There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 926: This Dog Dare To Sell Daddy? I think you are afraid that you don’t know how to write de

After hearing the words of the female supreme, Wang Mang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing:

"You and I joined forces to kill them, it's so easy!"

Upon hearing this, the female supreme said with a chuckle: "Yes, your strength is Ascension's very fast."

"At the beginning, I didn't expect that you could also be a little supreme today."

Obviously, for Wang Mang, this female supreme was very good to his senses.

Moreover, the female supreme could feel that Wang Mang's heart for fighting for the invincible supreme was not great.

At the beginning, she could feel that Wang Mang didn't even have the belief in invincibility.

Although he was also very curious about how Wang Mang made breakthroughs in Xiao Zhizun, it also proved a problem.

It is that it is too difficult for Wang Mang to become the invincible supreme.

Even, it is very difficult to become a great supreme in the future.

Invincible belief may have a way to do it.

But Dazhizun needs to have an invincible heart.

There is no other way to take advantage of the loopholes.

But does Wang Mang have invincible beliefs?


Although she didn't know how Wang Mang broke through Xiao Zhizun.

But the Great Supreme was doomed, and Wang Mang couldn't make breakthrough at all.

Even if Wang Mang accumulated enough background, he couldn't make a breakthrough.

This is also destined, and Wang Mang will not have a dispute with her in the future.

In fact, Wang Mang himself knew this.

Therefore, Wang Mang never thought of breakthrough Grand Supreme.

Because, as long as you reach the small supreme, it will have no effect on the potential and achievements of the sixth rank in the future.

Even if it is Tier 6, he will be able to step into the road of the heavens and worlds in the future, and he can also compete for the invincible supremacy.

Therefore, for the fifth-order invincible supreme, Wang Mang's heart is not big.

Therefore, facing the compliment of the female supreme, Wang Mang was a little proud, but he still chuckled:

"There is a fellow daoist's contribution to this! Thank you fellow daoist for taking care of it."

"My gratitude to fellow daoist is always in my heart."

"If one day, the fellow daoist asks, I will never refuse!"

After hearing Wang Mang's vowed guarantee, the female supreme smiled and said nothing.

Later, Wang Mang invited the female supreme, and the two went to Thirteen Cities together.

There is no other reason. Now Jianhan Kyushu and the God of Slaughter are in Thirteen Cities.

After half a day.

Wang Mang successfully entered the thirteen cities.

These thirteen cities are also known as the Little Supreme City.

Compared with the Mythical City of Twelve Cities, it is naturally bigger!

Moreover, the thirteen cities here are powerful and powerful.

Obviously, this is the group of Tianjiao from the previous Twelve Cities who entered the Thirteen Cities.

Therefore, there are too many arrogances in the Fourth Stage, Fifth Stage, and Sixth Stage!

Similarly, after Wang Mang and Female Supreme entered the Thirteen Cities, the two parted ways.

As for why?

This is because Wang Mang is afraid of stunning snakes.

If the God of Slaughter and Jianhan Kyushu knew that he and the female supreme would join forces.

Needless to say, he will definitely be extremely vigilant, even if he will leave the Supreme City.

It was to prevent this from happening that Wang Mang and the female supreme were separated.

In this way, even Jianhan Kyushu and the God of Slaughter knew that he was here.

The two talents will not be too jealous of Wang Mang's attack on them.

Because the two of them are not afraid of Wang Mang under their joint hands.

It is worth mentioning that.

After entering the thirteen cities.

Wang Mang felt the four supreme breaths.

In other words, most of the Supremes are no longer in the 13 cities.

There are a total of 14 Little Supremes, excluding Sikong Zhen and Mozhu Supreme.

As well as Wang Mang and the female supreme, there should be ten little supreme in the thirteen cities.

But now there are only four Little Supremes in the city, which means there are still six outside the city!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

Afterwards, Wang Mang hurried towards the city.

Once I figured out Jianhan Kyushu and the god of slaughter, he was no longer in the city.

Then Wang Mang would directly start to fight to kill these two forearm cubs outside the thirteen cities.

As Wang Mang quickened his pace, the past tianjiao in the city took the initiative to make their debut.

They looked at Wang Mang's eyes, filled with awe and fear!

If it is said that Wang Mang once was ridiculed by Tianjiao on the battle road of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

So, now Wang Mang, no one of the heavenly arrogance dares to underestimate him.

Because, just a few days ago, Wang Mang even killed Luoyue Wuhen Supreme Tianjiao!

This is even more so, Wang Mang's prestige reverberates throughout the entire heavens and all realms!

All I have to say is.

This look of awe and jealousy.

Wang Mang still enjoyed it very much.

Such a highly anticipated feeling.

But no one can ignore it.

After all, the road to conquer the heavens and all realms.

In addition to the pursuit of the fifth-order powerful to the extreme.

It is the pursuit of supreme glory, as well as the preservation of history, and the eternal reputation!

Soon, Wang Mang came to the thirteen cities.

After Wang Mang's judgment on the supreme breath.

He can almost tell the four little supreme in the city.

Neither is the breath of Jianhan Kyushu and the God of Slaughter!

On the contrary, the two auras are the breath of the Green Emperor and the Master of Survival.

At this time, perhaps I felt Wang Mang's breath, in a tall building in an inn.

The green emperor's figure emerged, and he immediately smiled and smiled at Wang Mang:

"The fellow daoist is getting stronger and stronger, and even Luoyue Wuhen was killed by the fellow daoist."

Obviously, the Green Emperor was also extremely shocked by Wang Mang's strength.

Originally, he thought it would be good for Wang Mang not to die under the joint hands of the Three Supremes.

But who ever thought that Wang Mang would still kill Luoyue Wuhenzhen in this situation!

This is a bit cruel!

At the time, he was still feeling fortunate for the speed at which he escaped.

But after learning about Wang Mang's brutal record, the Green Emperor regretted it a little.

This act of selling directly to teammates, no matter where they are, is a shameful thing.

What's more, he directly sold Wang Mang who chose to run away at the most critical moment.

Sure enough, after hearing the compliment from the Green Emperor, Wang Mang grunted coldly.

Although Wang Mang himself often sells his teammates.

But this feeling of being sold.

Naturally, Wang Mang was also very upset.

Because, if this guy doesn't run away.

Not only can he kill Luoyue Wuhen, he even has the opportunity to kill the God of Slaughter and Jianhan Kyushu!

But it was this guy's fleeing that caused Wang Mang's merits to fall short, and it was delayed for more than a month.

Hearing this, the Green Emperor suddenly gave a bright smile, and his reaction to Wang Mang was no surprise.

It's him, in this situation, he won't give the other side a good face.

Just when the Green Emperor felt sorry and thought he was about to lose, Wang Mang, a powerful ally.

Wang Mang said in a voice transmission: "Fellow daoist, this seat is going to continue to kill Luoyue Wuhen and the god of slaughter."

"If fellow daoist still wants to be an alliance, don't abandon this seat anymore!"

"Last time outside the Twelve Cities Desert, if it weren't for the fellow daoist, I escaped first."

"This seat may successfully kill the God of Slaughter and Jianhan Kyushu Town!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the green emperor was immediately overjoyed and vowed to spread the voice:

"Fellow daoist don't worry, this time my green emperor will never run away first."

"If I run away first, I won't be able to die!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, but sneered in his heart.

After he and the female supreme town finish killing, after the god of slaughter and Jianhan Kyushu.

At that time, he will kill the Green Emperor who has lost its use value!

You dare to sell your dog stuff, daddy?

Are you afraid that you don’t know how to write dead words!

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