The War of Resistance

Chapter 1422 The stone has no roots

"***" "***" The very low shouts of the Japanese army rang out among the rocks, while in the distance there were still flares and the sound of gunfire.

After a while, the Japanese soldier who called out felt that there was nothing unusual around him, so he raised his voice a little higher.

Then the call changed from his alone to that of three people.

After a while, another flashlight beam shone in the stone bush.

At this time, Bian Xiaolong, who had been hiding on the boulder, frowned. What he heard in his ears was the sound of the alien, and he even saw the flashlight beam shining into the night sky.

He didn't know what the Japanese soldiers under the boulder were doing in the rocks if they didn't go out to fight with the team, but he also hoped that these three Japanese soldiers would get out of here!

The old fool said that he would come back to pick him up after luring the little devil away. So now that the three little devils below are reluctant to leave, how can the old fool come back to find him?

But if Bian Xiaolong is asked to take action against the Japanese soldiers below, he has the heart but not the courage.

The reason he gave himself was that he was not afraid of killing people, he was afraid that he would not be able to kill three Japanese at once, so wouldn't he have nothing to do to make trouble for himself?

"***" "***"

The three Japanese soldiers were still barking lowly among the rocks, which gave Bian Xiaolong an illusion. He felt that the Japanese were not calling his big wolf dog, right?

But then he denied his guess. First, he did not hear the dog barking when the Japanese were chasing him. Second, if the Japanese really have big wolf dogs, how can I stay so calm on the top of this rock?

Perhaps, the Japs just had a companion who disappeared in this big rock.

A flashlight beam flashed through the sky again, and Bian Xiaolong, who was originally hiding among the stone roofs, discovered that the direction of the beam of light was already pointing away from him.

At this time, Bian Xiaolong carefully climbed up from his hiding place.

Bian Xiaolong is not the kind of bold person, so he will not take the initiative to provoke the Japanese soldiers below.

But Bian Xiaolong is not the kind of person who is as timid as a mouse, so he listens to the movements of the Japanese army from a distance, so he at least wants to see what is going on with the Japanese army below, right?

Bian Xiaolong didn't even take a gun. This was on top of a big rock. If he took a gun, the hard wood butt would probably make a collision sound with the hard stone, so be careful!

Bian Xiaolong's hands were touching and feeling on the stone. He recalled the process of climbing up the stone, making sure not to hit anything or if the stone on this big stone was loose.

Although the boulder is tall, the area above it is really not that big.

Soon he climbed to the edge of the big stone. He pressed his hand on the stone and slightly raised his head to look at the beam of light not far away.

But something was supposed to happen next. Although he saw the flashing figures of the three Japanese soldiers illuminated by the beam of light and the flares in the hands of the Japanese soldiers, he suddenly felt his knees loosen!

Otherwise, Bian Xiaolong has also practiced martial arts.

Not to mention how well he practices martial arts, but the reaction of a person who has practiced martial arts is a little faster than ordinary people.

He felt his knees were loose, so he instinctively pressed his hands down, and his body retreated with the force of this press.

But the trouble with this matter is that his reaction was too fast, which can be said to be too fast.

The looseness under his knees was only due to the weathering of the rock, but when he pressed hard with both hands, it broke. He heard a "crash", and the part of the rock that he had originally pressed on the protrusion fell down!

If he hadn't practiced martial arts, he wouldn't have pressed so hard.

If he doesn't press his hand so hard, the rock where he presses it won't fall.

But now it's better, the stones have fallen, to be precise, some weak stones have fallen due to weathering!

I should be exposed now, right? This was the first thought that came to Bian Xiaolong who shrank his body back.

And the second thought that followed was "It's broken!"

It was broken, not just because he was exposed, but in the sound of the gravel rolling down, there was a sudden "ouch" cry from under the boulder, a sound like a beast being pinched by a trap. That kind of scream!

There are Japanese devils down there!

At this time, Bian Xiaolong heard the three Japanese soldiers in front of him who were walking away and shouted out.

Who knows what they are called? The call should be "Is the person there?"

Who knows who they are calling? Refers to yourself? Or their missing companion?

Bian Xiaolong rolled on the boulder, and this time his first reaction was to touch the gun!

But just after he turned around and really touched his rifle, his hand let go again.

What's the use of holding a gun at this time?

He has only fired twice in total since he was a soldier. How could he be a match for the Japanese as a shooter?

He was carrying a Nandao behind his back. What did the veterans say? The melee weapon is a grenade. Don’t you still have a grenade?

Therefore, Bian Xiaolong let go of the gun and took off the grenade from his waist.

Just taking it off won’t do it, you still have to use it!

Bian Xiaolong fumbled to twist the cap on the back of the grenade handle.

And just when he unscrewed the little cap, he heard the moans and concerned voices of the Japanese soldiers below, and then he saw the half-lit beam of the Japanese flashlight shining up.

Why is it a half beam of light? If half of the light beam shines on the rock, wouldn't there be only half a beam of light shining on it?

The half-length beam of light pointed straight up into the sky from in front of Bian Xiaolong.

Wouldn't the Japanese just throw the grenade up when they get it?

Bian Xiaolong's heart tightened, but he was really not suitable to be a warrior, at least not now.

He should have taken action, but other thoughts came to his mind. The veterans said that the grenade of the Japs was round. When the Japs threw the grenades up, would the rounded grenades reappear on their own? What about Gulu?


The Japanese soldiers below shouted loudly.

So Bian Xiaolong, who forgot to fight when he shouldn't have forgotten the battle, imagined that the loud shout was like the Japanese soldier pointing the flashlight at the boulder where he was, and the Japanese soldier pointed the rifle at his position, and also Some Japanese soldiers are already touching those melon-shaped grenades!

Where is the twist on this grenade? where? where?

Bian Xiaolong was a little confused.

He had never thrown a grenade, and he had never even unscrewed the small cap behind the wooden handle of the grenade. He had not even seen the grenade's fuse, and now in the darkness, he could not even touch the grenade's fuse.

But what he imagined, and in fact was indeed the case, was that the Japanese army was already wary of him.

In desperation, Bian Xiaolong saw that he couldn't get the grenade off, so he stretched out his legs and kicked forward in a hurry!

In war, we always encounter whatever terrain we encounter.

No matter how old or stupid he was, he never thought that part of the boulder Xiaolong climbed on was already weathered, while the end they climbed on was quite solid.

And with Bian Xiaolong's kick, there was really a "crash" sound again, and then there were weathered rock fragments, large and small pieces falling to the ground.

The Japanese troops below were really just looking for their companions.

And the reason why that companion is so important is because they are not just their companions, they are the deputy of their team.

The Japanese army's squad of adjutants is not that big, but the Japanese army's command sequence is different from that of the Chinese army.

What if the Japanese squad leader was broken into pieces?

Of course, when people say "Jade is broken", it means that the Japanese put gold on their faces. To put it bluntly, it means they are dead. Northeastern people also say "Don't goo", and some people say "burp your butt to catch cold". Anyway, that's what it means.

That is, if the captain of the Japanese team dies, his deputy will take over the command.

The team leader went to the team deputy and found out that he was missing, so he asked them to come back and look for him.

As a result, he heard the screams of the team deputy and rushed over, only to find that the team deputy was lying in a pool of blood.

But they never expected that they were ready to fight and were looking up, only to see gravel and soil falling from above. How could they escape under such circumstances?

The three Japanese soldiers had never fired their guns or thrown their grenades, but they were in disgrace. Some of their eyes were even fascinated by the dirt!

Originally, the Japanese army only suspected that there was someone above, but this time they felt that there was really someone above. So who else could it be? It can only be the Chinese soldiers they are chasing.

The Japanese soldiers below drew their guns again.

But these Japanese soldiers were really wrong. The mistake was not only that there were Chinese soldiers on top, but also behind them, and the Chinese soldier behind them was very skilled!

There was the sound of a blunt object being hit on the head.

Except for the Japanese lieutenant who fell unconscious while walking in the dark and was woken up by the falling gravel, the three Japanese soldiers were all fine.

But after two dull blows, the two Japanese soldiers fell.

The blow was so fast that the first beaten Japanese soldier had not yet fallen, but the second dull sound of the blow came even faster than the first "plop"!

When the third Japanese soldier subconsciously turned the flashlight, a cold steel object directly penetrated his throat. That was the barrel of the gun. The barrel of the Type 38 rifle is also commonly known as the "muzzle". !

The flashlight fell to the ground, and by chance it fell and shone on the face of the Japanese deputy who was groaning on the ground.

As a result, under the snow-white light beam was the ugly but fearful face of the invader!

The gun butt hit again, blood spattered, and the face disappeared, and with it disappeared the light of the flashlight.

After a while, when the place became quiet, a voice came from below. It was the voice of the old fool: "Bian Xiaolong, are you still at the top?"

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