The World of Evil God game

Chapter 150 Strange Events

“Okay, that’s it for today’s review of strange letters!”

"Next let's look at social hot spots!"

The red-haired lolita is now forcing a smile on her face, and her expression already reveals a strong meaning of "Stop believing in me, pervert believers, I will trample you to death", but little does she know that this makes the sacrifice believers everywhere become even more fanatical. !

The fists under the screen were clenched, and the red-haired loli took several deep breaths to suppress the anger!

In the following social hot topics comments, there are actually not many to comment on. Due to time constraints, I only selected four. The Church of Sacrifice has its own churches on many worlds, although in most worlds the Church of Sacrifice is a secondary church.

But since the beginning of this week, the God of Sacrifice took the time to look at the status of churches in various worlds before starting the program.

She found that her church's status in the world had significantly improved.

This is probably also brought about by the new image.

Even in a world where one's own church plays a leading role, some countries that did not originally believe in one's own have taken the initiative to join the alliance of sacrificial churches, and one's own church's missionary method has also changed from the original lectures and fundraising to selling figurines. and surrounding areas

Especially around!

The God of Sacrifice saw some familiar things on the online shopping section, such as the white dress he wore when he transformed into this image, as well as the red wig and dragon horns. The white dress could actually be sold for a thousand gold coins.

Monthly sales are 3000+!

Who is paying for it?

Also, who is making these clothes?

There are more and more perverts, and they will sacrifice all your desires one day, making it impossible for you to rush forward.

"Okay, first of all, the first social event, news from [White Mist World]!"

"In this world, two ancient god believers who believed in different ancient gods formed an alliance and prepared to carry out large-scale pollution of a country. However, when performing the dark ancient god rituals, due to the order and ritual of several curses, There was a dispute over the issue of succession!”

"In the end, the two groups of believers fought hard, and finally invited the ruler of the white mist world [God of Atmosphere] to judge!"

"Now that both groups of Ancient God believers have been brought to justice, the God of Atmosphere has stated that he will never condone and tolerate Ancient God believers polluting the local air environment!"

"It turns out that the ancient gods believed by these two groups of ancient god believers are the [Old King of Fierce Haze] and [Crazy Flame]. They plan to shroud the entire country in haze and thick smoke. This is a terrible and planned attack. Murder, if successful, would kill hundreds of thousands of people!"

"After being arrested, the followers of the Ancient God of Wild Flames explained, saying that the people of the Haze Church insisted that smoke was more powerful than flames. After a fire, thick smoke killed more people than flames, so it should be them. The ceremony was carried out first. Since they were always told by the Jihao Church that they were uneducated, they, the Kuangyan believers, were so angry that they reported the other party!


"There is a saying, thick smoke does kill more people than flames. Of course, it is not a good thing for ancient god believers to be literate!"

The red-haired loli threw the piece of manuscript paper behind her and cut to the next one:

"The second social event! News from [Tulip World]!"

"People in this world advocate beauty and elegance, so recently there were two kings in this world who had a disagreement over who was more elegant. Then the two countries got into a fight, and both sides sent a large number of soldiers to fight!"

"But because close combat was too bloody and inelegant, the two countries each set up some representative weapons of their own countries. During the battle, the soldiers from both sides threw all the weapons to the ground, and then conducted a secret vote on their favorite weapons. The winner The weapons will be imbued with transformation magic, allowing them to engage in PK to determine the outcome of the war between countries.”

".emmmmm, the Colosseum of Weapons? Then I vote for the giant sword! How handsome the giant sword is!"

"The third social event, news from [Howling World]!"

"This world is a world controlled by the Zerg. There are various highly socialized Zerg here. According to rumors, one of the famous Zerg space pirates [Impactor] is hiding in this world. However, due to the extremely xenophobic Zerg society, this The news is unconfirmed.”

"It is said that an extremely vicious sinner appeared in the Zerg world. He sprayed pesticides and alchemy potions everywhere. He even deliberately poured pesticides into the bowl while eating in a restaurant, asking the boss to pay compensation."

"At the same time, he also hid a weapon of mass destruction - an insect killer lamp. He killed a large number of larvae and insect eggs. After falling into the spider detective's insect net and being arrested, the criminal said he had no regrets. He even told them that you are all bugs and will soon be destroyed by the powerful men of higher civilizations, and you are the one who stands in front of them! "

".The alien civilization you took refuge in, are they bird people or lizard people?"

"Next is the last social event, news from [Wandering World]."

"[The God of Labyrinth] is in charge of this world and has launched a long-term challenge project, claiming that those who can get out of the maze she designed can get unimaginable prizes. He also has another request, which seems to be due to the fact that he has created too many mazes. , now the whole world is living in her maze, and she herself is trapped in the maze and cannot get out! "

"She admitted that she is a road addict, and residents of this world now have to solve puzzles when they go out, and the maze will change every day. Your neighbors are different people every day. As for the fish living in the sea, it is even more unlucky. , I have to figure out the direction of the ocean current every day.”

"Hey, isn't this an accident? Hurry up and find someone to rescue you! I was planting today and the vegetable field ran away tomorrow. What else do I have to eat! Get me the imaginary church and let the imaginary god shake people to save lives!"

"Huh? Temporarily add a new message!"

The red-haired loli turned her head, and a message box popped up next to her. After seeing the message, the red-haired loli's expression instantly became extremely weird:

"Huh? The new social incident is that when the dragons in many worlds accepted the commission from the king to play the role of [Evil Dragon], they should have kidnapped the princess according to the procedure, but for some reason they found that the princesses they kidnapped had turned into Men disguise themselves as princes and warriors, and then these people suddenly propose to them."


"Anyway, it's better to go to the hospital as soon as possible!"

"So dear viewers, finally, my own remarks about the show!"

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