This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 202: Vortex

"Huh, is it my illusion?" Archie checked the time of the mobile phone. At 6:12 in the morning, the old people who were getting up early were eating early and talking about the shortcomings of the parents. "No matter, first Fill up your stomach! "

After taking a few mouthfuls of noodles, Archie felt that there was always something wrong, and even the intentionally added ham sausage was not in the mood to finish eating, put down the cup noodles, set up another 8 minutes, and brought the holographic helmet back to the game!

"60, 59, 58 ..." After going online, Archie immediately concentrated his energy and stared straight at the time in the upper right corner of the in-game eye, counting down!

As mentioned earlier, Archie's nerves are extremely fast and very precise for short-term control. This brought him another talent, like a stopwatch in his heart, he can accurately time ten minutes when needed, and the minutes and seconds are not bad!

Previously, because of the focus on the content of the game, this skill was only occasionally used when playing BOSS. After all, high concentration will also quickly accumulate fatigue, which is not conducive to long-term online. But just now, because I was thinking about the noodles that had just been brewed, Archie didn't feel like counting down the 8 minutes with the mobile phone alarm. As a result ... the alarm was a few seconds slower!

Is it too tired to affect your precise biological clock? If you have n’t encountered an incident of accelerated thinking, Archie may think about it like this, but it ’s not going to happen ... but what if it is n’t? You must confirm it again!

"... 3, 2, 1.60, 59 ..." Four minutes passed, and there was a deviation. According to the number of system time, there is a deviation of about 1-2 seconds from the time that the biological clock tells you!

"... 2, 1, 60, 59, ..." 7 minutes! The sense of deviation continues to expand! See you soon!

"... 3, 2, 1!" According to the time of the game system, the alarm should sound, but it did not sound!

Continue to follow the biological clock ... 3, 2, 1! Bell! There is a deviation of 3 seconds in 8 minutes! No hurry, continue to verify.

Take another look at the game time, 6:20:34, go offline, wait two seconds, go online! This very short wave of operation takes 6 seconds! Look at the time, 6:20:37! The system will correct the extra 3 seconds just now!


"Brother's luck ... what's the matter?" Back at the table, he settled the remaining half of the instant noodle ham sausage, thinking about the hidden inside story.

Technical errors can be ruled out! Archie understands people, this must be caused by the acceleration of ultra-small doses of thinking! And it is deliberately done by the Dragon Group! Otherwise, why go online and correct the deviation immediately?

What I don't understand is why this is done?

The good idea is to test the brain's ability to withstand accelerated thinking and develop new technologies ...

But if you think about it in a bad way ... Is this a time stolen? Isn't it right ... Time is gross, should it be said that the brain's computing power is stolen for these tens of seconds?

Horrible ... but ...

"... What do you think of these?" Mom, no matter what terrible conspiracy there is in it, let's just worry about what the ordinary people are doing! Play your own game, anyway, the sky falls down and there is a high top! what? Not tall? Cultivate a chant! Haven't you been thinking about how to induce Tang Chongyang to investigate the Dragon Group?

That being said, Archie moved the socket to the bed again ... In case there is an accident that occurred during the last upgrade and maintenance, and there is a power failure to save life ... Be careful!


"Your Excellency Selim! Come here, there is a situation that you need to decide!" Once again on the line, Desto Ye stood in the bow calling.

"what's up?"

"Look ahead!"

Archie tried his best to look forward, the fog was thinner, but it still affected the sight very much ... it seems that there is nothing wrong? Yep? and many more! Why is the sea level slanting down! Why did the boat go down at an angle?

"We are lucky, but encountered a bigger vortex!" Tauren commanded quipped.

When are you still joking? "How did you get in here? Turn to the detour quickly! What do you want me to win?"

"Ah ... Because there was fog just now, I can't see the sea clearly. I accidentally rushed straight in, as if I couldn't break free ..."

"Nani ???? Full sail, speed up and rush again!"

"There's no wind in the fog ..." Di Stouye again pointed to the sail that was dragging ... to finish! Virgin Air is about to kneel!

"Then what do you call me?"

Damn, you can't give up until the end!

"Guost, what about people?"

"Come here, what does the benefactor tell you?" Worthy of being an elite person, he will not change his face in such a dangerous situation!

"Add water walking to everyone, we are going to abandon the boat!" Archie said with pain.

"No problem! But I want to remind my benefactor that the effect of going on a" water walk "will dissipate in this unstable sea."

Doesn't it work? Come, change the plan! Anyway, I sat on the boat for a few hours, and I didn't find a way out. I felt like I was still in a circle! I really want to follow a straight line. This high-speed ship can cross most of the ocean in 5 hours!

Since you can't walk in a straight line at sea, let's take a look below! Although the speed is slow, at least it can go straight, right?

"Dela! All blessing 'Turtle Breath'!"

"Roger that!"

"Everyone has it, enter the inner warehouse! One by one, all **** with rope! Hurry!" Looking at the size of the vortex, the boat is definitely going to be crushed, I just hope the rope will give a little force, everyone don't lose it, otherwise Except for Della and all slimes, everyone else will be drowned!

Get everything done, and then wait ... Obviously feel the speed of the ship circling faster and faster!

"Eight Swords ~ ~ Do you think it's a bit like the pirate ship we went to the amusement park last week?" Teammate No. 2 didn't seem to be nervous at all, and had some enjoyment! Say you two big men, go to the amusement park to play pirate ship? ? ? ? ?

"Vag--" Wang Bajian was already vomiting.

"Really useless! XXX, what do you say? Does it look like?"

Rub le! Are three big men visiting the playground?

"1X1 gets 1, 1X2 gets 2, 1X3 gets 3 ..." Teammate No. 1 kept reading the multiplication table, his hands clasped the thighs of Diostoye on the side, and he was completely immersed in his own world ...


The speed is faster ... The scope of the circle is constantly shrinking! It seems not far from the center of the vortex!

"Eight Swords and Eight Swords, you are awake. It's almost the most exciting time. It's a pity to miss it!" No. 2 was very excited and woke up Wang Bajian, who was rolling his eyes, and said happily, "It doesn't feel like 'rotating teacup '?'

Why do a few big men play rotating teacups together!

"Sinα = tanα * cosα, cosα = cotα * sinα ..." The nagging thing on the 1st seems to be esoteric!


Finally entered the final link, the center of the vortex, the entire battleship gyro generally spin down in situ!

"That's how it feels! It's cool!" No. 2 pinched Wang Bajian several times and broke his eyes apart, laughing. "Ba Jian, feel it quickly, I will say the speed of the carousel." Hurrying up will be fun! Does it feel like it? "

Can you explain why the three big men still play the carousel! ! !

"E = mc ?, E stands for energy, m stands for mass, c = 299792.458km / s ..." Okay, we do n’t understand the world of number one!

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