[Crescent halberd (blue): sharpness value 3, hardness 3, force +1, additional attributes: armor piercing: additional damage to the armor. 】

Guo Hao touched the newly acquired weapon, and he couldn't put it down. The crescent halberd fits his aesthetic perfectly, and it also has its own armor-piercing attribute, which is perfect.

"Basic Shooting" is just used to train the young and Zhuang, although his performance in combat is extremely poor, after all, he is the only unit under his hand.

Guo Hao also hopes to train these young men into archers.

The next day, Guo Hao took out the property he had obtained and distributed it to a group of soldiers who were about to leave. Both parties were very happy, and the army and the people were in harmony.

When parting and embracing the tutor, Guo Hao also stuffed a small gift to the tutor. The two sides looked at each other and smiled, tacitly failing to mention the head and mount of Hu Ren.

After sending away the soldiers, Guo Hao couldn't wait to start counting the harvest.

"Count the trophies!"

Isn't the war just for profit, or whoever has nothing to do to fight others?

In order to prevent villagers from hiding privately, Guo Hao personally supervised the villagers to count the trophies piled up.

It's not that I feel sorry for those promised property, but the wind of selfishness can't rise, and the embankment of a thousand miles is collapsed in the ant nest.

Looking at the list of trophies in his hand, Guo Hao couldn't believe it. It seemed that what was bulging was only some copper coins and food.

Except for the war horse Jingui, this Hu Ren troop is simply poor.

"A total of 76 Humen were killed in this battle. A total of 76 horses, 3 taels of gold, 160 taels of silver, 36,478 copper coins, 76 scimitars, 24 spears, 76 leather armors, and food were seized. 132 stone."

Guanglao was a little excited after ordering the trophies. Unlike Guo Hao’s greed and dissatisfaction, Guanglao understands the value of this batch of trophies, which means that Beifeng Village can finally live a full winter, and no one will starve to death or freeze. died.

Guo Hao collected the weapons and war horses, and distributed the grain to the villagers on the spot. With this grain, the village can have a good winter.

The main safety and food and clothing problems of the village were solved. Guo Hao immediately struck the iron while it was hot and began to plan the layout of the village according to the drawings he designed offline.

In Guo Hao's plan, Beifeng Village will become his most reliable foundation in Liangzhou. As long as the time comes, sweeping Xiliang is not a dream.

Guo Hao took a large sum of money and planned to go shopping for some things in the nearby big city.

Before leaving, Guo Hao arranged everything in the village, and let Guang Lao take control of the overall situation.

Wuwei County, the uncle of the county office.

It is also the first time Guo Hao has seen a real large city. The large city in the game is not worse than the high-rise buildings. The magnificent momentum makes Guo Hao's scalp numb.

The city wall is about 20 meters high, which is equivalent to seven or eight stories in reality, with the banner of the Han Dynasty planted at the head of the city.

In front of the city gate, there was a long line to enter the city, with local civilians and caravans. Several teams of defenders guarded a huge wooden box and collected varying amounts of entrance tax one by one.

Using the official seal of the village chief of own as an identity certificate, Guo Hao successfully passed the gate and saved a sum of entrance tax.

Before Guo Hao could find a place to live in the city, someone stared at him.


With a big hand slapped on Guo Hao's shoulder, Guo Hao's conditioned reflex tactics rolled, and he almost took out his weapon and stabbed him up.

"Brother, don't be nervous, I'm not malicious."

Guo Hao turned around and saw a mysterious person wrapped in a black robe.

"Hiding in broad daylight and white day, what can I do for you?" Guo Hao broke free from the mysterious person's hand and asked dissatisfiedly.

"Hehehe, professional needs, professional needs." The mysterious man smiled and didn't care about Guo Hao's attitude at all.

"You are also a player? What are you looking for?" Guo Hao calmed down and noticed the strangeness of the mysterious person. No matter how he looked at it, he was a player.

"I'm an intelligence businessman. Seeing that you are so powerful, brother, I can't help but want to come over and make friends." The mysterious man rubbed his hands and laughed embarrassingly.

"I'm not interested, you go, don't follow me." Guo Hao looked at the war horse he was holding, and he knew what the mysterious player was playing. It was nothing more than he wanted to get news about the war horse from here.

Players have just arrived, and the price of war horses remains high. Owning war horses is basically a symbol of masters in the player group.

According to the news that Guo Hao learned on the forum, it is harder for a player to buy a war horse than to climb to the sky. Not only does it have to be rich, but it also needs to be famous. Ordinary players buy horses and others will ignore you.

"Hey, don't worry, brother, you are definitely not familiar with this city for the first time, isn't it beautiful to share information between you and me!" Hearing Guo Hao's refusal, the mysterious player became anxious on the spot.

The mysterious person took off his black robe and revealed his true face. A young man who looked less than twenty might still be a student.

"Dage, I was very predictable, but if I can't, I can send you an information first." The youth's face was full of urgency.

Seeing the appearance of the young man, Guo Hao became interested. The urgent need for a horse is probably not a small picture.

"What is your name?" Guo Hao squeezed his chin and asked with interest.

"Dage, my name is Li Wan and Li Fengxian!" The youth reported his name in the game, and Guo Hao thought he would stupidly report his real name.

"Do you want to know how my war horse came?" Guo Hao pointed to the war horse and carefully observed the expression on the young man's face.

"Yes, Dage, I will give you one first. You can ask me whatever you want. There is no news in Wuwei County that I don't know." The youth looked confident.

"Then do you know how much a war horse can sell in Wuwei County?" Guo Hao thought for a while, planning to get some useful information from this silly boy.

"Of course I know that the most common horse in Wuwei County is worth a thousand taels of silver!"

Guo Hao calculated in his heart that he had a total of two taels of gold and one hundred taels of silver. This was the contribution of the Huren before. Who knows how many people's blood was stained on it, and it was enough to calculate the total net worth. Buy a small half warhorse. (1 tael of gold = 100 tael of silver = 10,000 copper coins)

"You all know that war horses are valuable, why do you have the courage to share information with me?" Guo Hao deliberately pretended to be amused by a child.

"We, Big Sister, are the city defense commander of this Guzang city. There is no information in this Guzang city that we don't know. As long as you are willing to share information with us, you can do whatever you want." The young man obviously came up and started to blew his house. .

"The leader of the city defense?" Guo Hao was a little surprised. There are many heroes in the world, and his own small village is really not enough to be proud of himself.

"You talk about me!" Before Guo Hao could continue, the young man recovered his senses and looked at Guo Hao angrily.

Guo Hao was cheeky, as if nothing had happened, and added a young game friend.

"As long as you tell me if there is anything to improve your attributes in Guzang City recently, I will tell you how the warhorse came." Guo Hao looked at the young man named Li Wan seriously.

"It's simple. There is a martial arts gym in Guzang City. You can learn martial arts as long as you pay, and there are private schools. As long as you pay, you can learn literature. These can improve your attributes."

The young man told Guo Hao the information carelessly. Seeing Li Wan's innocence, Guo Hao couldn't bear to break the innocence of a young man, and gave up the idea of ​​black eating black.

"Go to the border and fight against the Huren. If you win, you will get a war horse!"

After leaving a word, Guo Hao left in a hurry, leaving a young and excited face in place.

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