Gunship Helipad.

At this time, there are thousands of Falcon gunships parked here, waiting for soldiers to board the plane.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" The squad leaders commanded their soldiers to board the large Falcon gunship.

Tens of thousands of fully armed soldiers boarded the plane quickly and orderly under command.

Falcon large gunship: The fuselage is 30 meters long and 4 meters wide, equipped with a large thermal imager, equipped with two Gatling heavy machine guns and six surface-to-air missiles, and can carry 20 soldiers. This is specially developed by Dongxia Kingdom for anti-terrorism operations. It can use large thermal imaging cameras to quickly find and kill enemies in urban areas with complex terrain.

Just 15 minutes later, 20,000 soldiers had all boarded the Falcon's armed helicopters.

"The soldiers are all aboard the Falcon, and the Falcon is ready."

"This is the Eagle's Nest. Your next task is to reach the area you are responsible for, and then conduct a carpet search of the area, kill all the monsters in the area, and bring the corpse back."

"Repeat, your next task is to reach the area you are responsible for, and then conduct a carpet search of the area, kill all the monsters in the area, and bring the corpses back to the base."

"The mission begins! Let's move forward to the future!"

"Yes! The mission has started, and Falcon 001 (n+1) has started to take off." The pilot of the plane began to operate the helicopter to take off.

Tap! Tap, tap, tap!

On the airfield, the propellers of thousands of armed helicopters began to rotate slowly, and the fuselages lifted off the ground and flew high into the sky.

Fufeng went straight up 3,000 meters, and climbed into the sky in one fell swoop!


This is the only pasture in the edge town, and it undertakes the dairy products of the whole town.

A red-haired girl in a straw hat squatted next to the cow, skillfully milking the cow's milk into an iron bucket.


Suddenly there was a strong downwind from the sky, and there was a burst of roaring in the sky. The cows seemed to feel something and began to feel a little commotion. The cowgirl looked up subconsciously.

The sky was already filled with huge and weird black iron birds, and the iron birds quickly passed over her head without stopping.

Far from not panicking, the cowgirl felt a little regretful when she saw that the black iron bird didn't stop.

She has seen this thing before. It seems that he came back in this kind of thing last time. It seems to be called Helicopter Chicken? He hasn't been home for two days, doesn't he live here?

Thinking of this, the cow girl began to feel a little depressed.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy?" The cowgirl's uncle came out of the house when he heard the roar outside.

"Why are there so many?! Has something major happened?"

Even though he had seen airplanes before, the sight of countless armed helicopters passing over his head really shocked him.

Falcon helicopter gunships flew over the farm and quickly flew towards the border town. People along the way saw the planes all panicking, and some even fainted to the ground.

Adventurer's Guild training ground.

After a month of construction, the guild's training venue was officially put into use the day before yesterday. This place has become a venue for more powerful adventurers to use their free time to teach newcomers fighting skills for free.

The four adventurers chatted on the stairs.

"No, no, no." Male adventurer B waved his hand and refused: "I lost it during my previous expedition and borrowed it from someone else. If I lend it to someone else, I will definitely be beaten to death by the captain."

"How did you lose it?"

"It was dissolved by a giant slug." The female adventurer B answered for him.

"Giant slug, that's great." The yellow-haired male adventurer envied. A newcomer like him without a team can only do some work to clean up large rats in the sewer, and has no chance and strength to fight against real monsters.

The red-haired female mage, who could hear what he was thinking, poked his waist with her elbow and said, "They are at the silver level, but we are at the white porcelain level. There is no comparison."

"Who can help me!?"


As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden roar in the sky, the sun seemed to be blocked by something, and huge black shadows began to appear on the ground.

Everyone followed the voice and looked up.

"What the hell is this thing?!"

"Some kind of monster?"

Overwhelming giant black iron birds flew across the sky continuously, and the downwind created by the armed helicopters set off gusts of wind in the town, blowing off a large number of clothes hanging on the ropes waiting to dry

"Monster! Run!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"The monster is coming!"

All the residents in the town started to panic, even though some of them saw the gunship yesterday, but there was only one. With such a huge number, they obviously didn't think that the iron bird yesterday was of the same species as today's.

Everyone has intensive phobia, and locusts flying all over the sky will make people frightened, not to mention the armed helicopters covering the entire sky now.

The armed helicopter group swept across the town again and flew towards the area it was in charge of, leaving only one armed helicopter still circling in the sky.

"This is the East Xia Kingdom's falcon removal team. At the invitation of King Grasland, we are starting to clear the monsters raging in the Kingdom of Grasland. Please don't panic, please don't panic." The driver turned on the broadcast that had been prepared.

"Numbers one to ten are responsible for clearing the monsters underground in the town, and the others stay behind Falcon."


Under the control of the pilot, the armed helicopter descended slowly above the entrance of the sewer. After descending to a certain level, it began to hang in the air. The cabin door was opened, and a sliding rope was lowered from the inside.

Then a dozen or so heavily armed soldiers slid down the slide rope.

After the falcons left, everyone in the town recovered from the panic, and there was only one gunship left, and they were not so scared anymore.

Knowing that the armed helicopter would not harm them, people began to gather here slowly, looking at the helicopter and the soldiers coming down from it with curious eyes.

"Turn on the searchlight and start entering the sewer now." The soldiers entered the sewer under the curious eyes of everyone.

"According to the intelligence, there will be a monster similar to a cockroach in the sewer. For this reason, the Weapons Department specially equipped us with a Huasheng-3 shotgun."

Ten soldiers held shotguns and walked carefully under the sewer.

"I don't understand why such a big town needs such a big sewer? Is it used to raise mermaids?" one of the soldiers complained.


"There is movement!"

More than a dozen large mice rushed straight ahead, the largest of which was the size of a calf. They were attracted by the strong light source of the searchlight.

The three soldiers standing in front immediately raised their shotguns, took aim, and pulled the trigger.


The calf-sized mouse running in the front, and the two little mice next to it were instantly smashed into a sieve, and the mice behind jumped over their bodies and continued to sprint forward.


The three soldiers quickly reloaded. Raise the gun to aim and pull the trigger again.


Since there was no calf-sized mouse blocking them this time, the bullets directly tore their fragile bodies, and the three rows of mice behind turned into blood foam.

After two rounds, none of the mice survived.

"What did these mice eat to grow up?! Even if they eat garbage, they don't have so much garbage to feed them so big!"

Then the soldiers searched the sewers in all directions. Whether it was rats or insects, they were not a problem in front of shotguns.

In the dense forest, there is a village surrounded by logs. The people living in this village are no longer human beings, but green-skinned and ugly-looking goblins.

The village was full of human bones and a stench that made it hard to breathe. Three dried up human corpses were hanging at the gate, and the goblin in charge of the gate dozed off.

Since it was daytime, most of the goblins had already fallen asleep. The goblins who were not asleep now either needed to stand guard or were riding wolves.

After all, goblins with wolves ride wolves during the day and at night.

A simple wooden house with two goblins inside. A goblin shaman wearing a fur hat and a human bone staff in his hand, and a two-meter-tall goblin king wearing a fur coat.

"My lord, the human women are all dead, do you want to grab a batch tonight?" Goblin Shaman said with dancing.

The Goblin King leaned back on his chair made of human bones, and said, "Let's go grab the village of the elves this time. I haven't tasted the smell of those elves for a long time, especially the one emitted by the female elves." That smell, ah~"

As he spoke, the Goblin King's saliva continued to flow from the corner of his mouth, dripping onto the blood-stained ground.

"Now that most of the powerful elf warriors in the elf villages have already gone to fight the demon army, as long as"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

Before King Goblin could finish speaking, he was interrupted by noisy voices outside.

"What are they arguing about? If there were no enemies invading, I would definitely turn their heads off and smash them to pieces!"

The Goblin King stood up from the bone chair, walked outside the door, and saw the goblins commotion outside, pointing in a certain direction and shouting frantically.

The Goblin King vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the sky. The sound was getting closer and louder, and he looked up.


A strange and huge black iron bird flew towards them and hovered over them.

"Shoot this thing down for me!"

Hearing the Goblin King's order, all the Goblins picked up the things next to them or picked up their weapons and threw them at the black iron bird.

However, the black iron bird was located 500 meters above them, and they obviously couldn't throw it. Instead, the things they threw fell down and killed three or four goblins.

"Tenettles... Oriens..." The goblin priest chanted a spell and raised the staff in his hand, "...Jacqueta! (Lightning)"

A silver-white lightning shot out, but it still couldn't touch the black iron bird.

"King, we can't attack him." The goblin priest said.

At this time, the black iron bird that had been circling high in the sky suddenly lowered its height, and the two black iron pipes on its chin began to aim at them, and then slowly turned.

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