There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 5, Human Traffickers

"Daohua, what are you looking at? It's time to enter the inn."

Yan Wentao saw that Daohua kept turning her head and looking back, pulled her hand, and at the same time leaned beside her, carefully protecting her, so that no one around collided with her.

Rice peanuts are very good, even if the women are dressed as men and dressed in coarse linen, they are still made of pink and jade, which is very eye-catching. After getting off the carriage, many people are looking at them.

Mrs. Yan also looked over: "Don't look around."

During the two people's pulling, Daohua quickly retracted her gaze, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and did not dare to look back.

She wasn't a real child, and she immediately realized that something was wrong with the bruised, swollen, tender cheeks exposed through the opened car curtain at the corner.

But she didn't dare to find out the truth.

Without him, there were two strong men standing beside the carriage.

Soon, Daohua was dragged into the inn by Mrs. Yan. At this time, grandson and grandma, who went to put the carriage, also came back.

Mrs. Yan asked for two rooms, one for her to live with Daohua and Sun's mother, and one for Sun's uncle to live with Yan Wentao.

"After a day's journey, everyone go back to your room and rest."

Mrs. Yan took Daohua and walked towards the room. During this period, Daohua couldn't help it, and turned her head to look outside the inn again.

It's a pity that the curtain of the carriage has been completely drawn down, and from the outside, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, the two young men were still standing by.

Daohua glanced at the bulging waists of the two of them, her eyes flickering uncertainly.

After returning to the room, Daohua was a little absent-minded, and she only used a few mouthfuls to bring the food.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yan thought her granddaughter was tired from the journey, so she urged her to go to bed quickly.

At night, Daohua couldn't sleep after tossing and turning. Whenever she closed her eyes, the tender cheeks that were bruised and swollen would appear in her mind.

A human trafficker?

Or the filth in the big family?

No matter what it is, it doesn't seem like she can manage it, and she doesn't have the ability to manage it either.

The two middle-aged men who may have hidden weapons at their waists are ruthless at first sight. On her side, grandmother, grandmother, grandmother are all old, and the third brother is only a 13-year-old boy. They have no ability to deal with them. fight.

If they don't pay attention, they might even put themselves in.

"Why haven't you slept yet? But you're tired?" Mrs. Yan noticed that her granddaughter hadn't slept yet, so she endured the sleepiness and gently patted her back.

Looking at the serene face of the old lady, Daohua's heart slowly calmed down, her mind was emptied, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Yan called Daohua up.

"There are more and more refugees on the road. It's better for us to get to Linyi County earlier."

Mrs. Yan was worried that the road would not be peaceful. After thinking about it, she decided to speed up the road.

After having breakfast and handing over the room, Mrs. Yan left the inn with her grandchildren.

When she left, Daohua paid attention to the carriage in the inn, and found that the suspicious carriage she saw yesterday was gone. She was a little complicated, and she didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief (don't worry about saving people or not), or whether to worry about being in the carriage. of people are worried.

Along the way, Daohua and the others saw more and more refugees.

Moreover, from time to time, some refugees will be seen robbing passers-by.

For the sake of safety, Mrs. Yan spent some money, got on a team of escorts, and went on the road with them.

Due to the endless robbery on the road, the speed of the journey was inevitably delayed. In the evening, the guards failed to reach the designated inn, so they could only find a broken temple to rest.

As soon as he entered the ruined temple, Daohua's expression changed.

That wagon!

The carriage was chained to the yard of the ruined temple, and two strong men squatted beside the carriage and lit a fire. At this moment, they were roasting a piece of meat that they did not know what it was.


When everyone passed the carriage, they heard the sound from the carriage and looked over.

At this time, a woman got out of the carriage with a smile: "The children at home are throwing tantrums."

Hearing this, the guards didn't say anything and walked straight into the ruined temple.

Madam Yan held her face tightly, grabbed Daohua and Yan Wentao tightly, and quickly followed the guards.

"Brother, there's something wrong with that carriage. There are at least a dozen children in it." A young man in the escort said in a low voice to the boss of the escort.

The boss of the security guard looked back at the carriage in the courtyard: "Don't be too busy when you're out."

Hearing the conversation, Daohua looked up at the two of them.

Mrs. Yan also noticed something, and the person next to the guard found a seat nearby and sat down, and whispered to her grandchildren not to run around.

When night came, several waves of people came to the ruined temple.

During this period, many people noticed that something was wrong with the carriage in the courtyard, but no one stood up.

Daohua buried her head in Madam Yan's arms and carefully looked at the expressions of everyone in the ruined temple.

It doesn't matter to you, you get used to it, you ignore it, you become numb.

Do these people have no conscience?

Not so.

They knew that the three people in the hospital might be human traffickers, but for these people who have been wandering abroad for many years, returning home safely is their greatest wish, as for the uneven things on the road.

They are unable to protect themselves, and there is no room to manage the life and death of others.

Seeing that Daohua had been staring at the courtyard, Mrs. Yan suddenly reached out and covered her eyes.

She knows that her granddaughter has been smarter than ordinary people since she was a child, but sometimes she is too smart, which may not be a good thing.

"Go to sleep, we'll be on our way tomorrow."

Mrs. Yan whispered to Daohua.

Daohua listened, nodded, and closed her eyes at the right time, but she couldn't fall asleep.


What she had learned in her previous life made it impossible for her to turn a blind eye.

However, she was incapable of saving those kidnapped children.

All night, Daohua's mind was muddled.

At dawn, in her powerlessness and in the indifference of others, the two strong men left with a carriage.

Mrs. Yan sighed silently, took out dry food and told her grandchildren to eat, but she didn't take a bite.

Just as the security guard was ready to leave and was about to leave, there was a sudden noise outside the broken temple.

"It's not good, those refugees are starving crazy, and they grab people when they see them."

The boss of the security guard changed his expression, and immediately said loudly: "Quick, get out of here quickly." If they are surrounded by refugees in the ruined temple, the goods will definitely be unsecured, and maybe they will not survive tomorrow.

Old Madam Yan was also terrified, pulling her grandchildren and granddaughter tightly, and hurriedly ordered Uncle Sun to lead the carriage.

Uncle Sun is almost 60 years old, but his body is very strong, and his movements are faster than that of the young people in the escort bureau. He pulled the carriage, and as soon as Mrs. Yan and the others got on, they immediately rushed out of the ruined temple with the carriage.

After galloping and running for more than ten miles from the ruined temple, Sun Bo slowly slowed down after seeing no refugees on the road.

"Slow down, wait for the first escort."

Mrs. Yan was worried that it would not be safe to travel alone, so she decided to go with the guards.

In the carriage, Daohua's heart was still thumping.

People are really crazy when they are hungry and crazy.

When she rushed out of the broken temple, she saw the scarlet color outside the broken temple.

She grew up in a harmonious society, where has she seen this, and now she thinks about it, her scalp is numb.

Daohua felt that the carriage was a little dull, and quickly opened the curtain of the carriage, trying to use the scenery outside the car to dilute the bloody picture in her mind.

The carriage swayed slowly, and Daohua's mood gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, a carriage stopped on the side of the road, causing Daohua to tremble.

"Daohua, what's the matter?" Mrs. Yan asked worriedly.

She was careless. She didn't expect the drought in the north to be so severe, and there were so many refugees along the way. She had known that she should have gone on the waterway with San'er and the others. Daohua was afraid that she was frightened by the situation just now.

Daohua quickly lowered the curtain of the car, pretending to be calm: "I'm fine."

Mrs. Yan pulled her into her arms, didn't speak, just slapped her on the back.

Daohua snuggled up to the old lady obediently, but after a while, she suddenly stood up, opened the curtain again, and looked back.

The curtains are lifted and lowered; they are lifted and lowered again, and back and forth several times.

Daohua took a deep breath and looked at Mrs. Yan: "Grandma, I want to get off easily."

Mrs. Yan looked a little reluctant, but she also knew that people were anxious, and it was not easy to hold back her granddaughter: "Grandma is with you."

Daohua immediately shook his head: "No, the third brother is fine with me."

Mrs. Yan thought for a while and looked at Yan Wentao: "Take care of your sister, go and come back quickly!"

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