The news of Zhen Mi's death.

Soon spread to the Xianyu auxiliary army.

Jicheng, the one prepared by Yuan Shang, belongs to Xian Yufu's residence.

There was silence.

It seems that Zhen Mi's death did not bring any waves to them.

Outside the residence.

Xian Yufu looked at the people who packed their bags and ran to the city gate, but were knocked to the ground by the soldiers, and felt unnatural in his heart.

It was different from what he thought.

His philosophy, like his former lord Liu Yu, is to protect the Han Dynasty and protect the Han people in the territory.

This is also the reason why he agreed to surrender to Cao Cao, but did not care about Cao Cao in Jizhou at all.

He didn't know what happened after that.

He only knows now.

He is still Hanchen, and all he wants to do is eradicate the alien race.

Taking Jicheng is just a condition he promised Xun Chen, Xun Chen helped him eradicate the alien race, and he helped Xun Chen take the two states of Youyou and Qing.

He never thought that the people would be hit so hard before the Jicheng War began.

"It's inevitable.

Next to him, Xun Chen appeared, looking at the people who were crying miserably, without a trace of emotion.

"We just need to get this war to end as soon as possible, so that the people will suffer less, and there is no need to worry about them now. "

Yingchuan Xunshi.

Everyone puts the interests of the family first, how can they care about the people of a state.

Xian Yufu didn't want to talk to Xun Chen much on this topic.

"You have been in Youbeiping for a few months, and you have not appeared as many times as you have in the past few days.

"When it's over, I won't show up. Xun Chen said lightly: "Zhen is dead, do you know the news

?" "What about a dead woman?"

"It's nothing to die a woman, the question is who killed her?" Xun Chen continued to speak without any fluctuations in his expression.

Xian Yufu was a little impatient, can't the people of the Xun clan speak directly? Who can guess

vaguely?" "If you have anything to say, Xian Yuyin has already arrived outside Jicheng with the group of soldiers I hid in the Bohai Sea area." "

Huh. Xun Chen finally laughed.

"I have changed my plan, and I don't need to deceive Wuhuan to lead Yuan Shang to the trick. "

What do you mean?" Xian Yufu frowned.

Xun Chen paused for a long time, "Everyone doesn't know who killed the Zhen family, and the eyeliner I planted in Yuan Shang also said that Yuan Shang didn't kill him." "

Who is that?"

Xun Chen shook his head.

"We don't care who it is, it doesn't make sense to us, we just need to be firm in one thing, that Zhen clan was killed by Yuan Shang!"

Xian Yufu frowned.

Xun Chen continued.

"Killing my sister-in-law, how can it be something that the descendants of the Yuan family of the fourth world and the third prince can do?"

Xian Yufu said after being silent for a few seconds.

"You want me to spread rumors and make Yuan Shang the target of public criticism, so that the people in the city will cause panic and can restrain Yuan Shang's soldiers. "

Clever. Xun Chen nodded.

"So I said that it doesn't matter who killed it, only Yuan Shang has the strength to kill Zhen in the Assassin's Mansion, and he can't get away with this charge.

"So what's next, what do we do after we spread the word?" Xian Yufu asked.

"What else can we do? Defeat the defenders of Jicheng in one go, Youzhou is already in the palm of our hands. Xun Chen was confident.

"Aren't you afraid that Zhen's death will be chamed? When we take Jicheng, she will come out again?" Xian Yufu said a question that had been in place for a long time.

"After all, it's a woman, is it possible for her to have Han and Zhang Zhicai?" Xun Chen didn't care.

"She is just cheating to death, and she is also waiting for Yuan Xi to support from Jizhou, by that time, Youzhou is already in our hands, do you still need to be afraid of Yuan Xi who has suffered heavy losses

?" "General Xian Yu, you have been in Youzhou for so long, and now that victory is ahead, you won't stop because you are afraid of a woman, right

?" "What about the Wuhuan troops outside the city?" Xian Yufu continued to ask.

"Don't worry, they will meet the troops of the senior cadres outside the city, let them fight!

Xian Yufu was silent when he heard this.

Soldiers are not tired of deceit, Xun Chen is just a strategist, how can he understand the truth of using soldiers. Whether it is Yuan Shang's place or Wuhuan's side, it will not be as easy as Xun Chen said.

The slightest uncertainty can lead to failure.

Yuan Shang in Jicheng only needs to bring in a few thousand people and horses, and Yuan Shang is also thousands of people and horses on his side, and if he really fights, it is not certain who loses and who wins.

Just as Xian Yufu was entangled in whether to follow Xun Chen's advice to attack Yuan Shang now, or to defeat Wuhuan according to the previous plan, and use the tens of thousands of troops outside to attack Yuan Shang.

In the distance, a soldier hurried up.


!" "A group of silver-armored cavalry rushed into our camp and killed many people!"

"What?" Xian Yufu was startled.

Xun Chen frowned and said.

"The silver-armored soldiers, it seems that the group of soldiers guarding the city tower before, it seems that Yuan Shang has taken advantage of Zhen's death and attacked first.

Xian Yufu turned around and returned to his residence, took out a halberd, and crotched the horse outside the door.

"I'll go back to the silver-armored soldiers, you do your best to kill the soldiers defending the city, and let our brothers outside enter the city

!" "Yes!" The soldier received the order and sprinted to the distant barracks to deliver the news.

"Sir, you hide first, and I'll look for you after the matter is settled!" Xian Yufu said this to Xun Chen, and rode towards the soldier's camp.


The suddenness of the outbreak of the Jicheng War.

Including the common people, including the soldiers, and even Yuan Shang who was assassinating the Shifu.

In the Assassin's Mansion, it is relatively safe now.

Yuan Shang walked back and forth impatiently.

"Damn, damn it! Xian Yufu actually spread rumors, saying that I killed my second sister-in-law!"

"What my mother said is true, Xian Yufu came to Jicheng just to want Jicheng.

"Now that the war has broken out, Gao Gan doesn't know when it will arrive, if he can't hold the wave of attacks under the city tower, everything will be over!"

Yin Kui ran into the house at a high speed from the outside.

"Lord...... Lord, it's

guarded, it's guarded!" "What is guarded?" Yuan Shang walked over and grabbed Yin Kui's hand.

Yin Kui wiped the sweat with his other hand.

"The city gate was guarded, and the silver-armored soldiers left by the second prince repelled the Xian Yu auxiliary army that wanted to attack Jicheng from outside the gate. "

Those people!" Yuan Shang didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

The city was defended, but the autonomy of the city gate was in the hands of Yuan Xi again.

He had been in contact with those silver-armored cavalry, and even bribed those heroic silver-armored cavalry to do things for him.


was even horrified by the look of a centurion led by the silver-armored cavalry.


long as they guard the tower, it will be even more difficult to get them back.

Is this really the case, waiting for Yuan Xi to come back from Jizhou? Yuan

Shang thought left and right.

Finally make a decision!

Ignore the silver-armored cavalry for now.

He walked over to the desk.

Now everything has developed beyond his expectations, and the war with Xian Yufu must end immediately

!" "Yin Kui, you go and give the order, gather our army, my second sister-in-law is dead, now everything in Jicheng is my master, let all the soldiers attack Xian Yu's auxiliary army!"

"Protect Jicheng!".

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