The World Online

Chapter 107: Retaliation (on)

To determine the troops, Ouyang Wei continued to deploy logistics support.

"Zhao Youfang!"


"The mountain road is difficult. The War Preparation Division must deliver the logistics supply to the Xuan Bird Tribe in advance for transit."

"Yes, be sure to complete the mission!"

"In addition, the War Preparation Division has to step up preparations for some siege equipment. This time attacking the level is likely to be a hard battle and sloppy." Ouyang Yu then ordered.

"Understand, please rest assured." Zhao Youfang is full of confidence.

"The drug can't be sloppy. In the mountain jungle, there are many snakes and insects, and you have to guard against it. The war preparation department should contact the medical center to prepare the corresponding drugs in a targeted manner. It is best to consult with the big wizard of the black bird tribe. He is an expert in this area." Ouyang Yu is very meticulous.


After finishing the logistics, Ouyang Wei went on to say: "Song San!"


"The Military Intelligence Department must step up the collection of information on the Blast tribe, including the terrain along the march. It must be clear. The mountain jungle fights, Shanhai Town is the first time, and intelligence work must be done."

"Please rest assured that Leng Qian has taken a group of military intelligence and went deep into the mountains to investigate intelligence."

"Good. Zhao Sihu!"


"Is the equipment of your five squadrons already in place?"

"Reporting adults. Two bows and arrows team, because of the materials seized before, the bows and arrows are more abundant, already equipped in place. Just two teams in the hands, because the cockroaches themselves are scarce, patchwork, plus the bow and the night Crashing, so far equipped with a squadron." Zhao Sihu said in a dilemma.

Ouyang Yu shook his head and frowned. "If you don't have equipment, how can you fight?"

Zhao Sihu was in a panic, fearing that the adults would smash the city defense camp and quickly said: "Adults, the end will propose to equip the remaining team with the bow and arrow, so you can fight."

Ouyang’s eyes stunned and yelled: “Noisy. You think that fighting is a family. These soldiers have never received archery training. Even if they are equipped with bows and arrows, it is also a pile of scrap iron. What's more, the plane is launched. The cycle is much longer than the bow and arrow. To form a smooth blow, at least two squadrons need to cooperate."

Zhao Sihu was so stunned by Ouyang Yu, and immediately turned from a tiger to a cat. He said, "What should I do?"

Fortunately, Ge Hongliang gave him a solution and got up and said: "Adult, there is a suggestion under the subordinate."

"please say!"

"According to the understanding, the first squadron of the cavalry battalion should be the bow squadron who was transferred from the military squad. They are equipped with downtime. Therefore, it is recommended that the first squadron of the cavalry battalion can be taken down. Lend to the city defense team to use the team." Ge Hongliang said.

"Okay, just follow this." Ouyang Yi heard great joy.

After the arrangement of Ouyang Yu, Ge Hongliang added: "Adults, taking advantage of the activities of the War Preparation Division and the Military Intelligence Division, the infantry battalion and the city defense battalion can not be idle. The following suggestion, two camps will be stationed tomorrow morning. Water Town, these days in the mountain jungle south of Lishui Town, targeted zipper."

Ouyang Yi nodded and said: "The advice of Director Ge is very good, but I can't forget the Wolf Mountain garrison. I think so, the infantry battalion and the city defense battalion go even further and directly enter the Langshan Mine. The mountain garrison camp is tempered together, just in time to get in touch, so as not to get confused."

Referring to the Wolf Mountain garrison, Ouyang Wei remembered one thing and turned to Zhao Youfang: "The War Preparation Division will prepare a batch of weapons and equipment for the Wolf Mountain garrison."


"Okay, go ahead and prepare!" Ouyang Yu finally said.



On April 20th, in front of the Xuanzi tribe, the infantry battalion, the city defense battalion and the Langshan garrison battalion have been assembled. This time, Ouyang Yu was personally in charge, and Ge Hongliang was appointed as a staff officer.

"The soldiers, five days ago, the Blast Tribe attacked our Langshan Mine for no reason and wounded my compatriots. This is to declare war on Shanhai Town and declare war on the major tribes. Shanhai Town absolutely cannot tolerate this provocative behavior. Blood debt must be repaid." Ouyang Yu shouted.

"Blood debt blood compensation! Blood debt blood compensation!" The soldiers should be in unison.

"set off!"

The mighty team began to march toward the Blast Horde, with the infantry battalion as the striker, the city defense battalion in the middle, and the Wolf Mountain garrison. Behind it, it is a heavy force, mainly composed of Shan Man of each tribe.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the troops arrived three kilometers away from the Blast Tribe. Under the guidance of Shi Wansui, the troops began to choose the right place to camp and prepare for the rest of the night, and launched an attack early tomorrow morning.

In the Chinese military camp, Ouyang Yu convened three camps and the Military Intelligence Division to hold a pre-war military conference.

"Leng Qian, what is the situation of the blast tribe now, can we be aware of our actions?" Ouyang Yu first asked the Military Intelligence Division.

Leng Qian was listed and said: "Return to the adults, the blast tribes are as usual, and there is nothing unusual."

"Oh? How could this be? They attacked our Langshan Mine. Are they not worried about our revenge at all? Are there any precautions? Is there any fraud?" Ouyang Yu is unbelievable.

Leng Qian quickly explained: "The adults do not know. The Shan Man tribes often fight each other because of the hunting range. The sneak attack like this is normal in Shan Man’s view. As the only area in this area. The large tribes, the blast tribes succumb to the hegemony. They look at the mysterious tribes this time, when the hunting team went out to hunt, it was a matter of course to teach them. In addition, because of arrogance, the last blast tribe did not Accepting the invitation of the great wizard. Therefore, for us in Shanhai Town, these guys still know nothing about it and don’t understand our military strength, so they will be so reassured."

The Wolf Mountain garrison camp is talking to the stone wolf: "Yes. In this case, all of us small and medium-sized tribes were daring and angry. Because of this, this time the adults are ready to teach the blast tribe, these tribes Will be so actively supported."

Ouyang Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Well, it seems that God is standing on our side. Commanding it, strengthen the alert at night, don't underestimate the enemy, and fight for the Tomb of the Blackbird in one fell swoop."


Early the next morning, the troops began to cook pots and cook, and immediately after the meal, they rushed to the Bingfeng tribe.

Looking at the level in front of you, Ouyang Yu thought thoughtfully. The entire level is 30 meters wide and six meters high, completely blocking the passage into and out of the valley. The level is made of large pieces of stone and looks extremely spectacular. In the middle of the checkpoint, it is a four-meter-wide wooden gate for people to enter and exit. The level is similar to the wall design, with a lot of bumpy and sloping battlements, and the archers shoot and hide.

Ouyang Yu said to Ge Hongliang who stood on the side: "Dr. Ge, this is what you want to do?"

"With the guarding power of this level, with the ladder we bring, the storm will not be attacked, but the casualties will be somewhat big. The subordinates carefully observed this level and found that the gates did not adopt more advanced ones. The design of the suspension bridge is a simple wooden door. Therefore, it is recommended that the door can be used as the focus of attack.” Ge Hongliang said.

Ouyang Yu nodded in agreement and said: "You are right, let's just make a home, but you can't squander at will. Just, it is not an easy task to break through the door. Once we show up, the other party will inevitably Immediately aware that in a short period of time, they will be guarded by their troops. They are condescending, and it is difficult for us to successfully attack the foot of the level, and the casualties will be heavy."

Ge Hongliang said with confidence: "The adults don't have to worry. According to the reaction of the Military Intelligence Division, the bows and arrows used by the other side, like other Shan Man tribes, are still the most primitive single-wood bows, mainly used for hunting, with a range of less than one hundred and twenty. Ten meters. And we are equipped with a primary compound bow. With a light arrow, the range is close to two hundred meters, which is much larger than their range. And our downtime is even worse, with a range of three hundred meters."

"Therefore, we can take the tactic of long-distance repression of the As long as we stand at 150 meters, we will suppress the opponent's defending forces by the bowing force, so that they will not show up. The infantry battalion can be slammed into the gate of the checkpoint under the tight protection of the shield, and the door is knocked open by hitting the wood."

"Okay, this is a wonderful test!" Ouyang Yu applauded.

The plan has been fixed, and the powerful war machine has begun to operate quickly. The first to play is the city defense battalion. At the distance of 150 meters from the checkpoint, the first row stood with the squadron. This is the most squadron of the infantry experience in the infantry. Each one is in a battle, at least the fourth-order squad. The mission of the Knife Shield is mainly to use a shield in the hand to form a defensive wall to protect the archer behind.

The second row and the third row of stations are naturally two teams of bows and arrows. They are born in the Shan Man tribe. Zhao Sihu selects the good shots and holds the compound bow. The combat power is extraordinary. The last two rows were selected by the Shanhai Town soldiers. The downtime is easy to master, and ordinary people can master it in three or four days, and the killing power is extraordinary.

The left wing of the city defense battalion is the infantry battalion that served as the main attack. Five hundred elite mountain warriors, although not equipped with Tang knife and step man A, but still can not be underestimated. The commander of this unit is the most brave in the military of Shanhai Town. The five squadron leaders are also very talented.

The right wing of the city defense battalion is the reserve army Wolf Mountain garrison. The original Shiwo was strongly requested to take the main task, but Ouyang Yu considered that the wolf's first garrison had not experienced a real **** battle. If you let such a force participate in such a war for the first time, Ouyang Yi is not at ease welcome all the book friends to visit, the latest, fastest, most popular serial works are available at ~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Mobile users please read.

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