February 190 A.D.

Outside the Tiger Prison.

The Eighteenth Route Coalition Army was huge, and the flag covered the sky.

"Report, generals, among the Dong thief army, someone went out of the city to provoke!".

Hear this.

Yuan Shao, who was sitting at the top, slapped the table suddenly: "Who is coming?"

"Claiming to be Lu Bu, holding a ......".

The herald's words have not yet fallen.

In the originally clear sky.

Suddenly the sky changed, and the clouds were thick.

It's not just the tiger that keeps the money at bay.

The entire land of China.

It's almost dark.

Suddenly, an emotionless voice sounded in everyone's heads.

"One hundred and fourteen years later, Li Xiong, the leader of the Di tribe, occupied Chengdu, called himself "King of Chengdu", known as Cheng Han in history, and Liu Yuan, a Xiongnu nobleman, raised troops in Lishi, known as Qianzhao in history, and opened the curtain of Wuhu Chaohua!".

"The land of the Central Plains, lost into the hands of the Hu people, the people of the Central Plains do not survive, they are called two-legged sheep by the Hu people, whether they are dignitaries or ordinary people, they are not spared, the corpses are blocked and yellow, the heavens and the earth are discolored, women are slaves, men are animals, they work in spring, they are rations in winter, they are dressed in the south, and Shenzhou sinks ......".

With this voice, pictures appeared in everyone's minds.

The Hu people, dressed in barbarian costumes, wreaked havoc on the land of the Central Plains.

They galloped on horseback and slaughtered the people dressed in Han clothes at will.

In the clay pot, children who were cooked by the Hu people ......

The whole picture lasted for about ten minutes.

Only then did it slowly disappear.

Heaven and earth also slowly returned to their normal color.

The whole world is clear again.

It's just that between heaven and earth, there is no more noise just now.

Only deathly silence remains.

After a long time.

Someone finally reacted.

Cao Cao raised his head and looked around.

Looking at the crowd who were also stunned.

Slammed the table: "Generals, you have all seen it." "

Cao Cao's words woke everyone up.

Beihai Taishou Kong Rong fell to the ground trembling and said: "It's

not true, it's not true, it's not true, it's fake, it's fake, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Kong Rong, who received Confucian education since he was a child and read the Book of Poetry, obviously couldn't believe what appeared in his mind just now.

and Kong Rong also had a similar reaction to Jizhou Thorn Shi Han Fu.

Both of them were Confucian scholars, and everything they saw just now shattered their three views.


are all muttering to themselves, fake, all fake.

It was at this time.

Sun Jian stood up sharply and drew his long sword.

roared: "Where did the demon come from, demagoguery, see if I don't kill you!".

In the midst of the battle, there was already chaos at this time.

Like Sun Jian, he drew his sword and looked angrily, trembling and crying.

More are like Cao Cao, with a serious face and a wordless.

And at this time, outside the camp of the princes of the Eighteenth Road.

Lu Bu suddenly roared angrily: "Where did the demon come from, he dared to bewitch my Lu Bu's heart! Come out, have the ability to come out, and fight to the death with me Lu Bu!"

Lu Bu's eyes were red.

Hold the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand.

Those pictures just now, especially Hu Ren's arrogant face, lingered in Lu Bu's mind.

"Native chickens and dogs, Ann dares to bully my big Han people!".

I saw Lu Bu roaring angrily.

Fang Tian's halberd slammed into the ground, and in an instant, dust flew up, and a large pit appeared beside Lu Bu.


Inside Luoyang City.

Dong Zhuo opened his eyes suddenly: "Hu people dare to er!"

After saying that, he jerked out his long sword.

Slashed the long table in front of him.

The long table in front of him was split in two.

Then he was puzzled.

rushed out of the Queen Mother's bedroom directly with a sword.

"Where are the Hu people, where are the Hu people!".

Frightened, the surrounding eunuchs immediately knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

A few minutes later.

Only then did Dong Zhuo calm down.

Stick your sword into the ground.

I looked up at the sky.

Then he turned to look north.

"Could it be that the heavens are hinting at me something?".

And on the other side of the palace.

Emperor Han Xian stood up covered in sweat.

The little eunuch beside him immediately stepped forward and helped Emperor Han Xian.

"You see?".

When the little eunuch heard this, he immediately nodded tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, it must be all fake, an illusion used by demons......

Emperor Han Xian walked out of his palace without saying a word.

Then he broke free of the hand of the little eunuch who was supporting him.

Knelt on the ground suddenly: "Heaven, how thin my big Han people, I can bear the sin of my big Han alone, why don't I ...... my big Han people



The whole land of China.


The people, officials, heroes, and generals all saw the previous scene.

"Kill the bearded people!".

"Kill the bearded people!".

"Kill the bearded people!".

I don't know who suddenly shouted such a sentence.

And then the whole heaven and the earth.

All of them resounded with such a sentence.

Among the camps of the princes of the Eighteen Roads.

Everyone is back to normal.

Yuan Shao sat in the first place with a heavy face and looked at everyone else.

"Tell me, guys, what's going on!".

Cao Cao stood up and walked to the middle of the road.

"I have already sent someone to ask just now, not only did we see those pictures, but all the soldiers in the army outside the account saw the pictures, and Lu Bu outside the battle, all of them saw it!"

After all that is said.

Cao Cao looked around and said, "It shouldn't be some kind of witchcraft!"

"Those so-called immortals, I have also seen a few Cao Mengde, they are just some tricks, but just now the heavens and the earth changed color, and the earth screamed! This is a warning from the heavens!"

Hear this.

Quite a few people nodded.

agreed with Cao Cao's statement.

"Then we are now, can we still ask Dong?"

As soon as this sentence came out.

Everyone fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were on Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance, also had a headache at this time.

I don't know if I should continue to talk to Dong.

Looking at the rest of the princes around him, he said: "This matter is very important, I think we should think about it in the long run, everyone, I think we should go back to the camp first, discuss today's matter, and then make plans, what do you think?"

Yuan Shao's words came out.

There was an immediate response from everyone.

"Then let's go back and discuss it first, and then discuss whether to continue to discuss Dong tomorrow!"


"Yuan Alliance Master, let's take our leave first!".

Soon, the princes of the Eighteenth Route left the tent.

And Dong Zhuojun side.

Lu Bu also took the lead in returning to the Tiger Prison.

The entire battlefield, although there was no fighting.

But it has gradually become loud.

The general saw it, and the soldiers at the bottom and the people also saw the scene just now.

Everyone beat their chests.

I just want to kill the Hu people, not in the Central Plains, cannibalism!

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