The War of Resistance

Chapter 1567 Chapter 1560 When will we cut the western window candle together?

Two days later, Shang Zhen and Cheng Peng's company finally went back to join Liu Keqiang and the others.

"Your wife is here." This was the first thing Liu Keqiang said when Shang Zhen saw Liu Keqiang.

"Where?" Shang Zhen was overjoyed.

"Seeing that you are not here, you left again." Liu Keqiang replied.

"Oh." Shang Zhen's joy turned into disappointment, and he completely forgot about Liu Keqiang's heavy breathing when he spoke.

"But she left you a note." Liu Keqiang added.

"Oh?" Shang Zhen's eyes showed hope again.

Shang Zhen took the note sent to him by Liu Keqiang. When he opened it and read it, he saw that there was only one sentence on it. He still recognized that sentence: "When will we cut the candles from the west window together!"

He still understands the literal meaning of this sentence. Cutting red candles, isn't that the same as cutting lanterns?

When the candle wick burns, it will leave a residue of ash, just like the ash from smoking. It will block the light, so it needs to be cut off with scissors.

But in his memory, Shang Zhen had never cut off the lanterns. Usually when he saw that the lamp was out of light, he would reach out and pinch off the remaining ash from the wick with his fingertips.

What does it mean to be my own wife? When will the two of us come together to cut the lanterns? Why did you cut that? It's better to do things in the dark!

Shang Zhen was thinking about it when he suddenly felt something was wrong behind him. He turned his face sharply and almost hit Bai Zhan's head.

It turned out that Bai Zhan was standing behind him, with his toes raised and reading the note.

Bai Zhan was also a bit memorized. When Shang Zhen first read the note, he had no intention of moving forward. After all, it was the battalion commander who was reading the note.

But seeing Shang Zhen frowning and not saying anything, he became curious, so he stood up on his toes and stretched his neck to look behind him.

Shang Zhen noticed it just after he saw the ancient poem. As soon as Shang Zhen turned around, the two of them came face to face.

"Batalion, battalion commander, I didn't look at anything." Bai Zhan defended hurriedly, and then stepped back.

Zhang Zhen is now the battalion commander. Let alone the battalion commander’s home letter, it means that the battalion commander is looking at other things. Can you, an ordinary soldier, peek at it? What if it's a military secret?

But no one knew what Shang Zhen was thinking. When he saw Bai Zhan shrinking back, Shang Zhen reached out and grabbed Bai Zhan's shoulder.

"You dare to peek at the battalion commander's letter? Arrest him!" Shang Zhen lectured with a straight face.

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers next to him moved forward to join him.

Naturally, other soldiers saw Bai Zhan peeking, and heard Liu Keqiang tell Shang Zhen that this was a note left for him by his wife.

Regardless of whether they were familiar with Bai Zhan or not, no one said anything when they saw Bai Zhan peeking.

Just because everyone knows that Bai Zhan and other veterans are not easy to mess with.

Who dares to say that the battalion commander is peeking at your letter? Isn’t that an insult?

Regardless of whether the battalion commander Shang Zhen takes control of Bai Zhan or not, the person who is arrogant will not get good results in the future.

But now that Bai Zhan was caught peeping by the battalion commander, and the battalion commander has expressed his stance, why not go ahead?

And despite Bai Zhan and Shang Zhen's glib words, when Shang Zhen said this, he really didn't dare to run, not to mention that he couldn't run away, so he was directly held down by a few soldiers in front of him.

"Batalion Commander, please spare me. I will never dare to peek again." Bai Zhan apologized quickly.

"Tie me up and tie me to that tree." Shang Zhen still had a straight face.

"Ah?" Bai Zhan was dumbfounded.

It was inappropriate to peek at the battalion commander's letter, but in Bai Zhan's impression, when had Shang Zhen ever been so strict with old people like them?

But he just couldn't find fault with it.

Soon Bai Zhan was tied to the tree. Shang Zhen asked everyone else to retreat, but he sat on the stone pillar in front of the tree and watched Bai Zhan smile.

When had Bai Zai ever seen Shang Zhen treat him like this? This made him really confused.

"Both scholars are not here, and neither is Gu Bing. I have to ask you now. Hey (ái), what do you mean by when we will cut the candles on the west window together?" Shang Zhen asked Bai Zhan.

"No wonder you kicked others away!" Bai Zhan felt that he understood something. "Is this the way a student should treat his teacher when asking him questions?"

Bai Zhan just made a guess, but then he confirmed his thoughts. As far as he knew, Shang Zhen might not really understand what the ancient poem Leng Xiaozhi wrote for him meant?

No wonder Shang Zhen said at the beginning that the two talented people, Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen, were not here, and neither was Gu Bing, who was well versed in literature and ink.

Of course, everyone understands the literal meaning, but Shang Zhen still doesn’t understand, so he asks himself!

"Do you want to be tied up here for the whole day?" Shang Zhen destroyed Bai Zhan's arrogance as a gentleman with just one sentence.

"The meaning of this sentence is, I can cut candle wicks with you anytime." Bai Zhan is indeed smart, and he no longer pretends to be a gentleman. "You don't understand. The key is that there is another sentence below. I must not have memorized it. .”

"Nonsense, I'm just asking you because I haven't memorized it." Shang Zhen said angrily.

It's not like he hasn't memorized ancient poems. His cultural level is limited to memorizing idioms.

"The first sentence is when we cut the candles from the west window together, and the second sentence is when we talk about the rainy night in Bashan.

The key is the following sentence, whether you two talk together or do something on a rainy night, that's up to you. "Bai Zhan said as a teacher.

"What did you say?" Shang Zhen asked deliberately exaggeratedly, "If you don't agree with me, how dare you peek at the battalion commander's home letter?" "Shang Zhen smiled. When Bai Zhan explained this, he understood what Lang Xiaozhi was thinking, so he continued to use Bai Zhan to rinse it.

"I -" Shang Zhen had no choice but to use the power of the battalion commander, so he had no choice but to give in. "I've answered all the questions, battalion commander, so just let me go."

"It's rare that I'm happy to tie you up for a while. You can tie you up for another hour." Shang Zhen smiled, then turned and left.

Just as Bai Zhan said, it's not about cutting the wicks and flowers, but when it rains on Bashan night, the moon is dark, the wind is high, and the drizzle is falling. He and Leng Xiaozhi are studying something that only belongs to the two of them. Thinking about the things in between makes me feel so beautiful!

"Hey, why are you tied up for an hour? If you forget about me again, who will untie me?" Bai Zhan did not forget his situation.

"Cao Delong, Cao Delong, go and give me the white chicken -" Shang Zhen stopped shouting halfway, and then he remembered that Cao Delong was killed in battle.

"I'll go!" Wang Xiaodan ran over.

Suddenly, the excitement that Leng Xiaozhi's arrival brought to Shang Zhen was replaced by his gloomy mood.

It was better to save his love words for when he was with Leng Xiaozhi. Shang Zhen shook his head helplessly, and then all kinds of practical problems came to his mind.

For example, the food he brought was almost insufficient, and his company also needed repairs. It was unrealistic to go to Leng Xiaozhi now.

At this moment, somewhere in Shandong near Anhui, Qiu Bo and his people were resting in a woods. There was a large village a mile away.

"Hey, I'm talking about scholar, you see that Sun Dabaozi is quite interesting to you." Qin Chuan said to Chen Hanwen with a smile.

"What a nonsense! Which of your eyes saw that this person is interested in me?" Chen Hanwen retorted with a slight blush.

"Sun Dabaozi smiled at you, his little eyes are so charming!" But Qin Chuan had no intention of letting him go, and continued.

"Stop talking nonsense, who are you not smiling at?" Chen Hanwen still retorted.

"Can laughter be the same as laughter? Sun Dabaozi is a descendant of Sun Erniang, and he has superb marksmanship. You, Chen Hanwen, look like you are both a scholar!

Hey, I'm telling you, a woman like that likes your flirtatious style. You, old man, are silent, am I right? "Qin Chuan still kept talking.

"Yes, what Lao Qin said is so right. This is Sun Dabaozi in the guerrillas. If he were the queen, he could drag the scholar to the mountain to be the wife of the stronghold!" Ma Tianfang also agreed.

"Stop bluffing for nothing. If you continue to bluff me, tell Leng Xiaozhi!" Chen Hanwen had no choice but to use his trump card against the two Hengha generals.

"The male senior should get married, and the female senior should get married. Leng Xiaozhi also knows how to find our battalion commander. Why, he is not happy to find a good husband for his Sun Dabaozi?" Qin Chuan disagreed.

The three of them were quarreling about Sun Dabaozi. A soldier nearby couldn't understand, so he asked his companion: "Who is Sun Dabaozi? It sounds like he is a man. Why are you looking for your husband's family?"

"Sun Dabaozi is the female attendant of our battalion commander's wife, the one who looks like that." The companion explained in a low voice, who looks like that? He reached out and made a gesture on his chest.

"Oh." The person who asked the question suddenly understood.

But before he could say anything else, Chen Hanwen finally retorted: "You two, don't talk nonsense, I'm the one who made the engagement."

"Come on, it's been almost ten years since you left the three northeastern provinces, and you're still engaged? I guess the second-in-command is running around wearing crotchless pants now." Ma Tianfang said quickly.

The soldiers chuckled.

Veterans know that when Chen Hanwen was in the Northeast, his family actually arranged a marriage for him.

But what kind of marriage is that? Chen Hanwen had never even met the woman in person, and then he came to the customs after the September 18th Incident.

He only knew that the other party was a woman, what else did he know?

Chen Hanwen was just about to retort when all of them suddenly heard gunfire "pop" and "pop" coming from the village!

Something happened in the past two days, which delayed the update. I will definitely make it up the day after tomorrow!

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