There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning

Chapter 386 What Did You Just Say?

"The Witch" is really popular overseas, coupled with the steampunk style mentioned in it, it is very popular.

So in the recent period, many works of art in this style have emerged on the market.

Players basically know that there is such a game.

This will see "The Witch" appear, or a new special promotional film.

Many players, even those who have already played this game, couldn't help cheering.

After seems sincere.

Much better than the promotional video that Reflecta just aired.

【November 23, officially landed on Reflecta zodiac 1】

The new promotional video of "The Witch" is not long, and it will soon reach the end.

With the announcement of the final release date.

The screen slowly dimmed.

Seeing this, Nakabo Koichi breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be an old work.

That is not bad.

Although he doesn't know what price Reflecta paid to persuade Linmu Studio, the landing of the old work can't change much...

But when Nakabo Koichi thought so.

The dimmed screen is lit up again!

A new picture appeared on the screen to replace the promotional video of "The Witch"...

In the snow.

A young girl wearing a blue vest and tight trousers, with a three-dimensional face but with an oriental beauty, stood in the wind and snow.

She was carrying a shotgun, facing the wind and snow, standing in front of a dilapidated building.

next second.

She moved.

She stepped over an oil drum and ran into the dilapidated facility ahead.

This is... the actual screen of the game?

Female protagonist?

After a brief astonishment.

Players on the scene and watching the live broadcast reacted, and the real-time comments increased dramatically by the way.

In the venue, there was a wave of cheers immediately.

Could it be... there is finally a new game?

on the screen.

The young girl wearing a blue vest and tight trousers walked up the stairs step by step until she reached the top floor of the dilapidated facility.

All the way to unlock the lock, also got a cultural relic on the way.

at last.

She came to a signal tower.

According to the general concept, the soft woman, using both hands and feet, passed the abyss along the zipline and came to the second floor of the signal tower.


She began to climb the old stairs, all the way up.

When climbing halfway.

The steps under the feet were broken due to disrepair.

There was a loud noise, accompanied by the vibration of the screen, the young girl on the screen lost her center of gravity, barely grasped the stairs above, and stabilized her figure.

She looked back at the abyss, and continued to climb up.

The audience at the venue finally confirmed that this is a new game.

There was another cheer.

And on the screen.

The young girl climbed higher and higher.

Climb higher and higher.

Layer by layer up.

The camera also began to switch slowly, like a movie mirror, showing her climbing process from far or near.

Soon, she climbed to the top of the signal tower without any risk.

But her destination has not yet arrived, and there is still some distance to reach the maintenance station.

She took one last look at the snowy abyss below the signal tower.

Music with a bit of epic sense also sounded.

The girl stood up slowly holding the top part of the signal tower, and then continued to go up along the steel bars welded to the thimble like a row of stairs.

But the middle of this row of stairs has been broken due to disrepair.

Play the video here.

On the live broadcast website, real-time comments suddenly disappeared.

There was no sound at the scene.

Because on the screen, the young girl had already reached the broken position. She looked at another steel bar that was at least one meter away from her, and jumped suddenly.

The camera then zoomed in.

The rusty steel stairs are already very old, the young girl jumped up, and the moment she grabbed it, she couldn't bear the weight immediately and bent suddenly.

The girl quickly hugged the thimble beside her to stabilize her center of gravity.

The scene sounded again, it was an exclamation.

On the screen, the young girl looked up, regrouped, and continued to go up.


She came to the very top of the signal tower.

She climbed slowly onto the maintenance bench, sat down, and breathed a sigh of relief.

And the camera rotates accordingly.

Towering tower maintenance station.

The wind and snow howled.

The setting sun is like blood.

Behind the girl are snow-capped mountains.

And below him is the abyss.

This magnificent scene.

Immediately there was a burst of cheers.

And this time the cheers were louder than ever before...

Because just watching the game process, many people feel a little weak in their legs, but the girls in the game don't seem to be affected at all.

The thrilling process, wonderful performances, magnificent scenery, and the contrast of female images.

All of these brought great shock to the players who watched the promotional video.

And at this time.

The plot is still going on.

The young girl sat on the top of the towering signal tower and picked up the walkie-talkie on her waist.


She called softly to the person opposite.

And accompanied by the sound of rustling electricity.

The other end of the walkie-talkie also called her name.

The players who were watching the press conference also knew the young girl's name for the first time.


Laura breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the sound, and then opened the door of the maintenance cabinet.

Immediately afterwards.

The promotional video came to an abrupt end.

As the cabinet door of the maintenance desk was opened, the screen changed accordingly.

The music suddenly grew louder.

The LOGO of Linmu Studio appeared.

Tomb Raider

The title of the game in both Chinese and English slowly appeared on the screen...

Immediately afterwards.

A line of small characters slowly appeared below the game name.

【November 30, officially landed on Reflecta zodiac 1】


The moment the game name appeared.

In the venue, deafening cheers immediately sounded.

And see the release date.

The cheers grew louder.

Followed by, and applause.


After a long grind ahead.

The audience cheered up.

This is what they want to see!

game! good game! A game that has never been played before! Immediately want to play, exciting game!

And Nakabo Koichi was already stunned.

He opened his mouth slightly.

My head is full of question marks.

new game! ?

A new game is coming to Reflecta! ?

damn! Why! ?

And the other side.

Sibulon and Marco in the living room were also dumbfounded.

It's really an instant turn of the offensive.

They were still bored just now, but now they looked stunned.

Because they can't think of it either.

The dying Reflecta who was inked just now will suddenly enlarge his moves.

And what's even more terrifying.

The press conference is not over yet.

After the game name "Tomb Raider" appeared on the screen, it went dark again, and then lit up again!

But this time, the logo of Linmu Studio appeared first.

In the venue.

The audience who finally entered the state immediately cheered for the face.

And what sounded along with their cheers was explosive electronic rock.

The game screen appears.

A soldier wearing a gas mask, military uniform, and carrying a marching bag raised his right hand, holding a mace in his hand, and slammed it at the head of the enemy in front of him.


There was a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards.

With a splash of mud.

The screen went dark.

When it lights up again, a woman in a turban draws out a long knife, leans down, and starts to charge on the desert on a horse!


The screen went dark again.

lights up again.

On the chaotic and muddy battlefield, a soldier took a military shovel and slammed it to finish off the enemy.


… tanks, Etric pigeons, light machine guns, horse-riding charges, even poison gas.

Sea, land and air.

Various war scenes appeared one by one.

The music is also getting more exciting.

[I'm gonna fight 'em off (I'm gonna fight 'em off)

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

They gonna rip it off (they gonna rip it off)

Taking their time right behind my back

And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget (I talk to myself at night because I can't forget)]

In general shooting games, the more futuristic the weapons, the better.

But this promotional video is full of things from a hundred years ago.

Various outdated weapons appeared on the screen compared to other shooting games.

But it crazily stimulates the adrenaline of European and American players.


All war scenes!

War scenes that are different from other shooting games!

In the venue.

Cheers came out after the promotional video came out.

I can't stop it.

The Tomb Raider just now is just a fragment.

But this promo.

The scenes that can stimulate the adrenaline of European and American players are directly assembled together, paired with exciting music, they... really can't stand it.

And the second half of the promotional video.

There are also naval battles, trench warfare, railroad warfare, and positional artillery coverage!

in the promo.

Human roars, cannonball firing, shooting and roaring were mixed together.

The cheers of the audience could not be suppressed.

at last.

The scene of the fighter plane crashing and swooping down flashes away.

The screen of the promotional video suddenly changed from dynamic to static.

A terrified face appeared on the screen.

He looked up to the sky.

Shadows slowly cast on his face.

Camera cut.

ahead of him.

A huge Zeppelin airship broke through the smoke and slowly approached the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke and flames of war.

Block out the sun!

The explosive electronic rock music sounded again.

The game name will follow.



【November 30, officially landed on Reflecta zodiac 1】

The moment this line appeared.

In the venue.

The audience who were cheering just now stood up and whistled.

At the Reflecta press conference, the host saw this scene, thought of what happened to him just now, was stunned, and then exchanged glances with the high-level people in the audience.

The high-level people in the audience were also stunned.

The two looked at each other.


The broadcasts of the three games are all over.

Lin Yao reappeared on the stage, she thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing to say, so she bent towards the camera and said, "Thank you everyone."

Then, she stepped down.

the other side of the city.

in front of the screen.

Nakabo Koichi opened his mouth slightly, and watched the two promotional videos without moving.

Until Lin Yao stepped down from the stage.

He suddenly came back to his senses!

not good! ! !

In the previous game, he couldn't make a judgment yet.

But the latter game, based on his years of experience in the console department of Peria! As long as the actual game quality is half of what the trailer will be a hit! Especially players in Europe and America!

Worse! ! !


at the same time.

Sibulon held the beer bottle and put the mouth of the bottle to his mouth, but he didn't take a sip of beer.

He looked at the screen, and after a long pause, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Hey! Brother, what did you say just now? Reflecta's host discount is very strong? Then buy a host, maybe we can consider it..."

Marco, who had been staring at the screen since the next three promotional videos played, turned his head, silently stuffed the pizza into his mouth, and said, "Well, I think so too..."

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

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