The War of Resistance

Chapter 893 Bystanders

The night was still so dark, and a few gunshots occasionally came from the front, but it was extremely quiet near the strongman camp led by Hao Xiazi, so quiet that it was depressing.

Tomorrow we will go to the battlefield, so I ask you if you are afraid?

Fear is just a psychological activity, but when that psychological activity turns into actual actions, it becomes real fear.

So deserters occurred.

They were originally facing the northeast, but at this moment, a soldier's shout suddenly came from behind them: "Who? Password, stop!"

There was no reply, but the sound of "thump-thump" footsteps that answered the sentry.

So in the next moment, there were gunshots and firelight. Under the firelight were the figures of several strong men fleeing into the darkness.

There was a gunshot, and a strong man fell down after being shot. The remaining few men trembled with fright, then they lay down or knelt down and no longer dared to run away.

"Tie these cowards up with ropes and let them be the first to charge tomorrow!" Blind Hao rushed over from behind with a box cannon in his hand.

The strong man who was hit could not be saved. Blind Hao did not want to save the deserter. The bullet directly penetrated his left chest.

The fire was quickly extinguished and the escapees were led back.

The recruits were commotion for a moment and were about to become quiet when someone in the darkness said "Ouch", then cursed vaguely, and then everything became completely quiet again.

No one knows what this "Oops" is about. Isn't it normal to have a little bump in the dark?

Only the people involved know the stories that happen in the dark night, but because the night is so dark, even the people involved may not know everything.

For example, when the owner of that "ouch", Cai Chengwan, was returning not far from the fleeing men behind him, he accidentally tripped over someone's leg.

So he said "Ouch" and cursed. He just thought he accidentally tripped over someone else's lap.

Only Shang Zhen knew that he moved back after hearing someone running away, but he had no intention of running away. As a result, when the fire light came on, he saw Cai Cai, who was only a few dozen meters away from the strong men. into thousands.

So just after the fire was extinguished, Shang Zhen stretched out his leg on the only way for Cai Chengwan to return to his original position.

The night passed like this.

When the eastern sky first became slightly brighter, the hundreds of captured men began to move again, but this time instead of firing guns, they fired uniforms!

At dawn, it will soon be the turn of the young men. The Chinese know that they are young men, but the Japanese do not.

And if you don’t want the Japanese to know that these people are just strong men, then you must let these strong men put on military uniforms and charge. Otherwise, if the Japanese devils see that the Chinese have sent ordinary people to the battlefield, will that harm the Republic of China? majesty?

Those military uniforms were not old, and some were even stained with blood. I don’t know where the logistics department of the 40th Army got them. The strong men had to wear them under military orders, but their faces became more and more... When I started to cry, it didn’t look like I was wearing a military uniform, but like I was wearing a shroud! right! shroud! Clothes for the dead!

Hao Xiazi said that he was blind only because of a scar in the corner of his eye. In fact, he was not blind. Not only was he not blind, his eyes were even very poisonous.

His eyes swept over the soldiers who were dressing up in old clothes and became new recruits. He became increasingly angry at the strong men's expressions of mourning, so he turned his eyes to the few strong men he had an impression of.

He saw that Cai Chengwan, who had surrendered with a gun, was also changing his military uniform. Cai Chengwan was very calm, but Blind Hao noticed that the corners of Cai Chengwan's mouth would twitch from time to time.

Due to the angle of view, he could only see Cai Chengwan's profile, and naturally could not see Cai Chengwan's eyes.

But because he could only see one eye of the guy, Nacaicheng Wan gave him a new impression. This guy looked sinister, not like a soldier, but a bit like a bandit.

Blind Hao shook his head, and then put this idea behind him. He didn't bother to care about what Cai Chengwan did. They were all cannon fodder on the battlefield. There was only the difference between the old and the new, not the essential difference. , so does he, Blind Man Hao!

At this time, Blind Hao saw again those guys who could shoot and were released early by him.

Huh? These guys are quite interesting.

What's that stupid guy's name? Oh, call me Big Laoban, that guy has put on his military uniform now.

It's just that he is too tall and too strong. When Monkey King puts on Bi Mawen's clothes, it will look very funny if a child wears adult clothes. But if you let the Bull Demon King wear Monkey King's clothes, it will be equally funny.

right! That old fool is the latter when he puts on military uniform!

But the expression on that guy's face was very exciting, and his grin almost reached to his ears!

As long as this kid doesn't die this time, he will definitely take care of him, Hao Xiazi thought.

And then he saw the thin guy with disheveled hair.

The guy was lowering his head. He couldn't tell whether he was excited or not, but he saw that the skinny boy was tying his leggings!

Both the Chinese army and the Japanese army have a tradition of wearing leggings, which naturally makes sense.

For example, you can make the trousers legs more neatly, eliminating the worries when marching and fighting in the wild.

For example, it can relieve muscle tension and stiffness during long marches.

For example, at certain special times, leggings can be used as a bandage to stop bleeding or as a rope for climbing.

Are there any leggings in the military uniforms you brought for these strong men? Maybe a few wraps, but Blind Hao didn't care. In fact, in his heart, he thought that most of these strong men would die.

This kid actually knew how to tie leggings. Blind Hao was amused when he saw the serious yet clumsy look on the skinny boy's leggings.

Although wearing leggings is useful, it is also a skill, just like a soldier tying his own luggage. It is impossible for an untrained person to make "tofu cubes" quickly and well.

Blind Hao had no intention of pointing at the skinny boy, but when he was about to change his gaze, he saw the Northeastern guy next to him turned around, squatted down in front of the skinny boy and stretched out his hands.

The little thin man lifted his little feet in cooperation, and then the Northeastern guy casually tied the leggings with a few twists.

Originally this was just a small detail, but when Blind Hao turned his face away, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. This Northeastern man tied his leggings very casually.

But just because it is casual, it is also extremely skilled!

What does this situation look like? Just like a nurse putting a bandage on a wounded person, or an electrician wrapping tape around an exposed wire. Isn't this a bit too skillful? Even Blind Hao thought that wearing leggings was nothing more than that.

This guy from the Northeast - Blind Hao turned his face away.

Then he saw that the Northeastern guy was already preparing his Hanyang bullets.

His movement of pressing the bullets was not fast, but his movements were gentle and skillful. One, two, three, four, the guy pressed four bullets in total.

At this time, Blind Hao could no longer see that the honest-looking northeastern guy had something he didn't know, so he was no longer a veteran. Blind Hao was just his nickname, and he was not really blind!

But at this moment, the Northeast guy's hand was empty, and then Blind Hao saw the helpless expression on the Northeast guy's face. He seemed to hear the guy sighing, there were too few bullets!

Blind Hao knew that the gun his men fired at the Northeastern guy was a rifle that could at least be fired.

Blind Hao became thoughtful, but then he noticed that the Northeastern guy was raising his head, so he quickly looked away.

I get inspiration as I write. It's a pity that I have to go to bed. I'm too busy at work these days.

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