The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6639: into the library, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Jiang Yun has already thought about entering the library, it shouldn't be a problem for Yuwen Lanqing, but at this moment, hearing her say these four words personally makes Jiang Yun feel a little dizzy. .

When I came to Ren Zunyu this time, I never thought that I would meet Yuwen Lanqing and the two of them.

But now, not only have they met, but these two have really helped him a lot, saving him time and trouble.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that the reason why Yuwen Lanqing was able to let herself enter the library with such confidence was not because of her own status in this world, but because of that Yuzi Shan Jiang!

Sure enough, Yuwen Lanqing said with a smile: "The library is not open, only those who have received credit are eligible to enter."

"But this rule, only does not include domain sub."

"And Yuzi also said that we taught him the skills we mastered, and he couldn't repay it, so let's make a request."

"As long as he can do it, he will be satisfied."

"This includes entering the library!"

"Exactly, I'm here to point out the power of the domain subspace, and I haven't made any requests yet."

"Now, I can apply to Yuzi to enter the library."

"After Yuzi agrees, he will give me a token, and when I carry the token on my body, I can enter the library unimpeded. No one will block it, and no one will come to verify my identity."

A look of surprise appeared on Jiang Yun's face.

Although from Shen Lang's mouth, he already had a strong interest in that Yuzi Shan Jiang, and knew that the other party must be very good at life, but he did not expect that the other party would be so generous.

Some kind of power or magical power of others, in fact, in his capacity, as long as he opens his mouth, others have to take the initiative to send him to the door, where do you need to ask for advice.

Even if he respects the virtuous corporal and asks people for advice, he doesn't have to pay anyone anything at all.

Even, it is really an honor for the monks who are being asked.

The so-and-so technique of Ren Zun Yuzi was taught to him by me.

This alone is enough to make everyone show off for a lifetime.

However, Shan Jiang not only wants to pay people, but the content of the pay is also extremely generous.

The book collection hall was built by Ren Zun himself. Even if any other books are not included in it, it only contains Ren Zun's cultivation insights. For most monks, it is also equivalent to a holy place.

Is it amazing to be able to take a look at the supreme cultivation insights!

What's more, as a supreme being, building a book collection hall, how can you really put your own cultivation insights.

There must be some other books related to practice.

And from the perspective of human respect, the collection of books is undoubtedly the top.

In such an important place, Shan Jiang can even be used as a reward to let cultivators enter, which is no longer generous.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, looked at Yuwen Lanqing and said, "Human respect will not stop Yu Zi's behavior?"

Yuwen Lanqing first shook his head, then lowered his head suddenly, and changed his voice to say: "Everything Yuzi does, Renzun will strongly support it, and never say a word against it."

"So much so that someone once said in private that Yu Zi might be Ren Zun's biological son!"

"This..." Jiang Yun was slightly startled, if Shan Jiang was really Ren Zun's son, then Ren Zun's indulgent behavior towards him would be reasonable.

Yuwen Lanqing raised his head again and said, "Are you sure, you just want to enter the library?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun no longer cared about the relationship between Yuzi and Renzun, and nodded: "My practice has encountered a bottleneck."

"The cultivation path of Ren Zun is somewhat similar to mine, so I want to learn from it and see if it can help."

"Okay!" Yuwen Lanqing also nodded and said, "Then you stay with me first."

"After two days, I went to Yuzi and said that I wanted to enter the library."

"It's work!" Jiang Yun said with a fist to Yuwen Lanqing.

Yuwen Lanqing waved his hand, showing a hint of hesitation on his face, and said again: "Well, did Jiang Yun tell you about my father?"

Obviously, this question was probably what Yuwen Lanqing wanted to ask the most, but she never opened her mouth until she was sure that she could help Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yunwei pondered: "I said it, but I didn't go into details, I just said that Ling Zun is safe and sound now."

Jiang Yun didn't lie to Yuwen Lanqing either.

Although Di Zun went to Dreamland this time, the nine clans and nine emperors, each of whom had a great emperor killed by him, but Yuwenji, Xue Wuchang and others were still alive.

It's just that now they are all sleeping in the dream realm, and they don't know when they will wake up.

And the dream domain was snatched by the ancient demon, and his whereabouts are unknown!

Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to tell Yuwen Lanqing these words.

Yuwen Lanqing was also quietly relieved.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head to look outside the courtyard and said, "Brother Shen is back."

As soon as Jiang Yun's words fell, the gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and it really was Shen Lang, who strode in.

Yuwen Lanqing immediately stood up to meet her, and Shen Lang smiled at her, then came to Jiang Yun who also stood up and said, "Just now, did you encounter any trouble?"

"I caused some trouble for Miss Yuwen." Jiang Yun didn't hide it, and told him what he had just realized.

And after Jiang Yun finished speaking, Yuwen Lanqing continued, "There is no danger."

Shen Lang also let out a long breath and said, "That's good!"

"Just now, Yuzi left suddenly and inexplicably, but came back after a while."

"I thought he was aware of your arrival, but now it seems, it shouldn't be."

Next, Yuwen Lanqing said that Jiang Yun wanted to enter the library.

After listening to it, Shen Lang had the same reaction as Yuwen Lanqing, and didn't think it was difficult at all.

So, Jiang Yun temporarily lived here in Yuwen Lanqing.

Three days later, Yuwen Lanqing went to Yuzi's residence.

When she came back, she handed Jiang Yun a token and a formation stone and said, "Let me tell you another good news, the great emperor who was originally in charge of guarding the Book Collection Hall was also called away by Ren Zun a few days ago. "

"The current library hall is not guarded at all, there are only some seals, and with this token, you can enter and leave at will."

"However, this token can only allow you to enter once, and after one time, it will automatically expire."

"You can't bring out the things in the library hall."

This is indeed good news for Jiang Yun.

Originally, he was still a little worried that he possessed an aura that was incompatible with this world, and even if he held a domain token, he was likely to be stopped by those who guarded the library.

But now, since the library hall is no longer guarded, then of course these worries do not exist.

After taking the token, Jiang Yun clasped his fists again towards Shen Lang and Yuwen Lanqing and said, "Thanks for the great kindness, today's kindness will be repaid in the future!"

"I'll say goodbye first!"

Jiang Yun didn't want to stay here any longer, disturbing Yuwen Lanqing and his wife. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the library, he just went in and left early.

Hearing that Jiang Yun was leaving, Yuwen Lanqing looked at each other and didn't try to hold back, but told Jiang Yun to be careful.

Jiang Yun crushed the formation stone, and his figure disappeared from the place, and appeared directly at the gate of the library hall.

From the outside, the Library Hall is just an ordinary hall, and even the door is completely open.

Jiang Yun checked it with his divine sense uneasy, and determined that there was indeed no one on duty. It was only after the entire hall was surrounded by a circle of seals that he held the token and walked into it.

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