Back at the restaurant, Ye Xuan easily found the water gate that was anxiously waiting.

“Hey, Senior Brother Watergate, I’m back.” Ye Xuan smiled and said hello. Before Shuimen could reply, a red-haired girl suddenly popped up from behind, looking at Yexuan with a curious face. “You are the Night Saber God Ye Xuan? Jiraiya-sensei’s newly acquired apprentice? Hello, I’m Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, your senior sister, please advise. ”

Ye Xuan hurriedly said hello, good guy, this little girl who is about the same age as herself is the future fourth generation of Hokage Lady, you must have a good relationship, the relationship is hard and good.

The three returned to the dining table and chatted as they ate. Jiu Xinnai asked with some curiosity. “I heard Watergate say that you are a little genius who can control Chakra climbing trees and treading water in just one day, is it true?”

“It’s Senior Brother Watergate who taught well, hehe, hehe.” Yogen-hyun scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Watergate answered on the side: “Humble Yexuan, you are the fastest person I have ever seen to master Chakra, and none of my contemporaries has such a good talent as you.” ”

“Awarded, awarded.” Ye Xuan said with a dry smile.

“Yogen-gen will definitely become a powerful ninja in the future, I can guarantee it.” Watergate did not feel Ye Xuan’s abnormal mood and continued to praise.

Ye Xuan looked at Watergate and Jiu Xinnai with some vigilance. “You two praise me so skinless and faceless, are you trying to do something?”

Watergate and Jiu Xinnai were stunned, and then they laughed on the table, and they couldn’t stop it. Looking at the two who were laughing, Ye Xuan was a little crying and laughing.

“It’s worthy of being a couple of two, and the laughter of these two is outrageously low.”


After eating, the three said goodbye to each other, and Watergate took Yexuan back to his dormitory to rest and prepare for the next day’s training.


Cold and summer, spring to autumn, unconsciously five years have passed, and the person who said that he will come back soon has never returned. Fortunately, Watergate was responsible enough to become Yogen’s leader on the ninja path. With the help of the Tai Shang Induction Chapter, Ye Xuan’s cultivation speed is fast, two years ago, the seven-year-old Ye Xuan took the qualification certificate of Zhongnin, becoming the youngest Zhong Shinobi in the history of Konoha Village, but Ye Xuan knew that the tree was making a big move, and there was still a tumor in the dark of Konoha. So he hid part of his strength, and Yexuan estimated that his real strength should be comparable to that of Special Shangnin, slightly inferior to Watergate.

In the past five years, the relationship between Watergate Yexuan and Jiu Xinnai has grown by leaps and bounds. The three belong to the same team, but the teacher who led the team was also a little irresponsible and never appeared.

“Watergate, Yogen, Jiu Shinnai, all three of you have already passed the Chūnin exam, hehe, you are the youngest Naka Shinobi squad in our Konoha, not bad, very good.” Sarutobi touched his beard and looked at the three people standing in Hokage’s office with a smile.

“I have a mission here, the border of the Land of Fire was attacked by a group of unknown ninjas, this gang wantonly slaughtered civilians, the Daimyo of the Fire Country asked us for help, hoping that we would send ninjas to solve their troubles, but now there are no idle Naka Shinobi in Konoha Village, so please trouble you three imps to run.”

After listening to the words of the three generations of Hokage, Yexuan was a little excited in his heart, and after training hard for three years, he finally had a place to play.

As the captain of the squad, Watergate said respectfully. “Okay three generations of Hokage-sama, the three of us are willing to complete this task.”

“Hey, hey, Yexuan, we’re going to kill people this time, aren’t you afraid?” Jiu Xinnai secretly poked Ye Xuan from behind and quietly said to her.

“It’s false to say that you are not afraid, but since you are a ninja, you will definitely kill people in the future, so let’s exercise yourself.” Ye Xuan said unimpressedly.

Watergate frowned and said with some solemnity. “The enemy is secret, we don’t know their number, we don’t know their strength, this battle is a bit difficult to fight.”

“What are you afraid of, the soldiers will come to block, the water will come to cover the soil, and you will fight with them if it is a big deal.”

Ye Xuan’s words did not make Watergate feel at ease, so that after the three people arrived at their destination, Watergate still had a gloomy face.

Frontier of the Land of Fire, Sakuranomura.

“Oh my God, is this still a village? It’s hell. Looking at Sakura Village, which was like a human Shura, Jiu Shinnai’s eyes were red.

At this time, Sakurano Village seemed to have just been ransacked, ruins, and the corpses of the villagers were also placed on the ground, and the death was extremely cruel.

Ye Xuan’s expression also became solemn. “Even women and children are not spared, they are beasts.”

Before a few people could find out the situation, a girl’s miserable cry came from a nearby hut.

“Go, go and see.” Watergate gave a look to Ye Xuan and Jiu Xinnai, and the three of them secretly walked towards the room where the girl’s cry was heard.

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