"Why haven't Daohua and Wentao come back?"

On the carriage outside the woods, Mrs. Yan stretched her neck and looked into the woods from time to time, with obvious worry on her face.

Uncle Sun's expression was also a little anxious: "Old lady, why don't I go look for it?" The car and horse of the escort had passed by a moment ago.

Mrs. Yan waved her hand: "Don't, if you miss them with them, it won't be beautiful."

Right here, Sun Ma screamed in surprise.

"It's back, it's back!"

Mrs. Yan and Sun Boju were overjoyed, they turned their heads quickly and looked into the woods to see that when they saw Wen Tao carrying a boy on his back and Dao Hua supporting a boy, they both stumbled over and their expressions changed greatly. .

"Quick, go pick them up." Mrs. Yan said almost instinctively.

Without saying a word, Sun Bo ran towards Daohua and the others.

With Sun Bo's help, the four Daohuas soon got on the carriage.

As soon as the four got into the carriage, Uncle Sun drove the carriage and ran away without any orders.

In the carriage, Daohua didn't have time to explain to Mrs. Yan, and quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from her package: "Third brother, take off his clothes, and I will give him medicine."

Yan Wentao immediately followed suit, but his hands trembled slightly when he touched the blood on the abdomen of the middle-knife boy.

The middle-knife boy's clothes were lifted, and a shocking bloodstain immediately came into everyone's eyes.

Seeing Daohua Mangli recklessly raised the porcelain bottle and was about to fall on the wound of the middle-knife boy, another boy quickly stretched out his hand: "His injury is too serious, he has to see a doctor first, and he can't just randomly apply medicine. ."

Daohua's eyes widened: "Where can I find the doctor now? When you find the doctor, he has already died of blood loss."

The young man also knew that it was impossible to find a doctor at this time, but he was really worried.

The boy with the knife in the middle was injured because he saved him. Don't they die because of the wrong medicine instead of dying at the hands of the traffickers. That would be too wrong.

"But. But you can't just randomly use drugs?"

"What's wrong with the medicine, this is the best hemostatic medicine!" The young man in the middle knife had lost a lot of blood, and his face was pale now. Daohua was anxious. Seeing the young man holding her, he stretched out his hand and directly People are thrown away.

In normal times, the young man would definitely not be thrown away, but at this moment, he was starved by the traffickers for several days, and after fighting with the woman before, he had long lost his strength.

The boy was thrown away, knocked over his head, and immediately fainted. Before falling into the darkness, he watched Dao Hua helplessly throw that unknown powder onto the middle-knife boy.

The carriage was quiet, and Daohua concentrated on the medicine.

During this period, Mrs. Yan did not speak until Daohua applied the medicine and the boy with the knife fell into a coma before she glared angrily at Daohua and Yan Wentao.

"Grandmother, don't be angry, Daohua will never dare again in the future."

"There are still things in this world that you don't dare to do? You said, why are you so courageous? Those are human traffickers who kill people without blinking an eye. Have you ever thought about it, if you are caught by them, there will be What are the consequences?"

"And you, Yan Wentao, Daohua is ignorant, and you are not sensible? Just follow her and fool around."

"Grandma, I was wrong."

"You are wrong."

In the confusion, Xiao Yeyang vaguely heard the low-pitched conversation between the three people. At first, he was a little dazed, but when he remembered that he seemed to have escaped from the traffickers, he suddenly woke up and opened the door abruptly. eyes.

At first glance, this somewhat old carriage is not the home of a wealthy person.

At this moment, only he and the boy with the middle knife were in the carriage.

Seeing that the young man in the middle knife was breathing gently and his face was not as pale as he had imagined, Xiao Yeyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Suddenly, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the child who had suddenly appeared before and knocked down the trafficker with a stone got into the carriage.

The child first glanced at him, then looked at the young man with a knife, and then pulled out a water hyacinth from the carriage and handed it to him.

Seeing the young man staring straight at him and not picking up the water hyacinth, Daohua rolled his eyes.

Little kid, be wary.

"Drink it, it's not poisonous."

Xiao Yeyang hesitated for a moment and took the water hyacinth. He was not worried about whether it was poisonous or not, but he was taught by the upbringing from childhood that it is best not to take other people's things at will.

But now, he is really hungry.

Education or something, put it aside for now.


Xiao Yeyang drank most of it in one breath, if he hadn't seen the face of the child on the opposite side bulging, he would have finished drinking it.

Embarrassingly, he returned the water hyacinth, and in order to ease the embarrassment, he asked awkwardly, "What kind of soup is this?" It was delicious!

Even if he has lived in the most noble place in the world since he was a child, and has seen all kinds of good things, there is really nothing that can be compared to the soup in this water hyacinth.

Moreover, after drinking the soup, the weak and feeble body seemed to have strength at once.

Is it his delusion?

Even the best tonic should not have such a miraculous effect!

The water hyacinth was not big. Daohua took back the water hyacinth and shook it with his hand, and found that there was not much water left in the soup immediately, and his face collapsed.

The water hyacinth is not loaded with anything good, it is rice soup.

But the material for cooking the rice soup is unusual, it was produced in her rice flower space.

Yes, space.

In ancient times, God probably feared that she would not be able to survive in ancient times, and gave her a golden finger - space, a small green rice flower, which grew on the palm of her right hand.

The space is not big, so don’t think about spiritual springs and opportunities for cultivating immortals. There are only three plots of land in it, a yellow land, a red land, and a black land, each of which is only one mu in size.

This space is quite tricky, and it needs to absorb the qi of the outside world from time to time. Among them, the qi of rice is the best.

All in all, she must have more contact with nature, so that the rice flowers in her palm will be fresh and shiny.

The fresher the rice flowers, the more fertile the soil in the space, and the more nutritious the things that are planted.

The first time she discovered that she had a space was when she was half a year old.

At that time, she couldn't go out, couldn't get in touch with the air of grass and trees, and the three fields in the space, not to mention, were not much better than the arid cracked land in the north.

After she was able to walk and run, she started her career in fattening space and land.

This increase is nine years.

The hard work pays off, and the quality of the things produced in the space and land is definitely several times higher than the outside world.

The rice soup in the water hyacinth was specially prepared for Mrs. Yan by her.

Over the years, although she has given the old lady food grown in the space when she has something to do, the old lady's body is much better than that of an ordinary old lady, but she is old, and it has taken more than half a month to travel, and her health Still can't eat it.

It's alright, her rice soup was drunk!

Daohua glared at Xiao Yeyang, thinking that there was another person in a coma in the carriage, so she simply fed him the rice soup left in the water hyacinth.

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