The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7229: Mirage, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Chapter 7229 Mirage

Although what Dao Rang said was unclear and completely illogical, Jiang Yun understood it.

The intersection of time and space means that other time and space will suddenly appear in the chaos domain.

There are three consequences of the intersection of time and space.

Or in other time and space, there will be some areas that make their homes in Chaos Domain.

Or it is a part of the chaos domain, which is brought into other time and space.

The last consequence is that nothing happens!

In short, at this moment, the quadruple star is shaking so violently because the intersection of time and space has appeared.

As for Dao Rang's continuous emphasis on himself, it also has two meanings when Jiang Yun wants to come.

Or another self in another time and space appeared.

Or it is the intersection of time and space, and it appears because of myself!

These thoughts flashed through Jiang Yun's mind, but he didn't have time to ask Dao Rang carefully.

The intersection of time and space is something that cannot be met.

Even if it is a strong man born and raised in the chaos domain, it is not clear when and where the phenomenon of the intersection of time and space will appear.

It is possible that it will not appear once in thousands of years, and it is also possible that it will appear several times in a day, completely random.

That's why the guy in Wanbaolou didn't know what was going on at all, obviously he didn't experience it.

Jiang Yun had already stepped out of the Wanbao Building, stood on the street, and turned to look in all directions.

The streets that were originally crowded with people are now full of people, and the water can't get through.

Even the sky is overcrowded.

Although the vibrations that are still continuing are extremely violent at the moment, the monks who can come to the Chaos Realm basically have a certain strength and are naturally not affected by the vibrations.

On the contrary, some of those buildings have been shaken out of the cracks and are crumbling, making the people inside them squeeze out and become a mess.

Jiang Yun had no interest in the crowd around him. He was looking for the source of the vibration, the place where the intersection of time and space appeared.

However, when he turned his eyes to the air, he suddenly realized that there is a sky outside the sky!

Above the sky that he saw, there were five layers of sky.

In addition, the entire Sihexing was banned from inside and outside by the person with one palm, leaving only two entrances and exits, so under this first layer of sky, you can't see the outside world at all.

Jiang Yun was determined to leave Sihexing quickly, but found that no one was leaving.

Because the two entrances are also crowded with people.

Although Jiang Yun believed that he could squeeze out of the crowd, but only his own reaction was different from the others, which inevitably caused unnecessary doubts.

Especially on his body, there is a spiritual monitoring that does not know which powerhouse comes from.

However, Jiang Yun's heart is really curious about the intersection of time and space, whether there really is another time and space where he is at the intersection of the chaos domain, and whether another self has entered the chaos domain.

Therefore, he shouted loudly: "This vibration seems to be the intersection of time and space, go and see!"

While shouting, Jiang Yun had already rushed towards the entrance first.

Hearing Jiang Yun's shout, and seeing Jiang Yun's actions, the monks around him who were just waiting and watching were suddenly unable to stay.

Time and space meet, everyone wants to see it!

Immediately, there were a series of figures, followed behind Jiang Yun, and flew towards the entrance.

As long as someone takes the lead, there will naturally be someone to respond.

Especially those monks who are not far from the entrance, seeing so many people flying towards this side, they don't even need to say hello, they have turned around and flew to the entrance first.

Although Jiang Yun was the first to set off, he deliberately slowed down, allowing one monk after another to pass by his side.

In short, when Jiang Yun came to the entrance, the original sea of ​​people had been washed away.

Jiang Yun flew out of the quadruple star without hindrance, stood in the gap, and looked around.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun has no experience after all.

When he thought about it, the process of time and space meeting was bound to last for a long time, but in fact, this time was also random.

Therefore, at this moment, when he looked in the direction of the gazes of many cultivators, he just saw, I don't know how far away, an incomparably huge, tentacle-like phantom, flashed away.

The intersection of time and space is over!

Because the distance is too far, even with Jiang Yun's eyesight, he can only see some scenes in the phantom.

That phantom is another time and space, which merges with Chaos Domain.

As for whether any areas have been cut down, Jiang Yun has no idea at all.

This made Jiang Yun a little unwilling, and he wanted to go to the place where the phantom disappeared, but he didn't know the exact distance.

In desperation, he could only look at the other cultivators around him, then calmly came to an old man's side, cupped his hands and smiled and said, "Old man, this is the first time I encountered the intersection of time and space, and it just came out. It's too late, I didn't see anything."

"I don't know if the old man has seen the specific situation, can you tell me about it?"

The old man was quite enthusiastic and said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing to talk about. Every time the time and space meet, the situation is roughly the same."

"Have you ever seen a mirage, it's almost like a mirage, and suddenly an illusory scene appeared in a certain area."

"The difference is that the mirage will definitely disappear after it appears."

"And the scene that appears at the intersection of time and space may change from fantasy to reality."

The old man's analogy is easy to understand.

What's more, Jiang Yun is not only familiar with the mirage, he was brought up by the mirage at all!

Therefore, Jiang Yun understood as soon as he heard it.

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then I just saw that there is a phantom that disappears in a flash. Does that mean that this time-space intersection, there are no other time-space areas left?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Not necessarily!"

"When the intersection of time and space appears, there is a great possibility of creating new space-time cracks."

"Therefore, many times, if there are new areas or creatures, if they stay with us, they will fall directly into the cracks in time and space."

"Where the new space-time rift will lead, no one knows."

So far, Jiang Yun finally fully understood the general process of the intersection of time and space.

The old man continued: "The intersection of time and space is really nothing to see. If you want to see it, you can set up an illusion by yourself."

Having said that, the old man raised his chin, pointed to Sihexing and said, "There should be someone applying for a guest of the four major races just now."

"That process is much more interesting than the intersection of time and space."

"If you haven't seen it before, you can go and see it."

When the shock just started, Jiang Yun heard the man from Wanbaolou also talk about it.

However, it was interrupted later due to the emergence of the intersection of time and space.

Now hearing the old man mention it again, Jiang Yun smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for the guidance, I will go and see!"

Anyway, the intersection of time and space has ended, no matter whether there are other time and space areas or creatures left in the chaos domain, no one can know for the time being.

And Jiang Yun also wanted to look for the Ten Blood Lanterns in Sihexing, and to find out the true identity of the old man surnamed Zhuang.

All, he naturally chose to stay in Sihexing.

Others and Jiang Yun's thoughts are also the same, basically they turn around and fly towards the Sihexing.

At the same time, in a gap in the boundary that is not known how far from Sihexing, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air from the darkness.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a blue robe, with an ordinary face that reveals the vicissitudes of life, with a strong color of doubt, and said to himself: "What is this place?"

"I was clearly in retreat and meditating, why did I suddenly feel a huge suction that pulled me here?"

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