Early the next morning.

Yuan Xi lay lazily on the bed, hugging his wife beside him.

If it weren't for the troubled times at the end of the Han Dynasty, how comfortable it would have been to have such a smart and virtuous wife by your side.

It's a pity ......

There is still important business to be done.

[Today's check-in has been refreshed, please sign in with the host]

"Sign in!" Yuan Xi silently said.

[Congratulations to the host, get 100 potato seeds (produced by the system, can be planted in all seasons!!Harvested every three months)]


In the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, this thing can be said to be a big treasure.

After years of conquest, today's coins are not much more expensive than earth.

There are even some grains that can be priceless.

Now that you have potato seeds, you can grow them yourself.

Speaking of his own planting, Yuan Xi thought of a particularly important system.

Tuntian system.

Now it is still at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the closer it is to the Three Kingdoms era, the more critical the grain and grass are.

The tuntian system is undoubtedly the best way to solve the problem of grain and grass. But if you want to implement it, you must change its tax, and Cao Cao's tax of four liters per mu is too appalling.

Also, take Jizhou first.

Jizhou is "the world's heavy capital", the land is vast and rich, if Cao Cao gets, Cao Cao's momentum will be even more unstoppable.

At that time, Tuntian only owned the little place around Jicheng.

Even if he defended it, Cao Jun, who was watching him, was not stable.

Yuan Xi sighed.

It's close to the destruction of Yecheng.

It's time to make a move.

Rubbing Zhen Mi's smooth and tender cheeks, Yuan Xi got up and got out of bed to find the maid outside the door, and ordered Zhang He and Lu Yi to be informed.

But about a quarter of an hour.

Four people sat upright in the room.

Zhang He didn't talk nonsense, brought a hand-drawn map, spread it on the table, and said:

"Lord, as far as I know, the guards of Yecheng are very tenacious, and if there is no accident, they can hold on for more than a month.

Zhang He said, pointing at the boundary of Qingzhou.

Yuan Tan surrendered to Cao Cao, but Cao Cao was always suspicious and guarded the army in Qinghe, Anping, Julu and other places.

"If we act, we have to give up the path from the Yuyang Nether Bridge. It is better to go around Changshan from Zhuo County.

Yuan Xi nodded, but still asked.

"Based on what you can see, do you think Cao Cao will have a large number of troops in these places?"

Zhang He said: "Yuan Tan is not worried, Cao Cao will not waste troops on him, so there will be very few troops in Hejian and Anping." But the giant deer, it can flank Yuan Tan from the plains, and it can also ambush the reinforcements from Youzhou, this place is very important.

Yuan Xi thought for a while and said: "Have we forgotten one thing, Yuan Shang returned to defend

Yecheng from the plains, so now, the road from the plains to Yecheng is without Cao Jun!" Zhang He's eyes lit up, "That's true, Yuan Shang is the main general, according to Cao Cao's consistent style, as long as he takes down the main general, he won't bother to defend himself."

Yuan Xi knocked on the table.

There is one more important thing.

At this time, Yuan Tan was likely to backstab Cao Cao and seize Ganling and Anping.

During this time, Cao Cao's eyes were all on Yuan Tan, who was anti-water, and Yuan Shang and Yecheng who were around Yecheng.

At this time, if you send a fast army, you can definitely achieve a surprise effect.

Yuan Xi asked, "Lu Yi, have you seen the 1,000 soldiers who first ascended to the army?"

Lu Yi nodded, "It's stronger than the 800 sergeants I brought before!"

"That's good." Yuan Xi drew a route with his fingers.

"You take the lead to the camp, follow this route to the east of Yecheng, go down to Yin'an, and garrison Liyang Port. Prevent Cao Jun from supporting. "

Remember, bring more arrows!"

"Yes, lord!"

Zhang He said: "Lord, if Yuan Tan rebels, if we take this road, we are likely to meet Yuan Tan."

Lu Yi touched his mask and said: "The lord pointed out this road, just to meet with the eldest prince, right? We are weak, and it is simply unrealistic to rely on thousands of troops to save Yecheng." The lord should want to unite with the eldest prince to save Yecheng.

Yuan Xi smiled, "No!" If

there was no system, he might unite with Yuan Tan as Lu Yi said.

After all, Yuan Tan is a tragic hero in general, he knows that he is going the wrong way, but there is no way back, he can only move forward.

Yuan Tan's evaluation in the history books is not bad.

The black spot of surrendering Cao Cao was also forced by Yuan Shang to be helpless.

Yuan Xi remembered.

The judge wrote a letter to Yuan Tan.

After reading the letter, Yuan Tan cried in the city.

It can be seen that Yuan Tan attaches great importance to brotherhood.

It is necessary to talk about it.

But not at this time, Yuan Tan's side, there is a person who has to be killed.

This is the main culprit of Yuan's fall into the current situation!

Whether it is the defeat of the Guandu army or the attack in the same room, the shadow of this person is indispensable.

Everyone looked at Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi said: "After all, Yuan Tan is the brother of my mother's compatriot, and he can get to this situation because of the slanderous ministers."

"So my second task, if I see Guo Tu, there will be no forgiveness!"

Yuan Xi comforted: "The reason why I didn't let Yu go to this matter was because I was afraid that I would be impulsive and fall into danger."

Zhang He calmed down.

"Lord, what should I do?"

Yuan Xi grabbed Zhen Mi's hand, "Mi'er, tell me about my task with Mi."

Zhen Mi nodded, "General Zhang, do you know

Cao Pi?" Zhang He was surprised, why did he talk about Cao Pi, after thinking about it, he still said.

"I know a little, Cao Pi is insidious and vicious, narrow-minded, and he will never give up until he gets what he likes!"

"So Cao Pi has been chasing his concubine to Youzhou City?" Zhen Mi asked.

Zhang He nodded, "That's right."

Zhen Mi smiled.

"That's easy to do, since he came to Youzhou City because of his concubine, how could he retreat if he couldn't get it? It is very likely that he will lead Cao Jun to ambush Jicheng on the road from Jicheng to Yecheng. "

What do you mean, madam?" asked Zhang He.

"This has to be General Zhang, the general can be embarrassed, pretend to get out of trouble and return to the Cao army, and burn the Cao army's grain and grass when he has the opportunity.

"However, Cao Pi will also sense that I have returned to the Yuan clan. Zhang He was puzzled.

Zhen Mi said: "If he perceives better, the general can flee westward, the soldiers crouching around will support the general, and when the Cao army sees the soldiers, he will definitely send additional troops to pursue, and then the lord will lead the cavalry to cut off the Cao army's grain and grass, and attack on both sides!" "If he wins, he can

capture Cao Pi and go all the way down!"

"Is it feasible?" Yuan Xi asked.

Zhang He nodded and patted his chest.

"No problem!"

Yuan Xi got up, walked to the back of the tent, and took out the Overlord Wujin Gun.


"You try.

Zhang He and Lu Yi both stared at each other.

This gun is pitch black all over, and just looking at the cold tip of the gun makes people shudder, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

Zhang He swallowed his saliva.

"This ...... Give it to me?

" Yuan Xi pouted, "I borrowed it from you." "

He can sweep thousands of armies with a stick with his own force, but this overlord gun can't be used.

Zhang He couldn't take his eyes off for a moment.

Even if it's just borrowed and used, it's already full of impatience.

Regardless of the attraction of this gun, just the lord handed over his portable weapon to his subordinates, which shows the lord's trust.

Zhang He grabbed the barrel of the gun.

With one force, only one foot up.

"So heavy?" Yuan

Xi smiled: "So a few days in advance to make you proficient." [

Zhang He's loyalty rises by 20

] [Name: Zhang He (character 㑺乂

)] [Age: 38

] [Identity: General under Yuan Xi, the assassin of Youzhou

] [Force: 95+10 (super first-class)] [Command: 95 (quasi-first-class

)] [Intelligence: 74 (not into the stream)] [Politics: 62 (not in the stream



Charm:72 [Loyalty

: 100+]

It seems that as long as you hold it in your hand, your strength will increase.

Yuan Xi propped up the table: "The plan is like this, you can familiarize yourself with the tactics of the first camp and the halberd warriors as much as possible in the past few days, and you can also go to learn martial arts with those big snow dragoons, and in a few days, the war will begin!"

"This battle, defeat, we will all die, so I ...... No failure is allowed!"

"Yes, lord!" the two of them clasped their fists and exited the bed.

Yuan Xi looked at Zhen Mi.

"Now, just wait for Yuan Shang's army to be defeated!".

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