Tu Shi was shocked when he saw it.

I only saw that from behind the boulder, a girl walked out.

However, with just a glance, he immediately gathered his combat power, launched the Void Step, and quickly withdrew from here.

There are no gaps for pauses at all.

His keen perception surpassed many people, and it was inherited from the family's talent, even though he couldn't see the combat power level that came out of the girl.

But the fear and sense of oppression from the heart made Tu Shi understand that the other party was an exceptionally powerful person.

He will not be like in novels and television, the ink does not move for half a day, a lot of mental activities, giving people the opportunity to die.

But anyone who pauses here and loses his mind for half a moment will definitely be fierce.

Tu Shi was also very cautious, and when he fled on the way, he took out an unknown object from his body and threw it behind him.

The sound of "Zizi" came.

The originally clear surroundings instantly became filled with smoke, and it was completely impossible to see the surrounding tracks.

Chen Xiaoyun's eyebrows froze, she wanted to continue to solve Tu Shi.

At the moment, there is no way to find the trace of Tu Shi.

Although Tu Shi used his combat power, this smoke was not an ordinary smoke, as if it had completely blocked Chen Xiaoyun's search for combat power.

She had to do it.

"Unexpectedly, Cang-san even counted this."

Zhou Qing just came back to his senses from Chen Xiaoyun's surprise at killing You Yan and sighed with emotion.

Previously specified schedule.

Cangsang has more thoughtful arrangements for this team of frontal general attack.

Try to arrange the weaker ones so that the enemy can relax his vigilance.

However, because of the lack of clarity about the overall strength.

For the sake of safety, Cangsang specially made Chen Xiaoyun, the strongest in battle, his queen.

Once the enemy is too tricky.

The method of lure can be used.

Let Chen Xiaoyun, who was hiding in the secret, take the opportunity to raid.

"Thank you Chen's righteous action." Zhou Qing smiled kindly and thanked him.

Chen Xiaoyun ignored him.

She looked onto the high slope not far away.

People, already far away.

Zhou Qing was not touched in any way by being ignored.

Just the smile on his face dissipated in an instant.

At this time, a person suddenly walked over to his side.

It was the young man who was white.

"Brother Zhou Qing, that woman is really a stinky fart, isn't it the number one in the heavenly list, what's the big deal." The young white young man was forbidden, and Chen Xiaoyun ignored Zhou Qing very unhappy.

Zhou Qing was not so sensitive, and asked calmly, "How is the battle situation ahead?"

Ma Thunder replied.

"Everything is the same as the previous deployment plan, after those third graders, after being led out, the other two teams are pinched from the side, and I think it won't be long before the people of the third class of three years will be repulsed."

"It's so powerful, it's like walking completely according to the script, and Kura-san is really a god-like character." Zhou Qing did not hesitate to admire at all.

"I think he should still have some reservations, maybe as long as he wants, he can be annihilated together with three classes for three years."

The more Zhou Qing thought about it, the more he felt that Cangsang was terrible, that one day he became his opponent, and any move he made was in his calculations.

The fear that came from the heart gradually turned into fear.

This man must not stay.

It will become a hindrance later.

Zhou Qing was already thinking in advance about how to get rid of Cangsang after solving the first grade.

"You go and contact the third and let them come to me at night, I have something to discuss."

"Got it."


The other side.

After losing Yukin in three years of three shifts.

Tu Shi also rushed back without stopping.

But as soon as I came back.

That came from the left and right movements.

Immediately alarmed him.

He only saw that two teams of personnel were quickly rushing from the left and right sides, attacking them.

Especially the people who led the two teams.

The combat power index is high, especially one of the girls.

The fluctuations in combat power that emanated were obviously above him, which surprised him.

Originally, because of the loss of You Yan, now his strength has been greatly reduced.

Now, besieged by so many people, he could only order a retreat.

Although he was very humiliated and resentful, he wanted to avenge You Rub, and at the same time, he also hated You Rub for not listening to his own dissuasion, which led to the current situation of defeat.

The people in the second grade, seeing that the people of the third class of the third year had run away, also immediately chased after them.

Just like Kurasan said in advance, it was completely impossible for them to catch up with the third grade.

But those first grades, though, ran with the third class of three years.

But how can they run faster than the second grade when they are weak in combat?

After some distance, many first-graders have been caught up by second-graders.

Tu Shi looked behind him.

Those who found the first grade were all left behind.

Then the second-graders caught up, and the fight lasted for a short time.

He easily shattered all the marks of the first-grade people.

Countless white lights dyed the night that was almost dim at this time.

Tu Shi suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that the goal of these people from the beginning was to eradicate the first grade that followed them?!

When he thought of this, Tu Shi's teeth itched with hatred.

They are being calculated!

People in the lower grades actually calculated their senior grades?!

It also lost the strongest combat power.

Shame, what a shame, he had never been so humiliated.

The clenched fists, the nails are almost inserted into the flesh, oozing blood.

Tu Shi couldn't swallow this breath.

Even if they had completely thrown off those second graders and fled to safety.

After Tu Shi stopped, he finally couldn't bear the anger in his patience.

A punch smashed into the giant "tree" next to him?

"Trees" as thick as a bucket? Because he couldn't withstand the impact, he fell abruptly.

Kick up puffs of dust.

Tu Shi's hand was also bleeding.

The pain in the hands could not calm the anger in his heart.

Ready to punch again.

It was at this moment that a telepathy of fluctuations in combat power came, which made him regain his consciousness.

It was from the combat power connection between Zheng Ke and him.

"Why is the connection with You Yan's combat power broken? What happened to you. Zheng Ke's voice came faintly.

Hearing this, Tu Shiyin bit his silver teeth.

"You rub him, he's already been eliminated."

"What?!" Zheng Ke was in disbelief.

Tu Shi then told all about what had happened before.

After hearing this, Zheng Ke was obviously angry.


Although the two are only combat power transmissions.

But even when he was not around, Tu Shi was shocked by Zheng Ke's reprimanding voice.

I dare not say a word.

"Why don't you listen to my orders? Why not pass the news on to me? Why act privately ?!

"Forget it, it's not your problem either."

As a party, You Yan has been eliminated, and now this kind of hindsight is meaningless.

"I didn't expect that the second-grade people were so strategic."

Zheng Ke was also a little impressed by the plan of the second grade, so effortlessly, he killed the first grade who was sheltered by them, and there was a top twenty elite on the Heavenly List.

"Do you see clearly who the person who eliminated You Yan is?" Zheng Ke asked.

"It's the number one on the Heavenly List, Chen Xiaoyun." Tu Shi directly opened his mouth without thinking.

Although at that time he did not have the opportunity to take a closer look.

But he can still recognize it from the illusory figure, that is Chen Xiaoyun.

"Chen Xiaoyun?!" Zheng Ke was surprised, but then smiled.

"No wonder, heh, if that number one on the Heavenly List is there, then the other one should also be there."

Zheng Ke's mind reflected a person.

"If you lose to him, there's no shame."

"After all, it was the one who was the commander-in-chief of the Misunderstanding Mountain incident, Cangsang-san."

Tu Shi's pupils opened Chi.

"Kura-san?!" He was also one of the activists of Misunderstanding Mountain at that time, and knew that Cangsang's deeds were understandable, but he did not pay attention to the relationship between Cangsang and Chen Xiaoyun.

"Unexpectedly, he actually formed an alliance with those second-year people, and it may become more and more interesting in the future."

Before the start of this exercise, Zheng Ke did not take Cangsang to heart.

Although Cangsang has a good strategy, he has also seen it, but after all, he is only a freshman in the first grade.

In the face of absolute crushing strength, Zheng Ke felt that any strategy would pale in comparison.

Now, it's different.

If he really let Cangsang lead these second grades with good strength, he would be inexplicably bottomless in his heart...

Tu Shi also looked worried.

"If it's really Cangsang-san, won't it become a little difficult to eliminate those second grades?"

However, Zheng Ke didn't seem particularly worried.

"Don't worry, there are also our people in the second grade, and there are not many of them."

"It's absolutely impossible for him to command those second grades."

Regarding this, Zheng Ke is extremely confident.

"By the way, tell our brothers, if there is no way to shelter those first grades, then abandon those first grades, and there must be no casualties."

You Yan, who lost a top twenty of the Heavenly List, although he did not let their power fade in any strength.

But I can't help but come to this every time.

The role of Cangsang, after all, is an unstable factor, and it is possible that there will be some moths.

He has also seen its power and is very good at surprising moves.

Zheng Ke didn't want to let his side change from active to passive because of arrogance.

And it is also necessary to deal with Zhao Kuang, let alone be careless.

"Got it."

Tu Shi did as he was told.

After Zheng Ke explained a few more words, he hung up the combat power connection.


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