Zhang He was holding the overlord spear, his face full of confidence.

"Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao, I said that you are not my opponent, do you dare to fight again?"

"Why don't you dare!" Zhang Liao rushed forward again with his halberd.

Only the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of guns and halberds could be heard, echoing all around.

When they stopped again, the two had already fought for more than 40 rounds.

Zhang Liao was a little rude.

Zhang He is still calm.

But for Zhang Liao, he also had to be treated solemnly.

I have been with the Overlord spear in my hand for more than ten days and nights, and I don't know the bottom line, but I also know that this gun is an absolute treasure.

One shot down, the force is as heavy as a peak.

This Zhang Liao was able to hold out for more than forty rounds before he took a deep breath.

Zhang He felt more and more.

Yuan Xi knows people very well.

He and Zhang Liao have been colleagues for four years, but except for the battle of Guandu four years ago, they have not understood Zhang Liao very well for four years.


Zhang He exhaled.

"Zhang Wenyuan, I see that you are a rare general, why don't you switch to my lord Yuan Xi?"

"What kind of face do you have to let me join your army?" Zhang Liao's breath returned to stability, grinning and sneering.

Zhang He was a little annoyed.

"Rebel general, I am already a minister of the Yuan family, how can I say that I am

a traitor?" "Changed the court five times, who are you not a traitor?" Zhang Liao snorted coldly.

Zhang He sneered, "That's much better than you Zhang Wenyuan, right?" From Ding Yuan to Cao Cao, how many masters have you experienced?" "

I can still repent, and now I am willing to accompany the Yuan family to die on the battlefield, what about you? Why don't you go to your lord Lu Bu to be buried now?"

Zhang Liao kept spinning the crescent halberd in his hand to soothe the anger in his heart, and forced out a smile.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the dignified Zhang Yu would also take advantage of his tongue. "

It's over!" Zhang He clenched his fists.

Then he sat down in an instant, and the white horse accelerated, holding the overlord spear and stabbing at Zhang Liao.

Forty is already the upper limit, Zhang Liao is obviously weak now, and the heavy spear has exhausted his strength, so he turned his horse's head and ran away.

"Dignified Zhang Wenyuan, did you also have a day to escape?" Zhang He sneered in the back.

"Zhang He, as a general, you still have to compete in the use of soldiers, what kind of ability is it to

be brave and brave?" "Are you afraid?" Zhang He was aggressive.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, keep up!" "

What about keeping up?"

Zhang He sat down on the white horse and the speed accelerated, and the task given to him by Yuan Xi was to capture Zhang Liao alive, but he couldn't let Zhang Liao run away.

The two horses chased and fled.

Zhang He was getting closer and closer to Zhang Liao.

It didn't take long for him to approach Zhang Liao.

The corners of Zhang He's mouth rose, the overlord spear was raised high, and the barrel of the gun swung violently.

Zhang Liao was shocked.

But in an instant, the swinging spear disappeared in front of him.

Instead, an arrow was broken by a single shot.

"General Zhang, hurry back!"


Lejin put away his longbow.

Without saying a word, he beckoned Zhang Liao to hurry back to the location of the army.

Even though he brought hundreds of cavalry, Le Jin did not dare to rush forward, for fear of falling into the scheme.

Zhang Liao didn't dare to fight, so he ran wildly.

"Don't want to run!" Zhang

He chased after him.

Le Jin also saw that Zhang Liao was a little weak.

Lap the horse forward. "General Zhang will go first, and I will block two moves. "

Wen Qian slow!" Zhang Liao hurriedly raised his hand to stop it, but who expected that Lejin was short in stature but extremely fast, jumped off the horse and ran directly in front of Zhang Liao to resist Zhang He.


The two guns fought, and the spear in Le Jin's hand suddenly couldn't bear the strength of the overlord spear, and was bent by the overlord spear.

Le Jin immediately dropped his spear, pulled out the sword around his waist and supported the horse's back with one hand, wanting to sneak attack Zhang He from behind.

The corners of Zhang He's eyes jumped.

Although Lejin's force is not top-notch.

It's blazing fast.

Before Zhang He could react, Le Jin had already jumped on horseback.

I only heard the neighing of the white horse under Zhang He.


Zhang He fell off the horse and was frightened.

Lejin's speed, if you change to another person, you will definitely be slashed to death by a sudden knife.

Kill the white horse, and Lejin will not be in love with war.

Glancing at Zhang He.

Running back in three or two steps and jumping on horseback.

"Everyone, withdraw the army!"

the cavalry ordered, turning the horse's head! Then,

I don't know when, there was already a group of silver-armored cavalry.

In front of the silver-armored cavalry, Yuan Xi sighed.

"Leave so soon, isn't it?, when you come to Hebei, why do I Yuan Xi have to do some landlord friendship

?" "You are Yuan Xi?" Le Jin rode forward.

Yuan Xi's eyes lit up, "Why, Cao Jun has come to my door, and he doesn't even

know the head of the family?" "No need to know!" Le Jin's voice and movements came out together, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Yuan Xi's front and the ring head knife fell.

Yuan Xi grinned.

"What, treat me as a soft persimmon?" Le

Jin was shocked.

However, the next second.

A sword light flashed before his eyes.

The big sword was divided into two pieces by the sword light in front of his eyes, and the sword light slashed straight towards the top of his head.


The sword light slashed down, and

the blood flew out more than a foot high.

Lejin flew out upside down.

However, Yuan Xi was not happy.

"Dodge?" Yuan

Xi frowned, he really saw that the moment the Tai'a sword fell on top of Le Jin's head, Le Jin turned over to avoid the vital point.

That's ...... speed

It's really terrifying!

Le Jin got up, and the armor from his chin to his ribs was slashed by the Tai'a sword.

Jaw and chest injuries.

It is

different from Yuan Xi's surprise.

Lejin is now shrouded in fear, the fear of death.

He didn't want to stay with Yuan Xi for even a second now.

"Wen Qian?" Zhang Liao shouted.

Le Jin endured the pain and turned to get on the horse.

"Wen Yuan, this person is invincible, use these cavalry to rush out!"

Le Jin ordered.

The cavalry of the Cao army immediately scattered.

Yuan Xi watched quietly and let these cavalry run around.

This cavalry is running regularly, looking chaotic, but in fact, they are running around Le Jin and Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao and Le Jin took off their pockets.

The cavalry movement line was dazzling, resulting in no clear direction of Zhang Liao and Lejin's specific position.

Yuan Xi raised an eyebrow.

"Kill!" the

big snow dragoon rushed up.

Those Cao army cavalry couldn't block two moves at all, and they died with the horses under them.

The cavalry of the Cao army did not dare to fight.

Desperately run.

In this escape, Yuan Xi finally saw Zhang Liao's location.

The corners of his mouth hooked, and he ran directly to Zhang Liao with the Tai'a sword in his hand. On the way, one sword at a time, he killed a large number of Cao army cavalry.

The speed of the black horse is not comparable to ordinary horses at all, and it appeared behind Zhang Liao and Le Jin in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Liao turned his head.

Fear widened his eyes.

looked at the injured Le Jin again, turned the horse's head and picked up the crescent halberd and rushed towards Yuan Xi.

"Wen Qian, go first!"

the second horse faced each other.

The crescent halberd is more than nine feet long.

Gain a weapon advantage over the Tai'a sword.

However, at the moment of confrontation, Zhang Liao was stunned.

This hard crescent halberd, like a piece of soil, was easily split by a sword, and the terrifying sword light fell, directly cutting off the horse's head.

Zhang Liao fell off his horse.

Bright red blood bloomed in the

smell of blood in his eyes, danger came, and the sword light suddenly flashed, heading towards his neck.

Only between breaths.

Zhang Liao suffered cardiac arrest, closed his eyes and waited for death.


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