The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6694: not too long, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Jiang Yun has a formation stone that can directly lead to the residence of the formation spirit, he has not used it at this moment.

There is still some confusion in his mind now, and he needs a little time to wake up.

Under the rapid flight, the strong wind blowing on Jiang Yun's face made him finally calm down.

But even so, he still couldn't believe the fact that the ancient spirits were dead.

And to put it inappropriately, if other than other ancient spirits were killed, Jiang Yun would not be so uncomfortable.

After all, it only took him six or seven days to separate from the Primordial Spirit Formation.

Six or seven days ago, the Primordial Formation Spirit was still pointing at his formation and formation, and after he left, he specially sent him a message, telling him the key position to decipher the formation.

However, now the two of them are separated by yin and yang, and they will never see each other again.

"Three, three!"

Jiang Yun kept muttering these two words in his mouth, and the murderous aura emanating from his eyes really formed a storm. Everywhere he passed, there was a sound of thunder.

His hatred for the Three Reverends was once again infinitely heightened, and he really wished he could go to the Three Reverends to go all out now.

However, in addition to anger and hatred, Jiang Yun also had some self-blame in his heart for the death of the Primordial Spirit Formation.

Although the death of Zhenling had nothing to do with Jiang Yun, the Primordial Spirit had lived a good life. It was because of the appearance of Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan that they decided to cooperate with each other to get out of this game.

However, the cooperation has not yet succeeded, but the Primordial Array Spirit was killed first.

Furthermore, the last time I met with the Spirit of Primordial, it was Jiang Yun who temporarily persuaded them to stay in the real realm with peace of mind.

If Jiang Yun had let them go to a place beyond the law, then the Primordial Spirit Formation would not have died!

With anger and self-blame, Jiang Yun finally stopped flying after flying for most of the day, and returned to his original appearance. He took out the formation stone and crushed it, and went directly to the space where the ancient formation spirit lived.

As Ji Kongfan said, the other four ancient spirits are all here.

They were not surprised by Jiang Yun's sudden arrival, apparently they had been notified by Ji Kongfan.

However, Jiang Yun noticed that all four of them were just clones.

It is not difficult to guess that they were the most shocked when the Primordial Spirit Formation was killed, so the deity must have been hidden now.

What's more, since they are planning to go to a place outside the law, they must also arrange their own affairs before leaving.

Even if they don't care about the forces they created, they can't really just let it go.

At this moment, Si Ling's complexion is extremely solemn, and Fu Ling's eyes are still red.

Seeing Jiang Yun, they just nodded and said hello.

Jiang Yun also did not have the mood to greet them, and said directly: "Everyone, can you take me to the place where Senior Zhenling died."

The ancient artifact spirit sighed and said, "There is no need to read it, we all..."

Before Qi Ling could finish speaking, Bu Ling, who was on the side, interrupted: "Jiang Xiaoyou has a heart, everyone is here, so naturally I want to take a look."

"Also, as an outsider, Xiaoyou may be able to find some clues that we haven't found yet."

Taigu Fuling followed Bu Ling's words and said, "I'll take you there!"

Jiang Yun glanced at it and saw that the talisman in front of him was transformed by a talisman.

"Thank you!" After saying thank you, Jiang Yun followed Fu Ling and walked forward.

When he came to the place where Zhenling died, Jiang Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.

Because the place where Zhenling died was the place where she and Jiang Yun studied the array before.

Although the complete map she completed is no longer there, a small map is still drawn on the ground.

It was the array map in the Yanji Pavilion base camp, but it was shrunk countless times by the array spirit.

Even on it, Jiang Yun also saw more than a dozen specially circled positions, which are the key points of this array.

This makes it easy for Jiang Yun to imagine that even though he told the array spirit that he had successfully broken the array, these days, the array is still here to study the array.

And around the array, there are some crystal-like runes scattered.

Looking at these runes, Jiang Yun's body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

At the beginning, Zhenling demonstrated to Jiang Yun that she was born in the endless darkness of some light spots, which is the natural formation of this world.

And now these runes are the body of the spirits.

At this time, Fu Ling said softly: "Our spirit clan is different from the demon clan, and basically there is no entity."

"After death, it either disappears completely, or leaves some runes."

"These runes, we have determined, are the spirits."

"Originally we wanted to take the burial, but when we learned that you were coming, Mr. Bu told us not to move for now, and we'll talk about it after you've seen it."

Among the six immemorial spirits, Fu Ling's attitude towards Jiang Yun was always the worst.

The reason, Jiang Yun is also clear, is because Fu Ling has some memories of the last reincarnation.

In those memories, she had some good feelings for Jiang Yun who was reincarnated last time.

But unfortunately, Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated last time, didn't have any feeling for Fu Ling.

However, at this moment, Fu Ling's attitude is obviously much softer.

Obviously affected by the death of the spirits.

Rabbit dead fox sad!

The six immemorial spirits fought with each other again and again, but in fact they were extremely united.

In particular, Zhenling has a weak personality and has a very harmonious relationship with the other five ancient spirits. The spirits basically treat her as a younger sister.

However, now this younger sister is dead, which is naturally a heavy blow to the remaining Primordial Spirits.

As Fu Ling's voice fell, Jiang Yun had already squatted down, and a piece of rune was shrouded in divine consciousness.

When his divine sense penetrated into this rune, a black eye first appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, several spots of light appeared in the darkness.

Jiang Yun could see that this was an incomplete array.

Obviously, the formation spirit was born in the formation map of heaven and earth, and every rune that composes her body contains part of the formation formation.

From this point, it can be confirmed that the rune in front of him is indeed part of the corpse of the spirit formation.

In other words, the Primordial Array Spirit is indeed dead.

Jiang Yun retracted his consciousness, walked to another rune and squatted down, continuing to check.

In this way, Jiang Yun silently covered every piece of rune with his divine sense, as if he was doing the final confirmation without giving up.

The other three immemorial spirits also walked behind Jiang Yun and looked at Jiang Yun's actions. Not only was there no one to stop them, but everyone's faces also showed sadness.

Finally, Jiang Yun checked all the bodies of the spirits, stood up slowly, turned his back to the four spirits and asked, "Did you find any traces?"

"If it is really one of the three who shot, each of them has different strengths."

"And if you want to kill the spirits, the power of the shot can't be small, there should be some residual breath, right?"

Yao Ling sighed and said, "No matter who killed Zhen Ling, he clearly doesn't want us to know his identity."

"So, whatever we can think of, the other party can definitely think of, has wiped out all the traces he left behind."

"Of course, we have also tried and found nothing."

"Old Bu did not hesitate to sacrifice his lifespan to make divination, but in the end he got nothing."

Jiang Yun was silent for a while and then asked: "When did the life stone of Senior Zhenling break?"

Bu Ling replied: "It should be nearly four hours from now."

"We found that the spiritual life stone was broken, and we rushed over immediately, with a maximum interval of one stick of incense in between."

"Four hours!" Jiang Yun repeated these four words: "It's not too long."

"Then now I can only hope that the other party doesn't erase time!"

The voice fell, Jiang Yun's eyebrows split, and a yellow spring rushed out with a roaring sound.

Dao Fa, longevity!

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