In the center of the new city is a small castle that is still under construction.

In the temporary conference room in the castle, the players gathered together and began to summarize the work of the past half month.

"As you can see, during this period of time, the number of our coolies has finally exceeded 5,000, and it is still growing. All walks of life have been launched, and the use of banknotes has gradually been promoted."

"However, the growth rate has slowed down, and it is estimated that it will only reach 7,000 people in the end. This is because the pirates in the nearby waters have been captured by us. And the current increase in the number of people has caused many problems. For example, our infrastructure has been unable to keep up. gone."

"Agreed. These pirates are big bosses, and their literacy rate is not high. As a result, there are not many white talents."

"And Bao Nuan Si Na Han, they won't even let the slime go!"

"It's done?"


"By the way, magicians are also somewhat scarce. Many of our jobs now rely on brute force, such as the purification of materials, the transformation of substances, etc. At present, Ai Li is too busy, and I just find her to work every day. It all takes a lot of work.”

The players on the scene sighed in unison.

This fart game, what are you doing so realistically?

Can't it be like other games, where you can copy an army of millions with your hands, just explore a bunch of high-end talents, and implement a few policies to implement it.

Head is bald.

Just when everyone was at a loss and was about to play chicken to change their minds, a player rolled into the meeting room and shouted excitedly: "There's another ship coming, it's a big guy!"

All the players immediately jumped out of the meeting room, ready to see what kind of big guy it was.

Then they saw their ship.

The former Demon King was transformed beyond recognition, covered with gaudy decorations.

The hull of the ship is covered with strange patterns, which looks like a very evil symbol.

If it wasn't for the fact that the players spent their money to build this ship, then they really wouldn't be able to find out that this is the Demon King they built.

Rage Gauge 50%.

The ship docked slowly on the pier,

A demon in a blood-red robe and all kinds of precious jewelry walked off the ship under the protection of hundreds of guards.

He has the appearance of a human, but all the skin on his body has disappeared, only a body of terrifying muscles are exposed.

Standing in front of the players, he covered his mouth with a valuable handkerchief, and then said, "Rafisdel's."

Another demon who was standing next to him in charge of translation immediately said, "Who is in charge here?"

"Don't you guys report your family first?" Wang Lang, who was in charge of communication, said dissatisfied.

"Terlu Dexing."

"There is no obligation to introduce yourself to lowly creatures." The translator immediately translated.

Rage Gauge 60%.

The good-tempered Wang Lang restrained his anger, and asked, "I can help convey, what do you want to do?"

The translator listened to the leader, and then translated: "The sea of ​​blood is angry. The sacrificial ceremony once every ten years has been broken. He needs more blood. Kill 5,000 people and throw their bodies away." Into the sea of ​​blood, this is the only way you can be saved."

Rage Gauge 70%.

"What if we don't want to?" Wang Lang continued to ask.

A look of contempt appeared on the translator's face: "Then kill all of you as sacrifices to the great Blood Sea Demon God. In order to demonstrate our power, our great bishop will show you an interesting weapon."

After saying this, the bishop nodded and raised his finger.

Afterwards, the heavy artillery on the Demon King stood up.

A heavy cannon then opened fire, and the terrifying shelling sound exploded instantly.

A white light shot out from the muzzle, and the cannonball composed of magic power exploded directly in the group of players. The resulting impact instantly crystallized the sand on the beach and vaporized all nearby players.

"See." The translator smiled and looked at the other players, "We, the Blood Sea Sect, know that you have captured a lot of pirates recently and ended the fighting nearby, but that is not what the Blood Sea Demon God wants. What he wants is blood, a sacrificial offering." Goods, killing. Now, do you understand your mistake?"

"I don't understand." Wang Lang said coldly.

"It's a pity. We thought you could communicate. It seems we were wrong. Then, continue to attack."

The eight heavy cannons fired in turn, and each shell could cause extremely terrifying damage here.

After the eight heavy cannons fired one round, all the slimes present had disappeared, leaving only a mess.

Anger gauge 100%!

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die." The translator sneered, "Go out, kill all the people here, and make them sacrifices to the Blood Sea Demon God."

But to his surprise, not long after, a group of slimes jumped out of the city again.

They were doing weird calisthenics, bending their bodies now and then, and doing a lot of weird moves.

Then, the slime jumped towards them.

Their speed is not fast, and their movements can even be said to be a little cute, but it still makes the translator feel a great sense of crisis.

"The energy accumulated by the heavy artillery is empty. Are these guys aiming at this moment? They are smarter than expected. But they are still too stupid. How can a lowly slime be as good as our noble believers of the Blood Sea Demon God Sect?" Compare."

After clapping his hands, he was too lazy to care about the previous disguise, and said to the surrounding soldiers: "Come on, kill them."

These soldiers silently walked into the sea of ​​blood, and began to absorb the nearby blood.

Their bodies began to twist and deform, and huge muscles grew wantonly in their bodies, breaking through their own armor in a short while, turning them into four-meter-high giants.

Looking at the completely deformed giant, the interpreter stretched out his hand like a conductor, and said softly, "Come on, show your power to the ignorant world."

The soldiers who could be comparable to generals rushed towards the slime dully, ready to kill these tiny guys completely.

In less than five minutes, the battle was over.

The players burned the psionic energy, easily defeated this group of soldiers, and then shared the food.

Several slimes surrounded the only surviving interpreter, giving him a slime massage on his stomach from time to time.

"You are arrogant! Continue to be arrogant! You have snatched our boat and even acted wildly on our territory. You are quite capable!"

The bile-stricken translator looked at these slimes with a sneer: "You will regret it, among the four major bishops, I am the weakest one! Other bishops..."

"How dare you say harsh words! Cut him off."

After beating up the translator solidly, the translator still had a look of enlightenment in his eyes: "It's useless, we are used to pain, your torture is nothing at all."

"You have a tough mouth." The slime who stepped on his head said with a grin, "Can you still laugh out loud? Editor, you're in charge."

Looking at the slime who jumped over, and seeing the other party's ferocious gaze, those who didn't come through the translator felt a chill.

Something more terrifying than death awaits him to taste.

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