The Wizard’s Immortality

Chapter 201: energy

"What are you doing here?"

Listening to the footsteps behind him, Adil looked back, and just saw the young man's face running towards him in horror. At this time, he was breathing heavily, as if he had been chased by something for a long time.

"Huhuhu ···"

Hearing Adil's voice, the teenager recovered and withdrew from the horrified emotion before.

At this time, the burning sensation in his chest had subsided, and he met some of Adil ’s eyes. He was a little shocked, and he quickly made an excuse: "Adult, I am an orphan, and I am about to eat. under."

While speaking, he gritted his teeth and knelt down without hesitation. The expression of fear on his face disappeared directly, and he changed into a firm and sincere face.

"Bold !!"

Adil hadn't spoken yet. Beside Adil, the two guards were discolored. They spoke directly and yelled, so that the young man in front of him couldn't help but drum.


Waving his hand stopped the scolding of the guards beside him, and looking at the young man in front of him, Adil was a little surprised: "It turned out to be a knight apprentice."

Because he didn't pay attention before, Adier didn't observe it carefully, but after paying attention at this time, the body data of the other party suddenly disappeared under the detection of the chip, clearly a knight apprentice.

Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment. In the depths of his soul, a throbbing feeling came faintly, making him a little moved.

That was the power carried by the traversing power. At this time, I did not know what was sensed, and I began to react.

And the source of this response is not far away.

Following the induction, Adil looked at his feet and saw a purple stone.

The stone was round and the whole body was purple. It was something that the young boy was holding in his hand. It just fell off during the previous rapid running and fell to the feet of Adil.

He glanced at the purple stone under his feet and hesitated for a moment before Adil bent to pick it up.

A warm current came quickly from the palm of your hand and passed down the body to the depths.

At this moment, in the depths of Adil's soul, the originally accumulated power suddenly increased, and it was still growing.

The strength that grew in just a short time was almost the same as the power accumulated by Adil in the past half a month, which made Adier stunned and turned to look at the teenager in front of him: "What is your name?"


Listening to Adil's words, the teenager replied without hesitation, and then raised his head slightly, staring at Adil, looking a little nervous.

"Is Sol right? Good strength."

Adier nodded calmly, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

But listening to his words, Saul couldn't help but tighten his heart, and almost thought he had exposed something.

Before he even thought about it, Adil's voice in front of him came again.

"Bring him on."

Like an occasional move, Adil opened his mouth calmly, and then turned to look forward. It didn't seem to pay much attention to the teenager in front of him.

Behind them, several bodyguards glanced at each other, and finally dared not defied Adil's order and brought the young boy named Thor.

But despite this, when walking, they still focused part of their attention on the teenager in front of them.

Time passed quickly for several days.

One morning, in a spacious laboratory, Adele stood in front of the test bench, holding the purple stone in his hand.

"Just ordinary stones?"

After repeatedly detecting the stone in his hand, a trace of doubt flashed in Adier's eyes.

In the past few days, he tested this purple stone several times, but no matter how it was tested, the final result was the same, just an ordinary stone, the most pure color.

This conclusion surprised Adier: "It seems that it is not a problem of the material itself, but some other reasons."

"It seems that we still have to start with the boy."

The energy attached to this stone is of great help to Adele, just the energy that this purple stone brings to Adele is at least equivalent to the power accumulated by Adier for one year.

If you can find the reason for the energy growth, then it is very helpful for Adier.

At least if you want to cross the world again, there is no need to wait for the energy storage to be completed.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn't help looking at his physical data.

"Name: Adil. Fakus. Strength: 17.8. Dexterity: 18.7. Constitution: 18.4. Spirit: 20.1. Spiritual Purity: 7.9%."

"Unknown energy data is completed! Whether to update the data!" In my mind, the sound of the chip machine sounded again.

"Has the update been completed."

At the sound of the chip, Adier was surprised, but he still said: "Update now!"

At the next moment, the green data flow in front of me is constantly emerging, converging into a new property panel in front of me.

"Name: Adil. Fakus. Strength: 17.8. Dexterity: 18.7. Constitution: 18.4. Spirit: 20.1. Spiritual Purity: 7.9%. Unknown Energy: 3.5."

Looking at the new data panel, Adier nodded.

Dataizing the kind of energy needed to travel through the world is what Adier has always wanted to do, but the things on the soul are too difficult to detect, and the power is too secret, making the chip difficult to detect.

Until this time, the power contained in the purple stone was detected by the chip, and the data of this power was completed, which appeared on the property panel.

According to the standard set by Adil, the unit of energy he has accumulated in a year is one unit. The energy of 3.5 represents the full power that the soul of the official wizard level can accumulate in three and a half years.

"This kind of power can be used to shuttle the world, so it is called the world energy."

After thinking for a while, Adier muttered to himself.

With his command, the unknown energy shown above slowly faded in the attribute bar in front of him, and the new attribute of the world energy was replaced.

After doing this, Adil got up and walked out.

Outside the gate, there is a very beautifully arranged garden. In the garden, the teenager named Sol is standing there, holding scissors to build plants from time to time.

Compared with a few days ago, his body has changed significantly. The original broken linen robe has been replaced with a clean white robe. The whole person looks a lot cleaner, no longer the previous embarrassment.

Seeing Adil's figure coming from afar, Sol quickly put down the construction tools in his hand and looked respectfully at him: "Master Adil!"

"Well, it looks like you are recovering well."

Adier smiled on his face, wearing a platinum robe, and with his handsome appearance and gentle expression, he looked very kind and could not help feeling good.

Without waiting for Saul to speak before him, he passed the purple stone in his hand: "This thing is yours."

"Yes." Instinctively took the purple stone delivered by Adil, and Sol nodded subconsciously.

"This stone is a bit strange."

Looking at each other's appearance, Adier nodded: "Although it is just ordinary stone, but it has a special breath on it, which is a little different from ordinary stones."

"Where did you come from this stone?" At the end, he asked the other party, although his eyes were calm, he cares deeply in his heart.

In front of him, Saul was stunned. After hearing Adil's words, his eyes narrowed, and the stone arm shivered subconsciously.

This detail was clearly observed by Adier through the chip, but he didn't say anything, just looked at Sol quietly, waiting for the other party's words.

After being silent for a while, Saul said, "This stone is something I brought from my hometown. It is a sacrificial stone specially mined by the elders at home. It is generally used for sacrifice. Bless the peace, so I brought a piece with me. "

Speaking of which, he could not help touching his head: "As for why it is different from ordinary stones, it may be because the environment in my hometown is too bad."

"It's possible that way."

Adier nodded, and seemed to accept the statement, then smiled: "When the war is over, I can send you back to my hometown if I have a chance, and take a look at the environment there."

After talking, he patted Sol's shoulder and left.


After a while, Salton was relieved after seeing Adil leaving.

"Master Adil is too majestic."

Standing on the spot, thinking about the feeling just now, Sol could not help sighing.

Although Adil has always been very gentle and kind outside, Saul can feel the powerful power and the suffocating pressure of the other party, which he has never felt before. .

As a wanderer, he naturally knew what this situation represented.

This means that the strength of the other party is too horrible, and the gap in the level of life between the two parties is too horrible, which will bring such strong pressure.

If it weren't because the other party didn't have much malicious intentions, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to stand in front of Adil.

"It's okay, at least there is the breath of Lord Adil, those things dare not come to me for the time being."

Thinking of this, Sol could not help but sigh.

He trimmed this piece of flowers neatly with his hands and feet. He set the tool aside and then walked out.

At the gate, the guard standing at the door gave him a cold look, then turned his gaze to one side and ignored him.

Stepping over the door, he walked out familiarly.

Just after the war with the lizardmen, this city is full of **** smell. The inner city where the nobles live is okay, but in the outer city, it is already **** at this time.

There are many corpses around, beggars all around, and many people with purple skin walking around, all looking bleak.

Passing quietly outside the city, Sol was also feeling a bit heavy looking at the scene in front of him.

Giving away the few copper coins on his body to a few beggars, he soon walked to the corner of a street.

In a familiar place, he saw a person lying on the ground.

It was a man in a tattered red robe, and he was lying on the ground at this time, I don't know if he still had a breath.

Looking at this scene, Sol felt tight: "Adi, are you still there?"

He shouted loudly, and at the same time his body quickly moved forward and walked to the side of the red robe, turning his body over.

The moment he saw this man's face, his heart jumped, his face pale, and he sat directly on the ground.

In front of him, a black skull was quietly wrapped in a tattered red robe, looking very strange.

In Sol's eyes, the black skeleton was still breathing a weak black gas, spreading all around, and many of them crawled along his body and spread on his body.

"Eddie ... even you ..."

Looking at the body that turned into a black skull in front of him, Sol shook his teeth: "I can't die yet!"

He pushed the skeleton away with one foot, and then the whole person got up and ran to the next place without looking back.

Shuttle all the way, and soon he came to the next location.

There was another alley, and there were also a few people falling to the ground, which caused him a heartache.

He ran quickly to these people and looked at their faces.

There are three people in total, two of whom have become black skulls, and the last one is left. Although his face is also very dark, and he is also breathing black in Sol's sight, there is still a last breath.

"Sol, are you alive?"

If there is no sound from the last person's mouth.

Feeling the breath next to him, the man opened his eyes and looked at Saul with a pair of cloudy eyes: "Don't mind me ... Yana she ... always alive ~ ~ When talking 'S hand trembling and pointing in a certain direction, seems to have exhausted all the strength of his body.

"Yana ..."

Silently standing up from the spot, staring blankly at the direction the other person was pointing at, Sol ran quickly, looking like he was crazy.

Finally in a corner, he found a dying girl.

The girl was also wearing a shabby red robe, and her whole body was dirty, exuding a bad smell.

But feeling all this, Sol didn't mind at all, just hugged the girl and looked at the other person's face.

I saw a black mark on the girl's forehead very clearly, like a mysterious ominous, emitting an unknown atmosphere.

"Yana ..."

Looking at the mark on the girl's forehead, Salton froze.

"Brother Sol ..."

In front of her, she opened her eyes reluctantly, and after seeing Sol, the girl made a dying voice, as if she had exhausted all her strength: "The mark on me is about to explode."

"It's okay! You will be okay!"

Listening to the girl's voice, Sol kept mumbling to himself, and didn't know who he was talking to.

"What should I do? What should I do!"

The question kept echoing in his heart, and finally he hugged the girl in his arms and ran out like crazy.

"The imprint is about to explode! Now Yana can only be saved ..."

He ran out frantically, and after a while, he ran to the gate of a manor.


Just before walking to the gate, a voice came quickly.

In front of the gate, the two guards in armour looked indifferent, looking at Sol and the girl in his arms: "You can only go in alone!"

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