Backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, in the lounge of the Art Troupe for the Disabled.

They have all changed into their glittering performance costumes, only the props on their fingers have not been worn yet.

After the next show is over, they will touch up their makeup and wear the remaining performance props. Next, you can go to the stage channel and wait.

At this moment, Xu Cong received a WeChat reply from Luo Mo, and immediately called the deaf-mute girls to come and watch together.

They looked at Luo Mo's answer, and Chen Lili and the others all had smiles on their faces.

They always thought that Luo Mo was a gentle person to the disadvantaged.

Now, the deaf-mute girls just want to perform well later and dance this dance well.

The previous god-level program, the underwater dance "Prayer", can be said to have raised the level of the dance program of this year's Spring Festival Gala by several layers.

"Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands" is arranged at the back, but it is not possible to lower this rising force.

This is also a big challenge for the handicapped art troupe.

It is obvious to all that Luo Mo attaches great importance to "Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands".

During the rehearsal, the place where he came the most was the Art Troupe for the Disabled.

Many people from CCTV, as well as the staff, have never seen the complete stage because of the good secrecy work.

These people are actually curious too.

"What kind of program can make the chief planner pay so much attention to it?"

"Can there be a dance program that Luo Mo values ​​so much?"

"For a long time, dance programs have been used as a foil."

"Is it because people with disabilities are at higher risk?"

There are all kinds of speculation, and it can be said that there are different opinions internally.

Moreover, there was news that at the high-level meeting, Ji Huawen asked Luo Mo and Ning Dan to introduce several seed programs in various types of programs this year.

Among the dance programs, Luo Mo ranked "Avalokitesvara" first.

In fact, during the meeting, a CCTV executive asked, "Since you value this program so much, why don't you make it into a recording and broadcasting like "Prayer"?"

Luo Mo replied: "The recording and broadcast of "Prayer" is because it is impossible to complete a two-minute perfect stage with manpower, and it must be edited in dozens of hours of material."

"Water performances, just the radian and opening degree of a streamer, can't be controlled."

"Manpower is sometimes poor, so I choose to record and broadcast, so that everyone can see the best side."

"But "Avalokitesvara" is different. I think the Art Troupe for the Disabled can make a perfect live presentation."

"I insist on live broadcasting." Luo Mo replied firmly.

It's like a talented singer who has practiced a song to the extreme, she has put in countless efforts, and then you tell him to fake it.

This will make a lot of her efforts come to naught, which seems unnecessary, and at the same time, it will not be able to perfectly demonstrate her super personal ability.

In addition, the shock to the audience will also be reduced.

The final result was that Ji Huawen made the decision and respected the decisions made by Luo Mo and Ning Dan.

This made Ning Dan feel a lot more relaxed.

This is the most relaxed one since she and CCTV have cooperated several times, with the least restrictions and the greatest power given to them.

Without Ji Huawen's backing, there would definitely be some people pointing fingers, some laymen guiding experts.

Now, the Art Troupe for the Disabled has made final preparations.

On the stage, perform the final finishing touches of the current stage.

Some children-oriented programs will be scheduled earlier.

The following program is a bit child-oriented.

Because it is also a nursery rhyme.

However, this song is actually being listened to by many adults, and the adult audience is no less than the children's audience.

When the camera switched to another stage, the first thing everyone saw was a black piano.

Many people had sharp eyes and immediately left messages on the barrage.

"This is Xiaoyu's special piano!"

"Yes, there's her name on it!"

"National sister is here!"

"Haha, I knew Xiao Yu would not be absent."

When the camera gave a close shot, what everyone saw was the white and slender fingers on the keys.

When Ding Xiaoyu's fingers played the first note on the piano, the name of the show appeared in front of the audience.

—— "Insects Fly".

"[Lyricist: Luo Mo.]"

"【Composer: Luo Mo.】"

"【Singing: Ding Xiaoyu.】"

This is a nursery rhyme that many people on earth are familiar with, and many people can sing along.

At the same time, it is also an episode of the movie "Fengyun-Heroes of the World".

Well, it's the version of the movie starring Ekin Cheng.

It has to be said that in the Fengyun series, it can be said that it is the wind and cloud of flowing water and the tyrant of iron.

In most versions, Xiong Ba is played by the same person.

If you look carefully, the song was not necessarily released as a nursery rhyme in the first place.

Because both the lyricist and the composer are the top people in the industry on the planet.

Perhaps because of its melodious melody and special style, it gradually became a nursery rhyme.

The bullet screen is sweeping at this moment.

"Ah! Xiao Yu wants to sing?"

"looking forward to!"

"Xiao Yu sings very well!"

"The title of the song is quite interesting."

When Ding Xiaoyu opened his voice, many viewers were attracted.

"[The black sky hangs low,

Followed by bright stars,

Bugs fly, bugs fly,

Who are you missing. 】”

The lyrics are very simple, but they fit perfectly with the tune.

"This song is so beautiful!"

"It's very artistic!"

"It's like a nursery rhyme."

"It feels like a summer night back."

"It took me back to the country all at once."

In front of the TV, many young viewers watched the program very seriously.

This song is completely different in the hearts of adults and in the eyes of many children.

Adults find it more of a love song.

But it is also very suitable for singing when coaxing children to sleep.

The key points that the children grasped were the night, the stars, the bugs and the flowers.

Adults may focus on longing and pairing.

Part A of the song was sung by Ding Xiaoyu solo.

When he sang to the B section, the camera panned a panorama.

It turned out that there was a group of children standing on the other side of the stage.

After they appeared, Ding Xiaoyu devoted himself to the accompaniment work.

The chorus of children's voices adds a touch of aestheticism to the whole song, as well as that sense of innocence and romance.

Many children are completely fascinated by it.

"【Insects fly, flowers sleep,

One pair after another is beautiful. 】”

The singing voice spread on the stage, passed into the ears, and penetrated deep into the heart.

Many people left messages on the barrage:

"The best nursery rhyme in recent years!"

"I don't even think of it as a nursery rhyme!"

"I suddenly miss my grandma, it's amazing!"

"Me too! I miss grandma too!"

At the end of the song, the repeaters in the barrage began to swipe the screen with two words - "It sounds good!"

As expected of Luo Mo, nursery rhymes can also do this.

Ding Xiaoyu's voice is very clean and comfortable to listen to.

It starts with her and ends with a children's chorus, without any sense of disobedience.

Many preschool and primary school teachers plan to download this song.

In the future, when the class sings in chorus, you can sing it!

In fact, there is also a Cantonese version of this song.

The name of the Cantonese version is exactly like a love song, called "A Couple".

When Ding Xiaoyu stepped down, several programs at this stage came to an end.

The camera switched to the host, and they will carry out the next program connection.

At the passageway of the stage, the handicapped art troupe is already making preparations, stepping onto the stage one by one, and then standing at the designated position on the stage.

Four sign language teachers are also in place in four directions to cooperate with each other.

On the host's side, the disabled art troupe was introduced.

When I learned that the next program was completed by 21 deaf-mute people, I was surprised in the barrage.

"Dancing for the deaf?"

"What kind of dance?"

"It's Luo Mo and Xu Cong's choreography!"

"I'm already looking forward to it!"

It is still prime time now, so some seed programs will be prioritized in this time period.

However, prime time is also drawing to a close.

Some knowledgeable people will instinctively think that the next two or three programs must also be the highlights of this year.

The dance of the Disabled Art Troupe is arranged during this time period, which is definitely very important.

And there is one thing you need to understand-"Prayer" sets the tone too high.

With its gems in front, the dance programs in the back are not very easy.

If you don't have enough confidence in this program, then you should swap it with "Pray".

Put better programs later.

After all, as soon as the move is amplified, everyone feels that the depths of their hearts have been shaken severely. Then, if the follow-up is weak, there will be a feeling of emptiness and a strong sense of gap.

This is a very basic way of arranging troops. If Luo Mo can't even think of this, he can't be regarded as a competent master planner.

At this moment, people in the dance world have their expectations raised in an instant.

As I said before, Xu Cong is an excellent choreographer in China.

In the industry, he already had a great reputation.

For many people who learn to dance, his name is very popular.

As for how strong Luo Mo is, "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and "Prayer" are there.

"The cooperation between the two should be awesome, right?" Many people thought.

Backstage at the Spring Festival Gala, Luo Mo was also a little excited.

"Finally it's the turn of Avalokiteshvara." He said in his heart.

You know, this show is [world-class] on Earth!

It shocked not only the Chinese people, but the whole world!

For Luo Mo, whether it is "Tang Palace Night Banquet" or "Prayer", it is the integration of dancers, special effects and scenes to produce beautiful visual effects.

Relatively speaking, "Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands" is more about the dance itself.

The shock it brings comes purely from the dancers themselves!

"Get ready, the next step is high energy!" Luo Mo said in his heart.



Tiantuan, the host of CCTV, has already given a brief introduction to the next program.

When the screen switched over, everyone in the Art Troupe for the Disabled had all stood in a row.

Lead dancer Chen Lili stood at the front.

From this picture, you can hardly see the people behind you.

Her expression tends to be calm, with a faint smile on her face, giving people a sense of dignity.

The program name appears.

- "Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands".

"Boom!" It sounded like a bell in a temple.

That's when the music started.

The sound of the music throughout the performance is actually a plus.

It will give people a feeling of bathing in Buddha's light.

When Xu Cong heard the soundtrack sent by Luo Mo, he was completely convinced.

The young man's musical talents seemed inexhaustible.

Not only is the song written well, but even the soundtrack of this dance is perfect!

Chen Lili stood at the front, motionless.

When the seal in her hand began to change, countless audience members couldn't help but widen their eyes.

In the sound of music, two arms appeared below.

Immediately afterwards, four arms, six arms, eight arms...  

Chen Lili's expression didn't change much.

When these arms came together and almost reached a semicircle, they twisted again and retracted one after another.

When these arms appeared outward again, they were already fully opened.

Behind the lead dancer Chen Lili, there are 40 arms!

The shock of this moment is hard to describe.

If you really want to describe it, you can only use - those two words!

In the barrage, from the first pair of arms appeared, the word "fuck" hasn't stopped.

Sorry, we also know that today is New Year's Eve.

I'm sorry, but we only want Guanyin to be performed in this show.

But we can't help it!

Bodhisattva forgive me, I really can't help but lie!

There is really no other word that can accurately express the indescribable strong shock in the hearts of the audience.

Many people didn't know how many people were standing behind.

There is nothing unusual about many people standing in a row and dancing together.

However, if you add the theme of [Avalokitesvara], the props on their fingers, the music, and their precise dancing...every detail has been made to the extreme, perfect!

If a normal dancer brings such a performance, everyone will feel goosebumps.

But the feeling is even more indescribable when you think that they are all deaf and dumb.

You can't even imagine how they did it.

Do you think that this year's Spring Festival Gala will be the same as in previous years, relying on some special people to sensationalize, to engage in humanistic care, to rely on vulnerable groups to deceive tears and capture everyone's sympathy?

They did not show their vulnerable side on stage.

They are telling everyone with practical actions - I am a top dancer!

Even if I can't hear, even if I can't communicate with people normally, my strength is top-notch!

"How is this precisely stuck?"

"How do you practice on weekdays!"

"The arrangement is too novel!"

Many people looked at Chen Lili, and actually felt a touch of compassion from her facial expressions!

At the moment when all the arms were retracted and then fully opened, there was extremely warm applause at the Spring Festival Gala.

Irrepressible! The applause was completely irrepressible!

I really feel dazzled, and I really feel that the visual impact has reached the top level!

At this moment, there are hardly any stage special effects.

But it feels like watching special effects.

The hands of the audience didn't listen at all, and they clapped desperately, as if they were about to slap them.

——They couldn't hear such warm applause.

In the special soundtrack, many people have different feelings.

Some people feel a little like crying.

Some people feel that the mind is purified.

Avalokitesvara, the full name is Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands and eyes, and it is one of the six Avalokitesvara in Buddhism.

On each hand, there is an eye.

Thousands of hands represent the protection of all living beings.

A thousand eyes, representing the world.

The mainstream image of Avalokitesvara often uses 42 arms to symbolize a thousand hands, which is exactly the same on the stage.

If "Prayer" is a goddess flying to the sky, "Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands" is a bodhisattva in this world.

In the barrage, many sand sculpture netizens were very excited.

"Kneel down! Really kneel down!"

"The Bodhisattva is in this world, can't you just kneel and watch this dance?"

"I saw a living Bodhisattva!"

(ps: Tomorrow, I will go to Hangzhou with my wife to try on wedding dresses and buy some wedding things. I will take wedding photos in Hangzhou on the 26th, and hold a wedding banquet on the 29th of next month. Although my son is born, I can’t do any of the ceremonies that should be given. It is down, so there may be no update tomorrow, if you go back to the hotel early, there may be one, please let me know first.)

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