This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 337 Little Dong'er Joins the Film Crew

"Ha ha…"

The two little ones ran upstairs happily, Yang Qing looked at the distressed and helpless Bai Zhijun, and said with a teasing smile: "Brother Bai, are you cold?"

Bai Zhijun →_→: "You go!"

"Ha ha…"

Yang Qing laughed loudly again, and Tan Jiner also squinted his eyes and smiled happily.

There are children in the family, and joy always happens inadvertently all the time.

"By the way, the second copyright fee for the songs of the little guys should come down on the 12th of this month. I will transfer it to you two directly at that time."

After laughing for a while, Yang Qing suddenly remembered this and said aloud.

"The second sum! How much is it?" Bai Zhijun was stunned and then delighted.

"Well... it should be a little more than the first one, but not too much. Why, Brother Bai has an idea." Yang Qing looked at him and smiled.

"Hehe... I have some ideas." Bai Zhijun laughed and said, "At that time, can you secretly transfer five thousand to your elder brother and me in private, and don't let your sister-in-law know?"

"Ah...five thousand, Brother Bai, why do you want so much!" Tan Jin'er said in surprise.

"Five thousand... much?!"

Bai Zhijun immediately looked at Tan Jin'er with resentment on his face and said, "Jin'er, Brother Bai, I am a seven-foot man, I have more than five thousand yuan on me! You hurt my self-esteem!"

"Hehe~" Tan Jin'er stuck out her tongue and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Brother Bai, didn't I turn my head around for a while, I apologize to you."

"Hmph, what do you need the police to do if an apology is useful!" Bai Zhijun snorted a little arrogantly, then winked at Tan Jiner and said, "Keep it a secret, don't tell your sister-in-law, and don't do it in front of that little bastard. You slipped your tongue!"

Tan Jiner nodded happily: "Haha~ good! I will keep it a secret!"

"Well, it's worth it"

After finishing Tan Jin'er, Bai Zhijun signaled to Yang Qing: "Qingzi, what do you say, promise or not?"

"No problem, but I have one condition." Yang Qing smiled.

"What conditions, say! I can't do it without your elder brother!"

"How about you go to practice driving with me to test your driver's license?" Yang Qing said.

"Testing for a driver's license?!" Bai Zhijun was stunned: "What are you doing with that thing? I don't have a car!"

Yang Qing: "...there will be a car!"

"I don't even take the test. It costs money to buy a car, and it costs even more to drive! Isn't the electric three-wheeler delicious!"

Yang Qing: "... Do you want five thousand dollars?"


"Then go learn with me!"

"I don't buy a car!"

"I didn't let you buy a car!"

"If I don't buy a car, what will I learn from that thing!"

Yang Qing: ...

Tan Jiner: Hahaha...

At the same time, on the second floor, the two cubs who had money shouted happily.

"Hiaahia...Qiu'er! I have money, my sister gave me twenty dollars! I can buy candy...Gah!"

As soon as Xiao Xi'er spit out the word "sugar", she immediately realized that she had spoken the happy words hidden in her heart, and quickly covered her mouth with her small hands.

"hiahia... that... I didn't say anything just now, you didn't hear anything"

Putting down her little hand covering her little mouth, she hurriedly waved her little hand again.

"I heard, Xi'er, you want to buy candies"

As soon as Xiao Xi'er finished speaking, before Xiao Qiu'er could make a sound, someone grabbed her small body from behind, and a crisp sound rang in her ears.

"Hiaahia... Sister Xia, you've finished today's homework." Xiao Xi'er turned her head to look at Xiao Xia who appeared behind her and said with a smile.

"Yeah" Xiao Xiaer nodded, and then warned the little doll, "Don't buy sweets, your teeth will turn black, fall out, hurt, and you will cry, you know?"

"I know, I know, Xi'er knows." Xiao Xi'er nodded her head repeatedly and said in a milky voice: "I was joking just now, I want to take money to treat Mengmeng to eat delicious food."

"Well, nice"

Xiao Xia'er touched her little head, then looked at the three little ones and said with a smile: "Clean up quickly, we are leaving soon."


The three little ones nodded in response, and then watched Xiao Xia walk into the hut, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

In this family, what the three little ones are most afraid of is not Mama Bai, but Xiao Xia'er!

This second sister, she really spanked her when she made a mistake, she didn't show mercy at all!

"Hoho... Qiu'er, Hanhan'er, let's go eat the hot and spicy cup after we're done!"

Xiao Xia'er went back to the house, Xiao Bai hurriedly took out his own money, came to Xiao Qiu'er, waved it, and said happily.

"Yeah, I want to call Mengmeng!" Xiao Xier agreed with a little head.

"Hee hee, I still need to call Shang Nian Nian and Du Du," Xiao Qiu'er agreed.

"Hoho...I want it! I also want to buy a small cake for our little Dong'er!"

Xiao Bai grinned, then squatted in front of Xiao Dong'er and said in a milky voice: "Dong'er, can you tell me?"

"Hmm~ sister~"


Xiao Dong'er grinned and babbled with her little pacifier, then she stretched out her little hand and hugged Xiao Bai's watermelon head, and kissed a few times, leaving a little bit of saliva behind.

Xiao Bai was stunned by the sudden attack, and then she said with a loving smile in her eyes, but a serious face:

"Little Dong'er, Sister Xiaobai wants to tell you seriously, you are not allowed to act cute, obedient, or cute!"

"Oh~ yeah~"


"Xiaobai, Qiu'er, you have to take good care of Dong'er today, and listen to sister Jin'er on the set, you know?"

At half past eight, Yang Qing walked towards Huang Zhiwei's crew with Xiao Dong'er and Tan Jin'er in his arms.

Xiao Xi'er also wanted to come along, but unfortunately she had to film a scene today, so she could only pout and give up in aggrieved manner.

However, the three little ones made an appointment, and at noon, they asked their friends to spend money and eat delicious food together.

"I know"

Hearing Yang Qing's words, Xiaobai and Xiaoqiu'er were very serious little heads. They also understood their responsibilities today, so they seemed very serious.

"Well, when Dong'er is filming on the set, you stay with sister Jin'er, don't run around, you know?"

"I know!"

"Well, there is..."

Along the way, Yang Qing babbled a lot of advice to the two little ones, and the two little ones nodded in agreement one by one, watching Tan Jin'er beaming with joy.

In fact, she understood Yang Qing's intention of letting the two cubs come over. Taking care of Xiao Dong'er was just a little bit, and what was more important was letting them accompany Xiao Dong'er.

After all, our little Dong'er is still very young, so we need our young ladies to play and chat with us after work.

Walking all the way to the "Pokemon" crew, Yang Qing and the others saw Huang Zhiwei waiting at the gate of the crew.

"Director Huang, I'm sorry, I'm late"

Stepping forward, Yang Qing apologized apologetically.

"Haha... no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no" Huang Zhiwei smiled and said: "Have you eaten breakfast? I bought the little crab buns that the cuties like to eat, let's go eat some first."

"Hehe~ Director Huang, you are being polite, we ate at home"

Yang Qing smiled and shook his head, then he kissed the little Donger in his arms, then handed her to Tan Jiner, and smiled to Huang Zhiwei:

"Director Huang, I won't go in. The crew is still waiting for me to shoot, sister, I'll leave it to you."

"Yeah, leave it to me, don't worry!" Huang Zhiwei immediately patted his chest and promised, "If they suffer a little bit of grievance from me, Xiao Yang, you will only ask me!"

"Haha... Director Huang is getting serious, so I'll leave now"

Yang Qing smiled, then patted the heads of the two little ones one by one, and said softly: "Brother is gone, be obedient and be good, and take good care of my sister."

"Yeah, goodbye brother, Qiu'er will take good care of Dong'er!"

"Bye brother Qing, Xiaobai will take good care of Dong'er and Qiu'er! Don't worry!"

"Yeah, Brother Qing, thank you Xiaobai."

"Hey... this is my strong point!"

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