After stumbling along the way, it is finally on the shelves.

This is the first book written by the author at the starting point.

To describe it in four words, it’s like walking on thin ice.

I believe many people can tell that the plots in this book are news that actually happened in reality.

For example, deaf-mute people being blackmailed and not knowing what they are doing are all based on reality.

The following pyramid schemes, debtors, concrete for ashes, funeral parlors selling body parts, etc. are all based on reality.

After all, art comes from life, and the author just trims them, puts them together into a story, and adds some jokes to write for everyone to see, bringing a little fun.

If the writing is blunt or embarrassing and has loopholes, I can only hope that you will bear with it.

The author has been in the industry for about a little more than a year now, so he is still a novice.

I was lucky last year, and the manuscript fees for three books from external sites exceeded one million, all of which were about this type of subject matter.

However, Qidian seems a little acclimated to writing this kind of article.

Here, special thanks to the handsome guys and beauties who have been sending data for support.

The author will check who has sent recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards every day. I have remembered the names of many people. You are the spiritual pillar that supports the author until now!

It will be released early tomorrow morning, with an update of 50,000 words. Please support and subscribe!

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