Lin Shiben was still holding her daughter's hair with a smile, trying on a bead hairpin, and after a quarter of an hour, she began to look out frequently.

Shopkeeper Qian opened the red lacquer box he had picked out, and eloquently recommended his own jewelry, which eased the awkward atmosphere.

After a short while, Mammy Jin came in with a box.

"Why did you go there for so long?" Lin shi asked in a deep voice. Yu Miaoqi held a golden hairpin and dressed up in the mirror, as if she didn't hear anything.

"Mrs. Hui, it took the third lady to search for a long time before she found this box and said she was going to give it to the second lady. That's why it was delayed." Mammy Jin handed over the box and found that it was covered with dust. It was obviously abandoned by Yu Xiang. He felt very embarrassed, and quickly wiped the dust off with his sleeves.

Lin Shi's already gloomy complexion was dripping with water at this moment, and was about to rebuke "too deceitful", but the shopkeeper Qian exclaimed, "Oh, this is not the only golden phoenix in our Jinxiu Pavilion. Bu Yao? Not to mention that the three oriental pearls wrapped around Bu Yao are all the size of longan eyes. It is hard to find in this world. This box alone is expensive. The body of this box is carved from a whole piece of golden nanmu A few begonia flowers are inlaid on the lid of the box. The petals are made of ?-grade red emerald, which is thinned and spliced. The color is delicate and the water head is full. When placed in the sun, it is just like a real flower, which makes people want to reach out and caress. ."

As she spoke, she took the box and turned it in the bright light, tsk tsk admiring, "Two, three, Miss Xiang'er is so generous, this box alone is a treasure in our store, not to mention this step. Dongzhu even sells it for this amount." She shook it with a slap.

Today, it is also surprising that a second young lady appeared in Yongle Hou's mansion for no reason, saying that she was the twin sister of Miss Xiang'er. However, the two of them look completely similar, and their temperament is also very different, and I don't know what their origins are.

Whatever it is, she only needs to make money.

The shopkeeper Qian kept muttering in his heart, but he praised Yu Xiang for the gift, which made Lin's gloomy complexion a little calmer.

"Thank you for your patronage, Madam. Next time, if you need anything, just ask people to call the women. The things of the women are among the best in Beijing, and I will never let the lady down." The shopkeeper Qian took the right card with a smile and heaved a sigh of relief after going out.

Lin Shi ordered Mammy Jin to put away all the jewelry on the table, but when she turned back, she saw her daughter weeping at the opened begonia flower box.

"Qi'er, what's wrong with you? Who made you unhappy?" She hurriedly walked over and hugged her daughter and patted her.

"Mother, this box alone is very valuable, not to mention the jewelry inside." She closed the box and pushed it away, and her tears fell even more fiercely, "And I never even saw what Dongzhu looked like in the Shen family. In other words, those are things that are just out of reach, and a life that I will never dare to dream of. But what about the truth? In fact, these things should have belonged to me, but they were all taken away by her! Mother, I even bought them Some clothing and jewelry have to be reported to her. Am I the daughter of the Hou's mansion? If I have to see her face in the future, why should I come back? Why don't you send me back!"

The more she talked, the more sad she became. She took off a purse from her waist, and choked up, "Mother, besides you in the Hou residence, who cares about me? Look at what my grandmother gave me, a peace charm. It's just a temple. The peace talisman that can be bought with a piece of copper, but she used it as my greeting gift. This is to despise my daughter in my heart!"

In fact, Yu Miaoqi misunderstood. This safety talisman was not bought with a copper plate, but it was written and consecrated by the monk Kuhai, a monk of the Han Dynasty. If you take it out, it is a good thing that no one can grab. thing. It was also thanks to Yu Xiang that he had a good relationship with the monk Kuhai in discussing the scriptures and Buddhism over the years, so he made an exception for him, who had been closing the pen for ten years.

It's a pity that the old lady fed it all into the dog's stomach. Not only did Yu Miaoqi not appreciate it, she secretly hated her.

Hearing this, Mrs. Lin was furious, and while scolding the old lady for being biased, she walked outside and threw the peace talisman into the brazier where the yellow paper was burned. When the flames licked the talisman paper, there was a strong fragrance of Zen, but it disappeared in an instant.

She turned back, hugged her daughter and whispered through gritted teeth, "Don't worry, Qi'er, from now on, mother will not let you suffer the humiliation you are today. After all, mother is also the head mistress of the Hou residence. It's time to take charge of the central feed again. Who knows who's face is not sure!"

"Mother, you are the only one who treats your daughter best. Your daughter can only rely on you!" Yu Miaoqi rushed into her arms and sobbed, a dark light flashed across her tearful eyes.

Mammy Jin held back her words and was about to persuade her master, but found that the second lady had said everything she wanted to say. If the master is in charge of the central feeder again, and she will be the revered steward in this Hou's mansion in the future, how much oil and water are waiting to be fished? Thinking of this, she couldn't contain the joy in her heart, and quickly covered the smile on her lips with a handkerchief, but the corners of her eyes drooped down, as if very sad.

In the main courtyard, the old lady was flipping through a scripture book, but she saw Wan Qiu come in with a solemn face, whispering something in Ma Ma's ear, and vaguely heard words such as "Madam, it's burned, I hate it".

Ma Ma's face changed greatly, and the hand holding the handkerchief trembled involuntarily.

"What did you say? Let me listen too?" The old lady turned a page of the Buddhist scriptures and spoke slowly.

Ma Ma sent away Late Autumn with a hesitant expression on her face.

The old lady sneered, "Is Lin's acting a demon again? Say it!"

Ma Ma knelt at her feet and said sadly, "Back to the old lady, the lady said that you despised her, and the greeting gift you gave was a peace talisman that could be bought with a copper plate in the temple. When the lady heard it, she burst into anger and took the talisman paper. Throw it into the fire and burn it."

Since she knew the fate of her granddaughter, the old lady asked Yu Xiang to ask for this talisman and enshrined it in Zhenguo Temple, asking eminent monks to recite scriptures and blessings every day. This dedication lasted for four years. It cost two hundred taels of silver, all of which the old lady paid for herself. Putting aside this sincerity, there are tens of thousands of taels of silver alone, how can it be burnt in one fire?

If you burn it, you will burn it, but you still want to slander the old lady in words. What kind of wolf-heartedness is this, I don’t know how to be grateful! Anyone who has a trace of respect for the old lady will not be able to do such a thing!

Ma Mama wished she could rush to the main room and slap Lin Shi and Yu Miaoqi each.

The old lady didn't get angry, but laughed lowly, and spoke again with a vicissitudes of voice, "Yan'er is right, that Yu Miaoqi has a cold temperament, and she doesn't hold grudges, so she should stay away. No matter how I treat her , how can she be compared to the Shen couple who raised her? She even gave up if the Shen couple said she would give up, how could she remember me? That's all, I won't do this kind of hot face and cold butt in the future. , let's get married after a year and a half, just like Yu Siyu, it is also a worry."

Ma Ma nodded again and again, and after thinking for a while, she said, "The girl also said that Madam is afraid to snatch the power of the family from Miss Xiang'er. Old Madam, look at this..."

Hearing that the old lady here was extremely angry, she snorted coldly, "The power of the family? Just rely on her? Today's Hou Mansion is not the Hou Mansion when Junjie was there, she is afraid that she will not be able to play well. But if she dares to say that, I can fulfill her."

Ma Ma listened to the big shock and reminded, "Old Madam, what if something goes wrong?"

As the old lady said, the present Yongle Hou Mansion is very different from the past. Although Yu Pinyan assumed the title of a hussar general, in fact, the tiger talisman was handed over to the emperor early. In order to pave the way for the crown prince's ascension to the throne, the emperor, who has eliminated several different surnames of the king, will make a knife on the intertwined aristocratic family in the coming year. Under this general trend, the Yongle Houfu can only be a solitary minister and a pure minister, and must not be involved with any party.

This scale not only needs to be grasped by Yu Pinyan, but also the exchanges between the women in the back house cannot cross the emperor's bottom line. Yu Xiang had done very well before, and in the eyes of the old lady, it couldn't have been better. She could not have imagined that Xiang'er was already so smart that even the Holy Intent could be so thorough that she didn't even need to remind her.

Lin Shi was also very shrewd and capable before he was confused, but that kind of shrewdness, which is limited to small calculations and careful tricks in the back house, can't compare with Xiang'er's wide-eyed vision.

If this family is handed over to the Lin family, there will be trouble.

The old lady thought about it, waved her hand and said, "If she dares to speak, let her take care of it, and Xiang'er and I will stare at the side and nothing will happen. Xiang'er manages the Hou's mansion with iron and blood, and it is her brother's true inheritance. Lin's little tricks will collapse within a few months of taking over. She has been stuck in the main house and indulged in the past for these years, but I can't find her fault. Let her take the divorce letter and go home, and her family can't say anything."

After hearing this, Mama understood the old lady's plan. Also, missing her deceased husband can't be wrong, the old lady doesn't want to tolerate Lin anymore! Fourteen years, it's time to endure it.

"Where is the Hou Ye..." Ma Ma could not help but remind.

"Go and ask Yan'er, do you still recognize Lin as a mother?" The old lady sneered. She didn't make a big move because she was worried about her grandson's face before, but this time, when she came back with Yu Miaoqi, she really saw her grandson's heart. Sun Tzu probably didn't want to recognize Lin's, and even refused to recognize Yu Miaoqi, otherwise how could he be so indifferent.

"She doesn't recognize Marquis, and Marquis naturally doesn't recognize her either. She doesn't have Marquis in her heart, all she thinks about is the second young lady, and she doesn't think about who earned her good life for so many years." Shaking his head sadly.

The old lady also sighed, picked up the Buddhist scriptures and chanted in a low voice.

In the main room, Mrs. Lin didn't know that the servants in her yard, except for Mammy Jin and her two daughters, all became the eyes of the old lady and Yu Xiang, and she thought she was the one who used to say nothing and acted in the slightest. Do not avoid people.

Yu Miaoqi didn't know what to do, and she relaxed when she saw her being so reckless. The mother and daughter discussed how to speak to the old lady, and didn't fall asleep until three quarters after Hai Shi.

Early the next morning, Yu Miaoqi dressed up and followed Lin to the main courtyard to greet the old lady.

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