Outside, Yang Yuxue and Lin Ya seemed to have been waiting for him there.

"Kurasang-san, how's it going? What are the rewards? Yang Yuxue saw him come out and immediately walked over.

"I should have got one, exempt from the next alien exercise activity if the results are not enough, will be withdrawn from school."

The following two rewards are too difficult, and Cangsang feels that this Director Yang is clearly perfunctory to himself, and simply does not say it.

"Then don't you get nothing, it's really in line with Director Yang's style, stingy." Yang Yuxue was uneven for Cangsang.

"However, don't worry about Cangsang, although Director Yang didn't give you a reward, didn't Aya give you a reward!" It's all academy anyway. "

This matter, Yang Yuxue went to see him in the hospital before and told her.

Lin Ya in order to reward him.

Exempt their guild from half a year's point guarantee delivery.

And gave him an additional 100 points reward.

For this matter, Cangsang still felt that Lin Ya, the president of the student union, did quite thoughtfully.

"Indeed, it will still grow a little more generously." Cangsang smiled and glanced at Lin Ya.

"Hmph, you instigated classmate Chen and injured the vice president of our student union, I haven't asked you to settle the account." Linya is not polite at all.

"Eh..." Cangsang was a little embarrassed, who let that guy have such a bad attitude.

"Forget it, anyway, the position of vice president was also reserved for you."

At this time, Lin Ya stared at Cangsang stunnedly.

"Cang-san, are you really not going to come to our student union and sit in the position of vice president?"

"I'm graduating with Xiaoxue next year, if you can come, when I leave, I can tell the academy that the new student council president will be you."

Cangsang felt that Lin Ya said this very seriously, and it was obviously not a joke.

In other words, the second condition that Director Yang said before also has a reward for making him the president of the student union.

It's just that the conditions are a bit harsh.

On the Ya side, it's much simpler.

"Thank you Meiyi, but I personally don't like to take care of some troublesome things, and I think it's good to stay in the psychological treatment room guild."

"Even the position of student council president can't make you move? Do you know the power of the Student Council President in the College? Especially the student council president of Tianwu Academy.

"Even outside, there is a certain amount of power, and you want to get the money, power, and even women that people have been looking for, which is not too difficult for the student council president."

Saying this, Cangsang suddenly felt a little moved again.

"Although you say so, but I am so weak, you may be there, others dare not say more, but once you leave, the prestige is gone, I still have to prevent myself from when I will be kicked out, and I have to deal with some troubles every day, when I think of that, my head hurts, so I still refuse."

"Unless you stay two levels and stay in the student union until I graduate, and then the president puts my name on me, you will do the things, then I am willing to join."

Lin Ya looked at him with a cold face.

"What you think is beautiful."

Even if it was rain and snow, he felt that Cangsang was excessive.

"Classmate Cangsang, Aya has done everything about you, and the final results have all returned to you, how can there be such a thing."

"Then I'd better stay where I was." Cangsang smiled.

After that, Zheng Ya did not continue to talk about this matter.


Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye.

Alien combat exercise activities.

It's already here today.


All classes.

Originally, there were 40 classes, but because all five classes in the first grade were expelled, only 39 classes remain.

More than 3,4 thousand people in total.

Under the leadership of their respective class teachers.

Got aboard a very magnificent spaceship.


It is no longer difficult for human beings to travel freely through the universe.

Because a hundred years ago, the awakening of the human combat power index.

A rule that was previously considered immutable.

For example, the speed cannot exceed the speed of light.

Nowadays, surpassing the speed of light is no longer difficult.

Even, it has now reached the speed of a black hole.

And, with the development of wormholes.

Humanity wants to go to a point in the universe.

As long as you know the location of the wormhole in advance, you can quickly shuttle there by tearing open a wormhole.

But this will only happen when necessary.

Because of the wormhole technology, it is not yet guaranteed to be safe enough.

Accidents are very likely, so in general.

The way for humans to go to aliens is to take a spaceship.

And where they're going this time.

It is a desolate planet located a million light-years away from Earth.


Devil C Planet.


There are no highly intelligent creatures like humans who are alive.


But there is a more terrifying existence.

And there.

That's them, where this combat exercise is active!


Inside the spaceship, a very luxurious conference room.

At this time, a meeting was going on, and Director Yang was standing tall on the stage, observing the starry sky on the screen.

All the people in the audience were the high-level of the Tianwu Academy.

At this time, a bald man in the audience spoke.

"Director Yang, did you really let the students go to that place? Isn't that planet too dangerous? "

Director Yang is wearing a black uniform today, and although he looks young on the outside, he has an absolutely authoritarian aura.

He took a pip of the coffee he was holding.

Turning around, he glanced at the bald man.

"There is indeed a group of very fierce, brutal, and even highly powerful creatures there."

"But... Is it dangerous?

Director Yang's expression looked a little exaggerated at this time, looking puzzled.

"It's just a group of beasts with low intelligence and brute strength."

"Having said that, they are still only children, they are still students, and the treatment of unqualified grades is not too much..."

Director Yang interrupted him to continue.

"I know what you mean, but I want to ask Director Xu, do you remember our academy when it was founded?"

Hearing this, Director Xu replied.

"The Tianwu Academy was originally founded to allow elite combat power to quickly join the starry sky battlefield as soon as possible."

Director Yang smiled.

"That's right, then are there any objections now?"

"As for the withdrawal penalty, I have already said it at the previous meeting, and now, I only want elite students, just to eliminate some people who use abnormal means to blend in."

Director Xu obviously still couldn't accept this.

"But now is a time of peace, and they don't need to enter the battlefield as soon as possible."

"Peacetime?" Director Yang's expression suddenly became much more serious.

"A hundred years ago, it was also a time of peace."

"The result?"

"We were ruthlessly invaded, our homeland became a battlefield of gunfire, by the way, you just said that they are still children, still students.

I want to ask Director Xu, you said that alien creatures invaded us a hundred years ago, do you guess they will not consider the test, children, students?

Director Xu was silent.

Director Yang continued to speak calmly.

"I know what worries you."

"But... Peace does not last long, and I think you have heard a little about the current situation.

"Now, I just let them deal with these creatures with lower intelligence, so as to train them, compared with the beginning of our academy, it is already a very safe thing."

"If they can't even deal with this group of beasts, I don't think we need to waste too many resources to cultivate unqualified people."

"In the future, our enemies are those high-level intelligent beings in the starry sky like us."

"The cunning, the stratagem, the strategy, the combat power of those creatures... All sides, jaw-dropping.

"And they, as the elite of our entire country D, will enter the battlefield in the future, if they can't even deal with those creatures with low intelligence now, why go up and send them to death in the future, a star war that can happen at any time?"

"Wouldn't it be better for them to screen earlier and survive the fittest, lest they lose their lives later?"

At this time, another middle-aged woman wearing glasses said.

"However, at present, the starry sky, even if there is some movement, but with the existence of the alliance star, it may not happen at all."

"Does Director Fang think so?"

Director Yang suddenly laughed.

"Did Director Fang forget the war that nearly exterminated mankind a hundred years ago?"

Although Director Fang had not experienced it, he had heard his grandfather say that the war was cruel.

Nearly half of Earth's humanity died in the battle of the alien invasion.

At that time, she fell silent.

"More than a hundred years ago, there were still alliance stars between galaxies, but as a result, they were directly broken due to uneven distribution of interests."

"And the initiators of interstellar wars more than a hundred years ago were precisely those who were originally allies, and we were also irrelevant people back then, but precisely because of our irrelevant, we became lambs waiting for cubs.

And now, there are signs of that year, the middle of the interstellar has begun to fight, no one knows when, the war will spread to us again. Hearing

this, everyone was silent, and

after a while, Director Yang continued to speak.

"Peace will exist, but war will also exist, and we do not believe in peace that will last forever, so even if we live in an era of peace now, we still need to cultivate our excellent generation as if war may occur at any time."

"In this way, we can do it, ready to be on call, ready to fight, and unqualified early elimination, but can save them from losing their lives." Then, train more resources to those who qualify.

"In this way, they will have more chances to live when they go to the battlefield in the future."


The leaders present did not continue to persuade.

Director Yang had such foresight and had completely convinced them.

After some time of the meeting, it ended.

Everyone respectfully saluted Director Yang.

One after another, they left.

In the room, only Director Yang was left.

Compared to before.

His eyes now seemed to have a trace of sadness flashing.

Actually, he didn't say anything more important.

Mankind is not the only enemy to face in the warlike galaxies.

Also, more powerful enemies.

Those creatures, beyond the universe.

It's from a deeper civilization.

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