The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6670: The difference between spirits and demons, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After a full day passed, Jiang Yuncai laid out the array of nearly 100,000 runes in Yanji Pavilion.

Of course, the array that Jiang Yun arranged here only has its shape, and does not have any effect at all, just like a painting.

Jiang Yun carefully looked at the array picture for a moment, and after making sure that he didn't miss anything, he raised his head and looked at the array: "Senior..."

After the two words came out, Jiang Yun found that there was a hint of memory on Zhenling's face at this moment.

This made Jiang Yun's heart move, swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and stood quietly aside, not to disturb.

Obviously, the Primordial Array Spirit not only knows the array map, but also used it frequently in the distant past.

It's just that with the strength of the real cultivator getting stronger and stronger, the array map has been transformed into an array.

In addition, most of the monks who used the array map are probably no longer there, so even the ancient array spirits should have not seen the array map for a long time.

But seeing the array map again now must have evoked some long-term memories buried deep in her heart, and she was completely immersed in it.

Jiang Yun waited for more than an hour and saw that the ancient formation spirit still did not want to wake up, he couldn't wait like this, he could only smile and said: "Senior, did you see my formation picture? What's wrong with it?"

"Ah!" The ancient array spirit was awakened by Jiang Yun's voice, and finally came back to his senses and said: "I haven't looked at your array map carefully, I will look at it now."

Zhenling's answer made Jiang Yun a little surprised.

The array spirit has been staring at the array map for a day, and even said that he did not look carefully.

On that day, did she keep reminiscing about the past?

Fortunately, the array spirit has continued: "I'm sorry, I haven't seen the array map for so long that it reminds me of my birth."

"Birth!" Jiang Yun said in surprise: "Senior, was born from the pattern?"

The six immemorial spirits, it is said that they, like the beasts, were not living beings in the real realm at the beginning, but came from outside the real realm.

Although Jiang Yun also had doubts, beyond the real domain is endless darkness and nothingness, it is not difficult to understand that life can be born, but it is somewhat unclear that the six kinds of spirits were born.

Now, Zhenling said that she was born in Zhentu, which made Jiang Yunzhi even more confused.

Array spirits, born in array diagrams, must have the existence of array diagrams.

But in the darkness outside the real realm, is it possible that there is still a pattern laid out by someone?

If so, what kind of pattern would it be, and who created it?

Including artifact spirits, rune spirits, etc., there should be some kind of magical artifact and some kind of talisman before they can be born.

Where did the talismans and instruments come from, and who did they come from?

Therefore, Jiang Yun couldn't help it, and asked Zhenling: "Senior, may I ask, can you tell me about your origin?"

Jiang Yun wanted to ask this question for a long time, but it was related to Gu Zhiling's privacy, so Jiang Yun was always embarrassed to ask.

Moreover, Jiang Yun wouldn't ask if it was replaced by other spirits, but among the six ancient spirits, Zhenling had the most gentle personality and was the best to talk, so Jiang Yun was driven by curiosity and asked.

The ancient array spirit was just focused on the array map, because Jiang Yun's question was pulled back again, and nodded gently: "Yes."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhenling said: "I don't know the origin of the old Bu, but it should be similar to me."

"We were not born in the real realm, but like the beasts, we were born outside the real realm."

"By the way, you should know the difference between a spirit and a demon, right?"

Zhen Ling's rhetorical question made Jiang Yun look embarrassed.

Spirits and demons, in the cognition of many people, can be completely divided into the same kind.

But in fact, they are different.

It's just that Jiang Yun, who is a demon refiner and has the four ancient veins, doesn't know what the difference is between them.

Seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, Zhen Ling naturally saw that Jiang Yun didn't know, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Actually, the way to distinguish is very simple, demons originate from individuals, while spirits are born from the whole!

individual, whole!

Jiang Yun really didn't expect that the difference between a spirit and a demon is actually such a simple sentence.

Zhenling continued: "Ling, if you only talk about life forms, it is more advanced than demons."

"Because the birth of a spirit is much more difficult than a demon."

Jiang Yun couldn't help interrupting Zhenling's words, but I said, "Senior, you should tell me more about the difference between spirit and demon!"

Zhenling smiled and said, "For example, Fire Demon and Fire Spirit."

"A flame, or a flame, a spark, as long as it is a single individual, it is called a fire demon after it is born with consciousness by chance.

"But the fire spirit, at least in a large area, is a world, or even all the flames in the world, after the consciousness is born together, this consciousness is the spirit!"

"In a world, there can be many fire demons, but there is only one real fire spirit."

The explanation of Zhenling made Jiang Yun understand immediately, nodded and said: "This is the so-called demon, from the individual, the spirit, from the whole!"

But then, Jiang Yun said puzzledly: "But, I have met a lot of Spirit Races, so what's going on?"

The array spirit said patiently: "I also take the fire spirit as an example. If the fire spirit combines with other creatures and has descendants, then the descendants can also be classified as fire spirits."

"They will regenerate offspring, and when they reach a certain number, they will become the Fire Spirit family."

"In short, among the Spirit Race, there is actually only one true spirit."

"Old Bu's Bu family and Fu Ling's Fu family can all be divided into spiritual clans, but because the bloodline of the ancient spirits is relatively rare, there are too few descendants who can truly inherit the bloodline, so they can't be regarded as true spiritual clan. ."

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said, "What about the artifact spirit?"

"Among my own instruments, spirits have been born."

Zhenling shook his head and said: "The creatures born in the separate magic weapon should be called the magic weapon."

"Only a large number of magical tools, some kind of power contained in them, or rules, under the condensation, the creatures born can be called tool spirits!"

"The ancient artifact spirit should be born like this."

Jiang Yun asked along the words of Zhenling: "Senior, magic tools are all refined by monks. Could it be that, outside the real realm, before the birth of the few of you, there were monks?"

The smile on Zhenling's face was even thicker, and he suddenly pointed at Jiang Yun's head and said, "Your thoughts are too rigid."

"Who said that the device, the map, and the medicine pill were all refined by the monks?"

"Then you humans, who created it?"

Jiang Yun said hesitantly, "Humans should be born from the heavens and the earth on their own!"

"Haha!" The spirit array said with a smile: "Then why, the magic weapon array diagram, etc., can't be born by the world?"

Jiang Yun was stunned for a while.

Can heaven and earth produce magic tools and arrays on their own that belong to monks?

"Heaven and earth can indeed produce these things on their own, but it's a little different from what you think."

The array spirit raised his hand and waved it casually, Jiang Yun's eyes turned black, as if he was in the seam of the world.

However, this darkness is not very pure.

In the darkness, there are other things.

A little bit of light, wisps of mist, and something Jiang Yun couldn't say at all.

The voice of Zhenling sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "This is outside the original real domain. At that time, even the real realm was never born!"

"The picture in front of you includes me, the spirit of the artifact, the spirit of medicine, and the root of the birth of all the ancient spirits!"

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