The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6654: protect each other, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In Haotian's clear voice, the mirror floating in front of Jiang Yun disappeared silently, so that Jiang Yun didn't even know how it left.

And after Haotian's voice also disappeared, Jiang Yun faced the front, respectfully clasped his fists with both hands, bowed deeply, and said softly, "Thank you!"

Although Jiang Yun knew that he would not thank him for his great kindness, whether it was Jiang Shan or Haotian, the help he gave him was too great, so big that he didn't know what to do except say these two words. Repay each other's kindness.

Jiang Shan doesn't need to say it!

But Haotian's final sound transmission made Jiang Yun never expect it.

And the content of this sound transmission is really like timely rain to Jiang Yun.

The most urgent thing in front of Jiang Yun is how to erase the imprint of the rules left in the bodies of the real emperors.

Even the reason why Jiang Yun came to Ren Zunyu, the improvement of the realm of strength, is only the second goal. His real purpose is to find a solution to this problem.

Now, he finally knows!

Although he hadn't verified whether this method was right or not, Haotian's identity and strength, especially the timing when he told himself this method, made Jiang Yun full of confidence.

Obviously, Haotian must be much calmer than Jiang Shan, regardless of his age and strength.

Jiang Shan invited Jiang Yun to his own world without thinking, and Haotian immediately stood up and vetoed.

When Jiang Yun wanted to ask about this bureau, Haotian also spoke, and he did not let Jiang Yun ask at all.

Jiang Yun also has no doubt that if it weren't for the last sentence he said to Jiang Shan, it obviously helped Jiang Shan a lot, and Haotian would never tell himself how to crack the imprint of the three rules.

In short, it is Jiang Yun's luck to meet these two!

Jiang Yun slowly stood up, closed his eyes, and calmed down his emotions.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, and temporarily removed his thoughts from Jiang Shan and Haotian, and looked around.

He was brought into the mirror space under the state of enlightenment, and naturally he didn't know where he was now.

After scanning around, he didn't see any monks, but Jiang Yun was also anxious to leave.

After he completed the Dao infusion, although he knew that his realm and strength had been improved, he still didn't have time to feel the specific changes in his body.

In addition, the aura of this corpse was too strong, making Jiang Yun unable to feel his own aura.

It stands to reason that because Jiang Yun has not broken through the realm, he is still in the human realm that he has set, so there should be no changes in his body.

But in fact, on every part of his body, there is an extra layer of faint golden color.

Although this golden color is not very obvious, but if you look closely, you will find that these golden colors are condensed from one after another rune.

Naturally, this rune was a brand-new Dao pattern created by Jiang Yun himself.

"These golden Dao patterns will appear, which should be the result of Dao's infusion."

When Jiang Yun Divine Sense looked at his body, it felt like there was an extra layer of golden tattoos on each part of the body.

This makes Jiang Yun's body have tattoos with extrajudicial lines on the surface, and tattoos with golden Dao lines on the inside of his body.

Under the coverage of the golden Dao pattern, Jiang Yun's most intuitive feeling is that the body parts have become more powerful.

Naturally, the power contained in it is also more powerful.

Jiang Yun suddenly exerted force and clenched his palm into a fist, and the golden Dao pattern also covered the fist at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp sound of "jamming" came clearly in his ear.

In the darkness around the fist, cracks several inches long appeared directly.

Breaking the space is not difficult for Jiang Yun.

But just clenching a fist can shatter the space, which was something Jiang Yun couldn't do before.

"The power of pseudo-respect!"

Jiang Yun stared at the dark cracks around his fist, with a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Suddenly, Jiang Yun's eyes widened, and he looked at his fist.

Because, he found out that as his golden Dao pattern appeared on the surface of his fist from his body, the extrajudicial divine pattern originally covered here all retreated to the wrist.

It seems that these extrajudicial divine patterns fear the golden Dao pattern.

This discovery made Jiang Yun's heart move.

"If the Extrajudicial Divine Rune is really afraid of the golden Dao Rune, does that mean that even if I restore my original appearance, the Extrajudicial Divine Rune will not dare to attack me?"

Although relying on the appearance of the corpse, it brought a lot of convenience to Jiang Yun, allowing him to hide his identity perfectly.

But not being able to restore his true appearance is always something that troubles Jiang Yun.

Originally, this trouble was not very big, but just now, after hearing the method that Haotian said about erasing the imprint of the three rules, he realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Yun has the last bit of luck in the real domain.

Especially after he almost wiped out the Kui Yao clan at the beginning, he even stole a little bit of luck from Di Zun.

However, after he returned to the real domain this time, he never felt the existence of luck.

The reason, he also knows.

It is the one-third of the runes that the corpse gave him. It is so powerful that he can not only hide from everyone, but even the power of luck.

It was precisely because he was holding a corpse that he couldn't sense the power of luck in the imprint of the three rules.

If you can sense the luck, then perhaps without Haotian's reminder, you can also think of erasing the three rules related to luck.

Naturally, this also means that if you want to erase the imprint of the rules of the three statues, you must restore your true appearance, and it is possible to do it as Jiang Yun.

And if you want to restore your true identity, you must ensure that the extrajudicial gods cannot rebel.

Originally, Jiang Yun had no way to do it, but now, the golden dao pattern can actually force back the extrajudicial divine pattern, which clearly provided Jiang Yun with a feasible solution!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately began to try to make more and more golden Dao patterns open from the inside of the body to the surface of the body.

Sure enough, wherever the golden dao pattern passed, the extrajudicial divine pattern immediately dissipated automatically.

Finally, when Jiang Yun's whole body was completely covered by the golden Dao pattern, the extrajudicial divine pattern turned around and retreated inside Jiang Yun's body.

The two have swapped positions!

After a little pondering, Jiang Yun's eyebrows showed the imprint of the ancients.

The four-petaled flower bloomed on its own initiative, releasing bursts of strong ancient aura!

Jiang Yun wanted to try, with the golden Dao pattern, can he suppress the extrajudicial divine pattern firmly, so as to restore his true appearance.

Although Jiang Yun has some confidence, this attempt still carries great risks.

But he had to do it!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun first began to change his body shape.

With the change in body shape, Jiang Yun also clearly felt that the connection between himself and the Extrajudicial Divine Rune began to weaken little by little.

Fortunately, the Extrajudicial Divine Rune was still quietly shrinking inside his body, not moving.

After regaining his body shape, Jiang Yun began to restore his appearance.

In the end, when Jiang Yun finally became himself again, although the connection with the Extrajudicial Divine Rune had completely disappeared, the Extrajudicial Divine Rune also had some small disturbances.

However, under the suppression of the golden dao pattern, the extrajudicial divine pattern quickly calmed down and stayed in Jiang Yun's body obediently.

Not to mention rebellion, they didn't even dare to move in the slightest.

This made Jiang Yun let out a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he also understood the reason for all this.

"The golden Dao pattern is my way of protection!"

"Protection is mutual!

"Those golden dao patterns come from the creatures that I want to protect."

"While I am guarding them, they are also guarding me!"

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