There’s A Bug In Me

Vol 12 Chapter 39: War Support Turret

   "There are rewards for winning the defense, and there are a lot of rewards. In this way, the penalty for the defeated party will be heavier."

   Chen Bing looked at the system prompt, thoughtfully.

   If there is no punishment, players can unscrupulously brush their rewards in the game, and the game officials would not have thought of this possibility.

   At present, if you want to get rewards, you can do it, but the price should not be light.

   When players enter the game, they randomly appear somewhere in the game world, which has made it extremely difficult to obtain rewards. Coupled with mechanisms such as failure penalty, even if someone wants to do so, they can’t get many rewards.

   It's useless to think too much about this kind of thing. Chen Bing hasn't figured out many game mechanics yet, so naturally he doesn't bother to think deeply.

   In addition to the two titles that directly add attributes, the "Number of Homeland Relocations" and "War Honor" both interest Chen Bing.

   The number of home relocations is very simple. Chen Bing can now move his home to the place he wants.

   Chen Bing felt that the homeland war game world is too big, and if the player level is higher, coming back home is a big problem.

Although there should be a teleportation array in the game, the player may even use the home teleportation array to teleport to the city after reaching a certain city, but even so, it can only solve the problem in the early game. Once it enters the middle and late game, it will go back and forth. The time is still too long, after all, not all cities can be reached with the teleportation array.

   And the home can be moved, the problem has been greatly resolved.

   As long as the player wins the opponent in the homeland offensive and defensive battle, they can get the number of home migrations, which will undoubtedly greatly stimulate the player to attack the homeland of others.

   With the number of home relocations, Chen Bing planned to find a suitable place and moved his home.

   However, Chen Bing is not yet ready to move. He will go to the Luminous City of the Sith Empire in a few days to find the black cat and holy beast candidate of the Glorious Empire, and cannot move out of the Sith Empire.

  Because you are at the border of the Sith Empire and the Glorious Empire, whether the Sith Empire or the Glorious Empire is in Chen Bing's choice, it depends on which one is more appropriate.

   Once he moved out of the Sith Empire, it was very likely that he would lose his status as a resident of the Sith Empire, and he would not be able to enter the Imperial Hunting Grounds.

   "What's the use of this war honor? Killing a person will reward you with 10 points. It won't be a passive attribute... there is, there is an additional "War Honor" store."

   Chen Bing then looked at the "Homeland War" attribute panel, and then saw that on the attribute panel, there was an additional attribute of "Homeland Relocation Times" and an additional "War Honor" store.

   When Chen Bing opened the War Honor Store, the first thing that popped up was a prompt box.

"You are about to use the War Honor Store. The items sold in the War Honor Store are dedicated buildings and items for Home War. After the Home War game is over, these dedicated buildings and items will disappear. There are also very few items in the store that can be used Upgrade and strengthen the original buildings and item props in the homeland. In this case, upgrade the strengthened building or item props. After the game is over, the enhanced attributes can be retained."

   Chen Bing took a look, and after getting to know it, he clicked the confirmation option below.

  The prompt box disappears and the sale page of the War Honor Store appears

"Ordinary wall, 2 war honors 1 meter; Enchanted wall, 10 war honors 1 meter; Iron gate, 100 war honors; Enchanted iron gate, 1000 war honors; Elementary war puppet, 1 war honor of 100; Intermediate war puppet, 1000 1 war honor; war support turret, 3000 war honor one."

   Chen Bing glanced at it. There are not many items on sale in the War Honor Store, only seven, all of which Chen Bing can afford, and those who cannot afford it will probably not appear.

   On the right side of the War Honor Store, there is also an "Upgrade Store" button. Chen Bing looked at it. To upgrade the War Honor Store, you need 10,000 War Honor or accept a time-limited upgrade task.

   The 10,000 war honor is not easy to obtain, and the upgrade mission is naturally not easy. Since it is a time-limited mission, Chen Bing does not know the consequences of failing to complete it, so naturally he will not accept it now.

   I don’t need to think too much about upgrading the store for the time being. Chen Bing looked at those things carefully to see if there were any more useful things.

  『Normal wall: A stone wall is built around the home to slightly block the enemy's attack. 』

  『Enchant Wall: Build a stone wall with strong magic around the home, which can effectively block the enemy's attack. 』

  『Iron gate: Replace the gate of the home with an iron gate. The enemy can only invade the inside of the home after breaking through the gate of the home first.』

  『Enchanted iron gate: The gate of his homeland is replaced with an iron gate with strong magic, which greatly increases the durability of the gate. The enemy can only invade the inside of the homeland if he breaks through the gate of his homeland first."

"Elementary war puppet: After using it, you can get a basic war puppet to help the player guard the home. The duration of the primary war puppet is 3 hours, and the level is 2 lower than the player. There can only be 10 primary war puppets in a home at the same time. . 』

  『Intermediate war puppet: After use, you can get an intermediate war puppet to help the player guard the home. The duration of the intermediate war puppet is 3 hours. The level is the same as the player. There can only be 10 intermediate war puppets in a home at the same time. 』

"Warfire support turret: Build a warfire support turret with a very long attack range in the player’s home. When the player is guarding the home or attacking another’s homeland, the fire support turret will fire every minute as long as it is not destroyed. A cannonball attacks the enemy, and in a homeland territory, at most one war support turret can be built at the same time"

   "Hey, this war support turret looks good."

   After Chen Bing looked carefully for a while, he felt that the war support turret was a bit interesting.

   Walls and iron gates are also useful, but defensive buildings have no meaning to Chen Bing, and attacking buildings has some value.

   The war puppets are the same, they are still consumables, and Chen Bing doesn't like it.

  The warfire support turret is undoubtedly a relatively large-scale attack structure. It can be effective when defending homes and attacking enemy homes. Although it only fires one shot in a minute, it will be effective as long as it can hit the enemy.

   War Honor can buy these things, and keeping them has no other effect. Chen Bing thought for a while and decided to buy a war support turret. Shuang Shuang. Besides, at least at this stage, only he can afford it in the game.

   [System: Get the "Warfire Support Turret"! 】

   For 3000 war honors, Chen Bing bought the war support turret.

   chose a location in the open space on the west side of the home, and a twelve or three-meter high building appeared.

   Chen Bing originally thought it was a turret similar to a real artillery, but after it was built, he discovered that it was a conical magic tower.

   The surface of the conical stone turret is engraved with a large number of silver magic lines. The magic lines continue to converge and form a concave surface at the top of the magic tower.

   The turret was completed, and the detailed attributes appeared. Chen Bing looked over curiously.

  [Building: War Support Turret]

   [Type: war building, exclusive building for home war game]

   [Function: When the player is in the homeland war, the turret will automatically condense energy, and every minute, it will automatically strike and suppress the enemies in the same map area as the player’s homeland. When the player is guarding the homeland, the attack point is a random place within a 1000-meter radius around the homeland. When the player attacks another's homeland, the attack point is a random place within a 1000-meter radius of the enemy’s homeland. The shells of the turret will only cause damage to the enemy. The higher the player level, the more damage the turret will cause]

   Chen Bing took a look. At first glance, he felt that the fire support turret was really good. The range of attack was quite huge. The shells would only cause damage to the enemy, which felt very good.

   But on closer inspection, Chen Bing felt something was wrong.


   Is the location of the attack point random, or is it a random location within 1000 meters of the enemy or his home?

  Sister’s, I got pitted!

   Chen Bing interpreted it again, knowing that he really thought too much.

   Battlefire support turret, the name is really correct.

   This is a support turret, which makes you look like a very powerful one, but the actual effect is pitiful.

   Unless there are too many enemies to fill the one-kilometer range around the home, it is really rare that this turret can hit the enemy.

   In the final analysis, this product is still the first-level War Glory Store 3000 War Glory thing, it really is what you pay for.

   "The Rubik's Cube, is this a trophy? Huh, this thing..."

   Tina walked over, she looked at the newly constructed war support turret, and she snorted a little unexpectedly.

   "Tina, have you seen a war support turret?"

   Chen Bing asked with a thought.

After    Tina is stationed in the homeland, it has different degrees of impact on all home buildings. If it can affect the war support turret and make it hit more accurately when randomly attacking, it is also worthwhile.

   "I haven't seen the same as this one, but I have seen more advanced and more powerful ones in the book. If you can prepare the materials, I can help reform it."

   Tina hesitated for a moment, and still said.

When    hadn't escaped, Tina and Joey could do very little. Most of the time they were forced to read some special books.

   Even so, Tina and Joey are the favorites when reading books.

   Tina knew that she helped Chen Bing transform the turret, which would make the turret too powerful, but this time she might lose her hiding place if she could not summon the incarnation of the parasitic brood.

   For her and Joey, Tina decides to help Chen Bing.

   "Can it be remodeled? No problem, what materials are needed?"

   After Chen Bing was shocked, he was overjoyed and asked quickly.

   Tina and the others escaped from the place where the gods live. The books she read are also the books of the gods. I don't know how far this unreliable war support turret will be transformed!

   "100 blue and white stones, 100 magic silver liquid, in addition, after the transformation, if you want to start this turret, you need to consume magic crystals, you'd better prepare in advance."

   Tina said.

   "Okay, I will prepare now!"

   Chen Bing nodded. Blue and white stone and magic silver liquid Chen Bing are no strangers. They are used in the construction and upgrade of some magic-related homes. They are rare items in the game, but they are more expensive, so it is not difficult to buy them.

   Chen Bing immediately contacted Luo Qi, asking him to help with the acquisition.

   "Brother Chen, you are so amazing! Those Westerners are really looking for death, they actually want to attack you!"

   Just after Luo Qi was online, he wanted to contact Chen Bing. When he received news from Chen Bing, Luo Qi shouted excitedly.

   Like other players, he can only watch other people's text live broadcasts on the forum.

   Even so, he was stunned and excited by the process and results.

   Chen Bing is so perverted, and many people know that he is Chen Bing's collaborator, which invisibly increased his reputation!

   "Small, yes, I want to buy some blue and white stone and magic silver liquid, each for 100 copies, for urgent use, do you have it?"

   Chen Bing smiled and blew off the cow, and then asked.

   "Yes, I'm in the home garden, do you come here or should I find you?"

   Roach said immediately.

   "I'll go find you."

   Chen Bing said, and passed to Roach.

   "By the way, Brother Chen, I have time to take a look at the forum. The forum posted some information about the punishment of the European guild after the defeat, or it may be useful to you."

   Trade things to Chen Bing, Roach continued.

   "Thank you, I'm going to have a look."

   Chen Bing nodded, he was still curious about the information.

   After asking Roach to help buy some magic crystals, Chen Bing returned home.

   Tina has cleaned up the area around the war support turret. Chen Bing came back and followed Tina's instructions to put all the materials on the open ground.

   "Do you need my help?"

   Chen Bing looked at Tina and asked.

   Tina looks like she's only a teenager, it's a bit inhumane to let her rebuild such a large turret by herself.

   "No, I can do it myself!"

   Tina was eager to try and refused Chen Bing's help.

   Chen Bing could only nod his head when he saw this, then went offline, turned on the computer, and went to the forum.

   "Chen Bing of the dog day, you and I are at odds! I lost 100,000!"

   When Chen Bing entered the forum, he saw a very popular post. The title of the post made Chen Bing speechless for a while.

   "The poster lost 100,000? Bad! I thought I lost 10,000 is a lot."

   "Yes! That shit, I also lost 8000!"

   "Too hateful, I lost 5000!"

   "It deserves it, you group of betting dogs! I'm different, I got 7000 and won 15000!"

   "Grass! The guy upstairs, stretch his head, I promise not to kill you!"


   The replies to the posts are two extremes. Those who have lost money can't wait to kill Chen Bing a hundred times, and those who have won money all reveal a great mood between the lines.

   Chen Bing saw this post and remembered that he had placed a lot of bets, so he immediately called number 7.

   "On the 7th, have all our money been paid, how much have we won."

  " A total of 17 bets were placed, with an average of 1 million for each, 12 of which had paid out, and 5 of the accounts were either blocked or unable to withdraw to report the results.

   "Hey, it's really stingy. I have earned so much, and I don't even pay 1 million bets. When we wait in the early morning, if there is no movement, we will do harm to the people!"

   Chen Bing touched his chin, and after a rough calculation, he made 20 million from the paid money alone. The money is the same as the wind blows. No wonder there are so many gamblers in the world.

   However, the fate of most gamblers is similar to that of the forum post.

   After asking No. 7 to be careful when he shot at night, don't leave any traces and tails of his hands, Chen Bing continued to return to the forum to read posts.

"The number of migrations has become minus 1. If it is possible to declare war within 7 days, it cannot be avoided. I also rewarded the honor of the war. Then they will definitely be deducted from the honor of the war. The surface punishment is these, secretly I don't know what punishment mechanism there is. Want to counterattack, now is a good time."

   Chen Bing looked at the forum posts and thought.


   When Chen Bian was visiting the forum, North America, in a lakeside villa, the Scarlet Garden hides.

   "You can't be wrong, the parasitic eye summoned by the Easterner! Only the parasitic eye can control the incarnation of God's coming!"

   Phillis looked at the description of the huge scarlet eyes on the game forum and stood up abruptly. ...


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