Ting greeted Jiang Suian's gaze, and pulled her clothes quite uncomfortably. The male lord's clothes were full of the smell of the male lord, and she felt very uncomfortable to wear.

Jiang Sui'an saw that Ting was wearing the light-colored clothes that he often wore, and his eyes condensed. He should have worn this dress when he went to school that day. Ting should have seen me wear this dress, since I have seen it, but I still choose to wear this dress...

"Come here and sit down, 520 is already cooking, and you can eat right away." Jiang Suian beckoned Ting when seeing Ting standing at the top of the stairs.

"Okay." Ting replied, and slowly walked towards Jiang Suian, the pace was much slower than the usual stride meteor.

Seeing Ting slowly walking towards him, Jiang Suian pulled a smile. Seeing Ting's uncomfortable expression, his eyes were two points of gentleness.

Sitting on the sofa a little further away from Jiang Suian, Ting lowered her eyes and began to reflect on herself. After getting married, there is only one female waiter in the family. I should get up early to cook, but I started later than the male lord today. I can’t just be lazy because of the male lord’s fancy. Starting from the dinner tonight, you must Let the male master taste his craft. At that time, in the cooking courses offered at the Intermediate Academy, my grades were always excellent, so I shouldn’t be worse than the smart housekeeper robot...

Seeing Ting sitting down, he started to stare in a daze. Jiang Suian looked at him with a bit of amusement. Seeing that he was really in a daze, he sighed and said, "How come you have been in a daze since yesterday? Often in a daze?"

Although Ting was thinking about her own affairs, she still kept her mind attentive to Jiang Suian. Jiang Suian began to listen to the male lord seriously as soon as he spoke. After listening to Jiang Suian's words, Ting raised his head and said in a somewhat embarrassing manner: "I tend to be immersed in my thoughts and neglect the hero."

"I can't talk about being negligent," Jiang Suian said, seeing Ting getting nervous again, soothing: "I just saw that you are always thinking about things, am I still thinking about the military department?"

"No." Ting shook her head, a little hesitant about whether she should say what she had just thought.

"Then what are you thinking?" Jiang Suian became a little curious. He always thought that Ting was worried about the military affairs, but it turned out not to be.

"I...I'm thinking, since I'm married to the male lord, should I cook for the male lord? I wonder if I want to tell 520 that I will cook tonight." Ting originally hesitated. But when I heard the male lord's question, he naturally said, after all, what I was thinking of was not something invisible.

"You can cook?" Jiang Suian was a little surprised: "Didn't you always live in the military department and eat the canteen?"

Looking at Jiang Suian, Ting remembered that the male lord had just woke up for less than two months, and didn’t know what the females had to learn is normal, so she explained softly: “Cooking is a compulsory course for females in the Intermediate Academy. All females must learn."

"Should military women also learn?"

"These are compulsory courses for females and sub-females, and military females of course also have to learn them." Ting Kan Jiang Suian's rare eyes showed a curious look, and continued: "In addition to cooking, we also need to learn to tidy and clean, right. Aesthetic design of home decoration or something, many Asian females will also learn skills such as flower arranging."

Jiang Sui'an is a little hard to understand. Cooking was learned by chefs in his previous life, and housekeeping was learned by housekeeping. Why did military women learn these things? There is also the aesthetic design of decoration, why such a course will become a compulsory course.

Thinking of this, I asked: "Why do military women have such necessary courses?"

Ting pursed her lips and said, "Cooking and cleaning are necessary skills for marrying a male master to be a female waiter. In most families, the smart housekeeper robot is not responsible for cooking and cleaning, so the female king and the female waiter must Can make more delicious meals than intelligent housekeeping robot insects, and has good cleaning ability. And home decoration aesthetics and design are mostly necessary skills for females, and sometimes the male host will give a broad request, which the female requires Decorate the house to the look of the male master's satisfaction."

Having said that, Jiang Suian understood: "But no one can be sure that he will be a female waiter or a female prince in the future, so I have to learn it, right?"

"Yes." Ting nodded and said, "These are basically necessary skills for every female and sub-female of Chongxing, so every intermediate academy will offer such courses."

"Moreover," Ting said with some embarrassment, "When I was in the Intermediate College, these courses were excellent, and my culinary skills were pretty good. Can I cook for the hero tonight?"

"Of course it can," Jiang Suian said with a smile: "Then I want to taste the food you cooked tonight."

Before Ting answered, she saw 520 slipping out of the kitchen carrying the tray, and said: "Sui'an, Sui'an's waitress, the food is ready, hurry up and eat it while it is hot. Just now Sue'an asked me to make a hearty meal. Point, I made a big table, no matter what Suan's waitress likes to eat, I definitely have one here."

Ting stood up and said to Jiang Suian: "Lord Xiong, I'll help 520 serve dishes."

"Wait," Jiang Suian did not let Ting go as readily as yesterday, but stopped Ting: "You don't go."

Ting looked at Jiang Suian with some doubts, but saw that Jiang Suian put the terminal in his hand on the sofa casually, stood up and walked towards him slowly, stretched out his hand and held his wrist and said, "I let you go yesterday. You will serve me with food when you come back. You are not allowed to go today. Go to the restaurant with me and wait for 520 to bring it over."

"Yes." Tingna replied, his mind was a little confused. He didn't expect that after the hero did not allow him to serve yesterday, he would not let him go into the kitchen to serve food today in order to prevent him from being like yesterday. However, some married seniors in the military department said that sometimes doing nothing at home is truly lacking. But I'm not like this...

Jiang Suian pulled Ting down by the dining table before letting go. Just as he was about to pull a chair away and let Ting sit down, he saw Ting bypassing herself at a very fast speed and pulled away the chair on the main seat.

"Please take a seat." Ting pulled away the chair on the main seat and made a please gesture to Jiang Suian.

Jiang Suian sat down silently for a moment, smiling and teasing Ting: "Are you trying to show me your military skills?"

Seeing Jiang Suian sitting down, Ting pulled the chair away and sat down. Hearing Jiang Suian's teasing, the roots of her ears were a little red.

Seeing that Ting was not speaking, but the roots of his ears were red, Jiang Sui'an jokingly said, "Why didn't you speak? Was it to show me that you were hit by me in the hospital because of bad skills?"

Hearing Jiang Suian's ridicule, Ting pursed her lips and replied earnestly: "No, it's because she saw the hero pulling a chair, so she was in a hurry. The last time she was hit by the hero was because she was carrying it on her body. The injury is not because of bad health."

"I was injured on my body?" Jiang Suian's attention was focused on the words behind Ting, and the ridicule was gone, and he asked, "Why was he injured?"

"I was accidentally injured on mission." Ting didn't expect that the hero would pay attention to this, and a slight warmth appeared in his heart, and said with a smile.

Jiang Suian looked at Ting's smile, not only did he not relax, but he also felt a lot of pain. He came to the hospital with his injuries and was hit by himself. It was obviously not his fault, but he wanted to get up and apologize, and he was also trained. When I sent Dongping away by myself, I saw him being set up to make things difficult. Did he treat his injuries at that time?

Ting Jiang Sui'an stared at him without seeing the ridicule just now, but with emotions that he couldn't understand, a little at a loss, and cautiously asked: "Master, did I just say something wrong?"

Jiang Suian looked at Ting's eyes cautiously, cleared up his emotions, smiled softly at Ting and said, "Why? You don't have to worry about this when we get along, you don't need to be so careful."

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little charming, and Ting moved a little uncomfortably.

"Well, this is the last dish at noon today." 520 held a stew pot and placed it in the middle of the table, saying in a cold mechanical voice.

"Okay, let's eat quickly." Jiang Suian added a chopsticks dish to Ting and said to him with a smile: "After dinner, I will take you to the main control room to record your fingerprints and facial features."

"Yeah." Ting replied in a low voice and began to eat silently.

After eating, 520 cleared the table, Jiang Suian stopped Ting who wanted to help in the kitchen, and took him to the main control room.

The master switch of the smart housekeeper who brought Ting to the house entered his fingerprints and facial features, Jiang Suian and Ting entered the study, a common sense course on the terminal, and one began to contact his subordinates to improve the evidence chain.

Unknowingly, the afternoon was about to pass. Ting had contacted his subordinates a long time ago, and everything else had been done. Now only the admiral is missing and the key evidence is obtained.

Ting quietly glanced at the hero who was seriously watching the online course on Star Online, and was a little undecided when he wanted to go out.

Two glances were enough, and Jiang Suian quickly noticed it all the time.

When he noticed that Ting was taking a peek here again, Jiang Suian didn't rush to startle the snake, but continued to watch the course played on the terminal carefully, and wanted to see what Ting wanted to do.

But after waiting for a long time, I still didn't see Ting take the initiative to say anything, and still glanced at him from time to time.

Jiang Suian raised his head helplessly, caught Ting's gaze, and asked in a gentle voice: "Are you trying to tell me something? You have been looking at me since the beginning. If you have anything, just say it."

"I..." Being caught by Jiang Suian, Ting Lue lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "This morning, Yan called me for a newsletter and said that the admiral wanted to see me. I want to ask if I can go out."

"Are you going out?" Jiang Suian looked at Ting's nervousness, smiled and said: "You just want to go out and tell me, why are you so nervous?"

"Does the male master allow it?" Ting raised her head to look at Jiang Suian, and said with some surprise: "Most female servants can't go out at will after they get married, unless they have the permission of the male master or are allowed to go out to work by the male master. We Just one day after we got married, I wanted to go out because I was afraid that the male lord would be angry."

"Afraid that I will be angry?" Jiang Suian said with a chuckle, "Why don't you compensate me? I won't be angry after compensation."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-06-1702:18:18~2021-06-1722:32:43~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of white rice porridge;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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