Two days later, Daohua and her group entered the boundary of Zhongzhou Prefecture.

Daohua thought that after entering Zhongzhou Mansion. The road will be smoother, but I did not expect more and more refugees on the road.

"Why are there more and more refugees?"

Xiao Yeyang snorted coldly: "Why else, it must be that the officials here did not act, and the corpse was eaten."

Daohua glanced at him, but didn't speak, she still agreed with this in her heart.

Ordinary people suffer because officials do nothing.

However, Yan Wentao was not happy: "You can't kill everyone with one shot. It's good to have many officials."

Mrs. Yan also nodded: "Yes, boy Yang, you haven't investigated on the spot, so don't talk about it casually."

Daohua knew that her grandmother and third brother were speaking for her father, the seventh-grade magistrate, and after thinking about it, she changed the words: "Previously, the sixth brother came to tell me that the guards will be separated from us when they enter the city. already."

Mrs. Yan frowned: "There is still a long way to go from Zhongzhou Prefecture to Linyi County." As they are old and young, it may not be peaceful to go on the road alone.

Daohua was also a little worried about the safety of the road, so she said: "Grandma, otherwise, after we enter the city, we will not leave first, but write to Linyi County and ask my father to send someone to pick us up."

Along the way, they have seen and heard a lot about the robbery and even murder of the refugees. For safety, it is better to be cautious.

Mrs. Yan nodded: "It's a good idea, let's do it like this."

Daohua turned to look at Xiao Yeyang and Zhao Ergou again: "We're going to Fucheng soon, do you two have any plans?"

Hearing this, both of them pursed their lips in silence.

Xiao Yeyang has a way. He can go directly to the government office. If the people in the government office know his identity, they will definitely send him back to the capital respectfully.

But if he did this, he would not be able to hide the fact that he was abducted by human traffickers. If those people in the capital found out about it, he would be embarrassed.

Zhao Ergou, on the other hand, simply did not know what to do. He was sold by his family. Even if he was found, he would still be sent to be a child foster husband.

Seeing them like this, Mrs. Yan's heart softened and she sighed: "Let's go to the city, we'll find a way after we enter the city."

Grandma spoke, and Daohua didn't ask any more questions.

Near noon, Qin Xiaoliu from the security guard suddenly came to the front of Daohua's carriage in a hurry.

"Little brother, why are you here? Are you going to enter the palace?" Daohua asked with a smile.

This time away from home, Mrs. Yan prepared a lot of food, and during this period of time, she sent them to the escort bureau. After going back and forth, they quickly became acquainted with Qin Xiaoliu.

Qin Xiaoliu shook his head with a solemn expression: "I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the palace today."

Daohua was surprised: "What happened again?"

Qin Xiaoliu told the news that the escort bureau had inquired: "Last year, several provinces in the north suffered a severe drought. The Zhongzhou capital is adjacent to the Grand Canal, and the drought is not serious, which has led to a large number of refugees heading towards this place. rushing over."

"When there are too many refugees, it is inevitable that something will happen. No, the only place to go to Fucheng has been occupied by a group of refugees in the past two days. The government is trying to solve it, but I don't know when it will be solved."

Madam Yan felt anxious and slapped her thigh: "What's the matter!"

Daohua took the old lady Yan's arm and looked at Qin Xiaoliu while comforting her: "Brother Xiaoliu, what are your bodyguards going to do?"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Yan and the others all looked at Qin Xiaoliu.

Qin Xiaoliu had some apology on his face: "There is a time limit for us to send darts. The fifth brother said that he would take a detour into Fucheng, because we have to walk a long mountain road, and we may not be able to continue to take you."

Qin Wu's original words were: they are old, young, and their feet are too slow. The mountain road is difficult to walk, so if you take them, you may not be able to deliver the goods within the stipulated time. If there are any accidents on the road, we have to assign people to protect them, which will greatly increase the burden on everyone.

Hearing this, the eyes of Mrs. Yan and Uncle Sun's mother suddenly darkened.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang also lowered their heads.

Yan Wentao and Zhao Ergou looked at each other.

Everyone's heart is very heavy. Without the protection of the escort, they are on the road alone, and they are afraid that they will be robbed if they can't go far.

It's good to lose money, but if you meet someone who is ruthless, you may lose your life.

Seeing them like this, Qin Xiaoliu's apology deepened: "Old lady, I'm sorry."

Mrs. Yan forced a smile: "I don't need to say sorry, the old lady is very grateful for you taking us all the way. The escort's darts deliver the goods. It's your home to eat. You can't delay. You should do it."

Saying that, she glanced at Sun Ma.

Mother Sun received the signal and immediately took out a package of jerky from the carriage.

Mrs. Yan handed the jerky to Qin Xiaoliu: "a little thought from the old lady, thank you for taking care of you during this time."

Qin Xiaoliu waved his hands again and again, feeling more and more uncomfortable: "No, no, we usually eat enough."

Mrs. Yan pretended to be dissatisfied: "Why, do you hate what the old lady gave?" After speaking, she shoved the jerky directly into Qin Xiaoliu's hands.

Holding the jerky, Qin Xiaoliu turned around and left.

As soon as he left, Mrs. Yan slammed her thigh hard: "It's all my fault, the old lady. I have nothing to do and I have to go on the road alone. Now that I'm fine, the road is blocked."

"Grandmother, what are you doing!" Daohua and Yan Wentao rushed over at the same time, pulling the old lady's hands from left to right.

Mrs. Yan looked at her granddaughter and grandson with remorse: "If it wasn't for the grandmother who insisted on leaving with your third uncle, how could such a thing happen now."

Daohua pulled the old lady: "If grandma wants to blame, blame me. If you don't want us to learn more, why do you need to endure this hardship?"

Yan Wentao didn't know how to speak, so he could only nod his head: "That's it."

Mrs. Yan sighed: "What should I do now?"

Daohua frowned and looked around. At this moment, the guards were still packing their things and had not left. The refugees nearby did not dare to come, but as soon as the guards left, they didn't know what was waiting for them.

After thinking about it, Daohua quickly jumped out of the carriage: "Grandma, wait for me." After speaking, she ran towards Qin Xiaoliu.

"Little Brother!"

Seeing Daohua coming over, Qin Xiaoliu immediately put down the things in his hand: "Daohua, what's the matter?"

Daohua pulled Qin Xiaoliu and said in a low voice, "Brother Xiaoliu, can you help us get some clothes for the refugees?"

Qin Xiaoliu glanced at Qin Wu, who was looking at them at the moment.

Daohua knew that the person in charge of the escort was Qin Wu, and immediately took out a bottle of hemostatic: "I'll pay you."

Qin Wu glanced at Daohua: "Take it back. It's just a few clothes. Xiaoliu will send them to you later."

Hearing this, Daohua looked overjoyed: "Thank you Qin Wushu." After saying that, she put the hemostatic medicine in Qin Xiaoliu's hand and ran away.

Qin Xiaoliu looked at Qin Wu with the hemostatic medicine: "fifth brother, what should I do?"

Qin Wu glared at him: "Don't hurry to get your clothes, remember, it's better to be dirty and torn, the kind that others don't want to grab even if they want to."


Qin Xiaoliu ran away, Qin Wu frowned, touched his face, and muttered: "Xiao Liu is a brother, how can I become Qin Wushu's uncle?"

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