Another few days of peace and quiet.

Cao Jun still insists on that noise attack method every day.

The first dead soldiers on the city tower were almost immune when they heard it.

Everything is ready in Yecheng, just waiting for Cao's army to come and attack the city. But Cao Jun didn't do anything for a few days, and if he waited, the siege equipment that was finally destroyed would be repaired again.

Waiting is not the way, Yuan Xi inspected the city tower, and then found Zhang He.

Zhang He's right eye was swollen.

I saw Yuan Xi desperately covering his right eye with his hand. It's fun and funny to watch.

I really can't imagine that these two together are more than seventy people, and they still have this kind of child's temperament.

It really ......

The boy is a teenager until he dies!

Zhang He injured his right eye, Zhang Liao's side, needless to say. No wonder he didn't come out when he called Zhang Liao to come out to drink these days.

Hooking Zhang He's shoulder, Yuan Xi didn't care about Zhang He's dark eyes, and said

, "Prepare some thin people who are willing to die, if there is turmoil tonight, let them break through the city gate and go to Cao Ying." Remember, only you and I and the rioted soldiers know about this.

Zhang He put down his hand and said in surprise.

"My lord, what do you want?"

"Please enter the urn!" Yuan Xi said with a smile.

Zhang He didn't dare to delay, and immediately went down to prepare.

Explain the task to Zhang He.

Yuan Xi found Zhang Liao again.

Sure enough.

Yuan Xi saw an injury on Zhang Liao's left eye that was even more red and swollen than Zhang He's.

"My lord. Zhang

Liao was embarrassed.

It's not covering, it's not covering.

Or Yuan Xi simply said what he wanted to say.

"General Wenyuan, you bring some soldiers in a few days, transport all the valuables in the city out of the city, and guard these things!" Although

Zhang Liao had doubts, he had never been the kind of person who asked everything, and his philosophy only told him about the honorable order.

"Yes!" Zhang Liao clenched his fists.

Yuan Xi nodded with satisfaction.

For the time being, Zhang Liao should not let him face Cao Jun directly.

No matter what kind of game, Zhang Liao's righteousness value is very high. When Zhang Liao encountered the decline of Cao Jun, he was bound to let Cao Cao go like Guan Yu of Huarong Dao.

In fact, this thing can also be used.

Let Zhang Liao return Cao Cao's affection!

Zhang Liao, it seems that he can only play at a critical moment.

Late at night.

Outside the south gate of Yecheng.

Cao Jun's spies crouched in the grass far away from Yecheng, observing the situation in Yecheng day after day.

Cao Ying's scouts twitched his eyelids and noticed that the bonfire in the Yecheng City Tower was flickering.

Don't take it seriously yet.


In the bright Yecheng in front of him, all the fires that were lit outside were extinguished.

In Yecheng, there was a chaotic rush and shout

! "Kill!" "I can't stand it anymore

!" "Kill them all

!" "

Open the city gate, open the city gate quickly

!" "Hum!"

The gate of Yecheng was pushed open.

Cao Ying's spies were about to go back to report when they saw that in the city gate, a siege ladder was pushed out of Yecheng by unknown people, and it was on both sides of the moat.


A group of soldiers rushed out of Yecheng.

Behind the soldiers, more than a dozen silver-armored pikemen chased out.

The pikemen pursued and killed the soldiers who had fled the city.

Under the light of the moonlight, the silver armor was extremely dazzling and knowledgeable, and it was impossible for the Cao Ying spies crouching in the distance to admit their mistake.

"Go up to the city tower!" shouted angrily again in the direction of Yecheng.

"All go up to the castle tower, shoot this group of rebellious rebels to death for me! Hurry up, don't let the lord know!" After

a while, countless arrows flew out of Yecheng, and those soldiers who escaped from Yecheng also fell to the ground one after another.

Cao Ying's spies knew.

If you can't look any more, the arrows will come in his direction. There is turmoil in Yecheng, and we must go back as soon as possible to report it!

Cao Ying.

Cao Cao in the Chinese military tent was waving calligraphy at the moment, looking at the pile of strong official books on the paper, Cao Cao was very satisfied.

"Ming Gong's "Songli Xing" is really more and more flavorful, as if there are dragons and snakes swimming between the lines.

Guo Jia applauded and bragged.

"Hahahaha!" Cao Cao laughed.

"Although it is flattering, as long as it is said by Fengxiao, I love to listen. And the word will be given to you.

"Thank you Ming Gong!" Guo Jia gently waved the ink with his hand like a baby, and carefully rolled up the paper and put it in his arms.

Cao Cao stepped aside and sat down.

"How's the matter?"

Guo Jia replied, "Erzhang's family and the edict of the Son of Heaven have passed Liyang. With the edict of the Son of Heaven in front, Yuan Tan did not dare to stop him, and he would arrive at Yecheng in a few days.

Cao Cao nodded.

"Okay! Pay attention to the situation on Yuan Tan's side, as long as Yuan Tan makes a move, we will attack and eliminate Yuan Tan from behind, and then unite with reinforcements from Yanzhou to break through Yecheng in one fell swoop!"

Guo Jia bowed.

"Najia congratulated the lord in advance and took Hebei. "

Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Cao

Cao stroked his beard and laughed.

The curtain of the Chinese army shook, and Cao Hong rushed in.

Cao Cao stopped laughing, frowned and looked over, and after seeing the person clearly, his brows furrowed. "It's Zilian, what's the matter?"

Cao Hong clenched his fists.

"Lord, the scout we put on Yecheng's side has come to report that there is a disturbance in Yecheng!"

"Oh?" Cao Cao frowned and turned his head to look at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia touched his chin and looked down in thought.

"My lord, I can't rule out that this matter is false, let's look at the situation quietly. "

What Feng Xiao said is reasonable. Cao Cao nodded and said, "Zilian, continue to let them stare at Yecheng's every move." "

Yes!" Cao Hong walked out of the Chinese military tent.

However, it didn't take long for Cao Hong, who walked out of the Chinese military tent, to enter the Chinese military tent again.

"Lord, there are dozens of soldiers from Yecheng outside the camp, and they want to see the lord.

Cao Cao, who was discussing the article of the great Confucianism of the time with Guo Jiapin, looked displeased, "Some soldiers are just killed!" Cao

Hong said: "Those soldiers said that they had a way to help the lord break the city."

Cao Cao raised his head, was silent for a while, and said, "In this case, bring it over!" Cao

Hong withdrew from the camp.


Dozens of soldiers dressed in Hebei armor poured into the Chinese military tent. There were those covered in blood, and there were also those who were hit by arrows, and after seeing Cao Cao, they knelt on the ground one by one and wept bitterly.

"Cao Gong help, Cao Gong help!" Cao

Hong drew his knife to stop the soldiers.

Cao Cao was behind, his eyelids did not move, "Why did you come to our army?" The

soldiers led by him hurriedly said:

"Then Yuan Xi lied to us, saying that the grain and grass would arrive soon, but it would never arrive, we were attacked by noise all day long, we couldn't sleep, we couldn't eat, and if we stayed in Yecheng, we would all be driven crazy! Cao Gong helped!"

Cao Cao and Guo Jia glanced at each other.

Guo Jia nodded.

Cao Cao asked the soldier, "Are you the leader of these people?"

The soldier raised his head, his frightened limbs trembling, "Little ...... The small ones are.

Cao Cao closed his mouth and winked at Cao Hong.

Cao Hong stretched out his hand and grabbed the thin soldier in front of him and walked out of the Chinese military tent.

Then a terrible howl was heard, and Cao Hong walked back to the Chinese military tent with a bloody sword.


Hong walked up to Cao Cao and said to Cao Cao in his ear: "Lord, there is indeed no grain left in the stomach.

Cao Cao nodded, his gaze returning to the soldiers begging for mercy in front of him.

"Now, tell me how you can help me break the city!".

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