It was completely dark.


Between Kurasan and Frost, walking side by side.

Neither said much.

Finally at a fork in the road.

Frost stopped.

"My house is on this side."

Kurasan looked at it, and it happened to be the opposite of his own home.

"Bye bye."

Frost Frost seemed to have plucked up some courage.

"Cangsang-san, don't you think it's not safe to let a girl go home alone so late?"

You seem to be better than me, right?

"Then, I'll send you home!"

In this way, the two walked for a long time.

Because Cangsang is a little introverted and not very good at communicating with people, there are not many words for the two to talk along the way.

Most of the time was spent in awkward silence.


Finally, in front of a very high-end looking neighborhood, Frost Condensation stopped.

"That's where my house is."

Cangsang glanced inside, although it was night, the light of the community was very dazzling and colorful.

The most important thing is that it is quiet, as if everyone is perched at sunset.

This is not common in today's world.

The clear sound of water flowing in the community, even if he stood here, could hear it subtly.

"Would you like to come in and sit down?" I live alone at home.

"This... Not quite, right?

Cangsang didn't expect Frost Condensation to say that.

If you really go in, a lone man and a widow in the same room, if you don't do something, won't it threaten the man's prestige?

But what people like is Zhao Kuang, if he is impulsive, he will have to go to jail.

Under rational analysis, Cangsang didn't really want to go in, however, Cangsang didn't

think of making up any reason, and Condensing Frost spoke again.

"I lied to you! Heehee, if it's Senior Zhao Kuang, it's almost the same, I'll go. Frost

was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

"Kurasang-san, what's your phone?"


"I'm afraid that you will encounter a situation on the way back, after all, Kurasang-san is so weak, it's hard not to worry you."

"Ugh." Cangsang's face darkened: "Thanks to your kindness." In

a bad mood, he told Frost Condensation his number.

Frost Frost was very happy to record the number.

"Cangsang-san, looking at your appearance, is it the first time that a girl has given you a number?"

"Okay, I'll go back, see you tomorrow."



"Get rich."

The next day, as soon as Cangsang entered the guild of the psychological treatment room, he saw Huang Haiying and Wang Ling dancing excitedly.

"Ogura Sangsangsangsangsangs

Huang Haiying saw Cangsang coming, and came to Cangsang's side with a twist.

"Ogura-san, you and Xiaoyun really deserve to be my lucky stars, taking advantage of my absence, actually secretly taking over private work, enough for our guild to earn a hundred points, I have never seen so many points, how many guests do I have to take to earn so many points!"

Early in the morning, Yang Yuxue paid all the rewards previously agreed to the yellow sea warbler.

"Xiao Lingling, the dress you have been reluctant to buy before, my sister will order you today, you come to my room at night and wear it to my sister."

Wang Ling's face turned red, "Hate, I have my own points, I can't look at that dress anymore, I want to buy better, I want to live a life from today onwards."

"Good, good, sister accompanies you to experience this kind of life."

"Ogura-san, your points, I have already entered your general account, you also go to be dashing, sister will give you a holiday today."

"Sister left first, the psychological treatment room will not open today."

After speaking, Huang Haiying and Wang Ling seemed to be unable to wait, and as soon as they slipped through the smoke, the two people immediately disappeared.

Cangsang checked his academy general account and found that there were indeed 10 more points on it.

Feeling strapped for a quality of life, it's time to improve it.

When he eats later, he must add an extra egg.

While thinking about this, Cangsang glanced at Chen Xiaoyun's body, as usual, she was always the most beautiful scenery here.

Look at it once a day, and the kind of spirit will be very full all day.

However, the two men are introverted in their respective personalities.

When there were only two left.

The silence inside is terrifying.

A man and a woman, doing the same thing.

Quiet selfless reading.

I don't know how long it took, and it felt like it was almost noon.

At this time, Cangsang felt a little thirsty.

My eyes are also a little tired, so I am ready to go down and buy a bottle of water to drink, and walk around a little by the way.

"Are you going down?"

Just as he was about to leave, Chen Xiaoyun asked him.

"Hmm." Kurasan nodded.

"I, I still have a few pages to finish reading this book, I can't pull away, you just go down now, can you bring me a new book?"

"Oh, no problem, what book do you need?"

The distance of the library is not far away, a show of hands for things. Kurasan is still willing to help.

After hearing the title of the book.

Cangsang also went downstairs immediately.

As soon as he arrived at the library, he found the book that Chen Xiaoyun had said.

"History of Space War"

Cangsang was very surprised, Chen Xiaoyun actually liked to read this type of book, after all, as a girl, reading this kind of war history book is still relatively rare.

It just so happened that he himself was quite interested in such books.

I simply borrowed two copies.

There were automatic water machines in the library, and Kurasan solved two problems on the spot.

Without wasting too much manpower and material resources, he completed two things, and Cangsang actually felt a little proud in his heart.

Sometimes, satisfaction is that simple.

On the walk to the college, a more secluded place.

Behind the hidden warehouse door in front, there seemed to be a different kind of movement.

"Brother Ko."

A sweet and gentle soft voice attracted Kurasang.

Curious, Kurasan pretended to walk normally, but his eyes looked into the open door of the warehouse.

I found a beautiful girl snuggled in the arms of a boy.

The woman's face was crimson, and her eyes were full of tenderness, as if she was in the stamen of love, and she looked very sweet.

But when Kurasan saw the woman's face clearly, it really shocked him.

Isn't this girl the very strong Wu Mengxiao in their class who makes everyone in the class fearful?

Usually a queen outside, I didn't expect to have such a small woman's side.

Don't look at impoliteness, don't look at impoliteness.

Cangsan quickly looked away, thinking of leaving here quickly.

So as not to get into some trouble.

But it was still too late.

When Cangsang just looked away, Wu Mengxiao's eyes caught a glimpse of Cangsang's figure.

The pupils suddenly dilated.

In the next instant, she teleported behind Kurasang, who had not taken a few steps.


Indifference mixed with anger and shame, stopped Kurasang

Kurang-san who thought that nothing would happen, but she didn't expect to be discovered by her.

It is impossible to stand still.

As if he hadn't heard it, Kurasan trotted up.

But Kurasan thought too easily.

Wu Mengxiao saw that he had no intention of stopping, and his eyes were fierce.

Cangsang didn't run a distance.

Wu Mengxiao immediately stopped in front of him.

Cangsang was a little flustered, because he saw that Wu Mengxiao's comer was not good.

"Student Wu, how are you?"

Cangsang pretended to greet calmly.

"Is something wrong?"

My heart is already planning how to get out.

"You saw it all?" Wu Mengxiao's voice had no emotion.

"See what?" Kurasan pretended to be confused, hoping to hide the past.

"Stop pretending, I know you saw it." Wu Mengxiao's voice was so cold that it was boundless, "If you dare to say this matter today, you will definitely die ugly."

"I don't understand what you're saying, I still have business, can I go first?" Kurasan continued to pretend that he didn't know anything.

Cangsang saw that Wu Mengxiao had no intention of obstructing, and quickly quickened his pace and walked.

But he still didn't take a few steps, and he was stopped again.

"Wait a minute."

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