They want to ask Cai Yan's arrival, is it Dong Zhuo's marriage and peace?

When King Changshan took Cai Yan, did he agree to this kind of peace?

It's just that King Changshan is extremely powerful, he doesn't say it, and they don't dare to ask.

What's more, King Changshan also said just now that after killing Dong Zhuo, he would send it back to Cai Yong's house.

This should be counted as... Refused, right?

With Liu Chen's observation of words, he naturally saw the doubtful thoughts of various princes, but he did not have the slightest intention of explaining!

He Liu Chen has acted all his life, why should he explain it to others?

Liu Chen was just thinking about intercepting Cai Yan, would Dong Zhuo notice it?

"If it is just the Changshan army of this king, it is naturally tight-lipped, but it is a pity that the generals brought by the princes from all walks of life cannot do this."

"Even if there are many Dong Zhuo traitors among them, this king will not find it strange."

"In this way, Cai Yan's interception to Wei County will definitely be known by Dong Zhuo in a short time."

"Cai Yan, who was originally sent to the Wei family in Hedong, but came to Wei County in the opposite direction, as long as Dong Zhuo is not an idiot, he can guess that there must be something wrong with it!"

"Xu Huang's ambush is likely to be known by Dong Zhuo... It seems that the speed of the attack is going to be accelerated..."

Thinking of this, Liu Chen's face turned stunned, looked around at the princes in the big tent, and said coldly:

"King Ben has decided to attack in two days, if you want to follow, you can each prepare yourself!"

Liu Chen's words exploded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Sun Jian threw up his hands and said, "Your Highness, if your lords rush here today, I'm afraid two days won't be enough?" It's better to wait for those princes to arrive en masse, and we will attack together, which is definitely twice the result with half the effort! "

Liu Chen knew that a total of eighteen princes in the world had arrived. Now there are only ten princes in the camp.

Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zhan, as well as Gongsun Zhan's younger brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, etc., were not present.

If it was in the past, Liu Chen might have waited for them to arrive.

Even if they are not needed, pretending to beep in front of the key characters in these original works is still a sense of accomplishment in experiencing history and witnessing history!

It is a pity that now because of Cai Yan's appearance, Liu Chen's arrangement has been disrupted, and the ambush soldiers on Xu Huang's side may even be alerted.

More important than pretending to beep, the safety of subordinates is more important!

"King Ben said that in two days, it was to wait for them. If it was less than two days, then King Ben would have directly attacked. "

Liu Chen said insistently: "If you are worried, you can just watch from the sidelines, and if someone blames you at that time, you can use this king's insistence and rigidity to explain it!" "

Liu Chen's words made Sun Jian and the others panic, and they got up one by one and handed over their hands.

"I can't wait!"

After all, Liu Chen was the clan relative of the Han family, the king of Changshan, and the lord of Jizhou. The Changshan Army under him is even more Megatron!

Whether it is fame and power, or the power of force, it is not something they can question. At least on the surface.

"King Ben did not blame you, but sincerely gave you a suggestion." Liu Chen said indifferently: "Okay, you wait for each to go back to the camp and think about it." "

"I'll quit!"

Sun Jian, Bao Xin, Kong Ling, Wang Kuang, Zhang Qiao, Qiao Yao and others retired one by one after respectfully saluting.

After leaving the tent, they looked at each other, and they both sighed a little helplessly.

Some of them do have some conscience and really want to pay for the Han family. Some have their own calculations and want to seek fame and power.

But in any case, on the point of attacking Dong Zhuo, it is temporarily consistent.

And Changshan King is undoubtedly an example recognized and surrendered by everyone, and the leading candidate for the big brother!

Only Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, can make them obey the public!


Liu Chen is too domineering and too single-minded!

Dong Zhuo has an army of 200,000 under him, as well as a tiger general like Lü Bu!

If you wait until the princes of the world gather, carry the momentum of the world, and take advantage of the situation to attack, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!


Liu Chen was so eager that he wanted to attack in advance.

In front of Liu Chen, they felt the coercion of those in power, and they didn't even dare to raise the words of refutation and questioning.

One by one, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

How could it be possible to oppose Liu Chen's order!

After sighing, Sun Jian and the others left separately.

Inside the big tent.

Now only Liu Chen's subordinate generals remained, as well as Xun Yu, the Taishou of Wei County.

"Zilong, send a letter to Xu Huang to inform them that our army will attack in two days, let them prepare quickly." Liu Chen ordered solemnly.

"The end will obey!" Zhao Yun quickly retreated.

Liu Chen continued to order: "Dian Wei, you pay attention to the four weeks in the past two days, Cai Yan's intelligence in our army, don't leak it too early!"

"Observe the reactions of all the princes, if there are enemy spies, immediately beheaded!"

Dian Wei bowed and said, "The last will obey!" "

After Dian Wei retreated, Liu Chen looked at Lejin and said, "Lejin, King Ben is ready to let you attack Xianshui Pass, you have to be mentally prepared!" "

"Please rest assured!"

Lejin was not shocked and rejoiced, his face was excited, and he was eager to try.

Liu Chen bowed his head, finally showed a smile, and then discussed with Xun Fu the government affairs piled up during this time.

Although it was two days later, the 40,000 troops in Liu Chen's barracks were already ready to be launched one by one, and an aura of slaughter permeated out!

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