By the time Ye Xuan came back to his senses, the two of them were already in a very strange environment.

“This is Miaomu Mountain, one of the three holy places.” Looking at the lotus leaves that are taller than people, the frogs jumping back and forth in the pool that are not afraid of people at all, and the yellow waterfall, Ye Xuan recognized this place in an instant.

“Ah, Xiao Zilaiye, who did you bring here?” An old voice came into Ye Xuan’s ears. Ye Xuan hurriedly looked around. “Who? Who speaks again? ”

“Smelly boy, dare to humiliate the old man and look at your feet.” As soon as Ye Xuan looked down, she saw a toad with a beard and a black cape staring at her with a huff.

Ye Xuan thought that his three views had long been eaten by the dog, but when he saw this frog, he really refreshed his three views.

“My good, frogs can grow beards? Awesome my brother. ”

“Ah, it turned out to be a Shensaku Immortal.” Zi Lai also hurriedly stepped forward to answer. “This is the Night Sword God Ye Xuan that I mentioned to you, to bring over.”

“Huh? This is Xiao Ye Xuan? To let him learn fairy arts at such a young age? Shen Zuo Immortal looked puzzled.

“Ye Xuan is a genius ninja, although he is young, but his strength is very strong, the war is coming soon, let him learn fairy arts is also to have an extra weight to save his life on the battlefield.” Zi Lai also said seriously.

Fukasaku nodded disapprovingly, “Since you are here, come with me, go to my house for dinner first, start learning immortal arts in the afternoon, the great immortal is in retreat, and when you come back next time, take Xiao Yexuan to visit his old man’s house.” ”

Not being able to see the legendary Great Immortal, Ye Xuan still had some regrets, but what made him even more terrifying was the upcoming meal, but he knew that the so-called delicious meal of this group of toads was all kinds of insects. Turning his head and looking at Jiraiya, who also had a dishful face, Yexuan hurriedly said to Fukasaku. “Shenzuo Immortal, I have already eaten, without further ado, let’s start cultivating now.”

Shen Zuo looked at Ye Xuan with an appreciative face, worthy of being Xiao Zilaiye’s apprentice, much more diligent than when he was a child, well, without further ado, let’s start cultivating now, Zilaiye, you go to my house and help us bring the food over. As soon as Zi Lai on the side was about to run away, he was grabbed back by the Shenzuo Immortal.


Regardless of how he feels, Ye Xuan has great expectations for this practice, and anyone who has read the original book knows that the immortal mode is an extremely powerful technique. With this ninjutsu, Ye Xuan estimated that he would not have a hard time even if he faced a shadow-level powerhouse.

“The so-called immortal mode is a mode that allows you to use the immortal chakra through cultivation, and the immortal chakra is a new chakra composed of your own chakra plus natural energy. Under the immortal mode, your foreknowledge ability, ninjutsu, physical skills, and illusion will be greatly increased, Xiao Zilai is also very stupid, and he has practiced for a month before he can barely cultivate into a semi-finished product, he has high expectations for you, and has told us more than once, you are a highly talented ninja, Xiao Yexuan, you don’t let us down. Under the waterfall, Shen Zuo said to Ye Xuan seriously.

Ye Xuan nodded and said impatiently. “Then let’s get started.”

Fukasaku said to Yorugen while fishing a jar of toad oil from the waterfall. “I will put toad oil on you, and then you will try to balance the ninjutsu chakra, physical chakra, and natural energy absorbed through toad oil in your body, don’t blame me for not reminding you, if the natural energy is out of control, you will become a toad statue.”

Yogen-hyun took off his shirt, revealing a muscle. “Come on.”

Fukasaku applied toad oil to Ye Xuan’s body, and in an instant, Ye Xuan felt it, a powerful Chakra penetrated into his body along the skin coated with toad oil, and Ye Xuan hurriedly concentrated and mobilized the Chakra in his body and this foreign fairy Chakra to grab territory.

Ye Xuan has practiced the Tai Shang Induction Chapter, and the Chakra stored in the Qi Sea of Dantian is very strong, so Ye Xuan is not worried that his Chakra is not enough, but concentrates on maintaining his physical strength, Chakra also has the balance of natural energy.

The entire Konoha Village, if Yexuan’s control over Chakra ranks second, then no one should be able to rank first, even the two completely compatible attributes of wind and thunder, Yexuan can also perfectly integrate them, although the energy of natural Chakra is overbearing, but it is not compatible with its own Chakra, but it is easy to coexist peacefully.

However, the requirement of the immortal mode is not to store natural energy in the body, but to absorb the surrounding natural energy and fuse into fairy chakra for your own use whenever and wherever, so achieving balance is only the first step, and the second step is to work hard to maintain this state, so that you can enter the immortal mode perfectly whenever and wherever you want.

Ye Xuan’s sitting was for three whole days.

In the past three days, the Shenzuo Immortal has been guarding Ye Xuan’s side step by step, holding a stick that can knock out natural energy in his hand, for fear that Ye Xuan will go crazy if he doesn’t pay attention.

“It’s done.” Ye Xuan opened his eyes sharply. “Shen Zuo Immortal, I have been able to fully grasp the balance of natural energy and my own Chakra, Immortal Mode, cultivation is successful.”

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