The War Court and the Lap Pillow, Austria's Destiny Chapter 52 Drinking

Lately, M. Rouvel has been distressed.

As the vice president of Mexico, he had to come to Vienna alone to ask for help from the mysterious Grand Duke Franz Karl.

This also starts with the Battle of Texas. General Jose Epra, as the general of southern Mexico, stabbed Tasan Ana in the back at a critical moment in the Mexican-American War and besieged Mexico City.

Ruvel habitually fled, abandoning the Mexican capital, and was rebuked by Tasan Ana after joining him in the north.

Because the French took the opportunity to refuse to pay the remaining payment for Texas, and claimed that it would only be handed over to the real ruler of Mexico.

The result was that the French bought the entire Texas for 33 million francs, and Tasan Anna had no choice but to admit it. After all, the civil war was not over yet, so it would not be wise to offend the French again.

In fact, Tasan Ana's army is much stronger than Jose Epra's rebel army. At first, they took Mexico City all the way, but soon the battle situation changed, that is, the rebel army suddenly seemed to have opened their eyes. Can predict the enemy's opportunity.

All of Tasan Anna's plans seemed to be in the hands of the rebels, so Tasan Anna lost a large number of troops, but this was not enough to bridge the gap between the two.

At this moment, the Mexican navy suddenly rebelled, blocked the Mexican sea passage, and at the same time shipped a large amount of equipment to the rebels, turning the battle situation against Tasan Anna again.

After some investigation, all the contradictions pointed to the United States. It was the Americans who planned Epra's rebellion, and it was the Americans who instigated the Mexican Navy, and it was the Americans who took advantage of the Mexican Civil War to make a lot of money.

Americans are filling the wounds of the economic crisis with Mexican blood.

The Mexicans would certainly not sit back and watch their demise. While continuing to fight the rebels, they turned to Europe for help.

At the same time as the Epra uprising, Britain, France and the United States severed diplomatic relations with Mexico. Obviously, a strong Mexico is not in the interests of the three countries.

Tasan Anna can only turn to Spain and Austria for help. Although he drove the Spaniards away with the Mexicans, it is not impossible to bring back the suzerain Spain.

The queen regent of Spain is licentious but not absurd. She is willing to accept Mexico's return to Spain and is willing to forgive Tasan Anna's treason, but she will not send a single soldier to Mexico.

Tasan Anna tore up the letter of the queen involved in politics, so he thought of the Grand Duke Franz Karl again.

In fact, the first thing Tasan Anna thought of was Archduke Franz Karl, but it is said that the maritime power of the Austrian Empire is very weak.

But now he can't control so much. Vice President Ruvel came to Vienna alone under his order, in order to save Mexico from the fire and water.

In fact, Ruvel didn't have much memory of the vice president's position. He was originally a messenger who shuttled between the battlefields.

To him, the smuggling of a narrow escape is just a return to his previous life.

It has been almost a month since Ruvel came to Vienna. He has met Prince Metternich and Count Korolov. Both of them in power have no interest in Mexico as an ally.

Ruvel proposed that the silver mine belonging to the rebel family could be used as a mortgage, which caught the attention of Count Korolav, but Count Kororav and Prince Metternich have been in a stalemate, and Ruvel has not responded for a long time.

On this day, Ruvel finally mustered up the courage to stop the car of the Grand Duke Franz Karl. Of course, he blocked the car of the Grand Duke for no reason. There is a high probability that he will be taken to the gendarmerie for strict interrogation.

Ruvel was lucky, though, that he wasn't beaten half to death by the guards and thrown into the gendarmerie.

Ruvel stopped the carriage and wanted to shout, but a cavalryman put a noose around his neck.

As soon as the two guards stopped him, Franz Karl opened the car window.

"Call him over."

The two guards put Ruvel in front of Grand Duke Franz Karl.

"Your name is Ruvel?"

Ruvel's mouth was tied by the rope, and he could only nod with wide eyes.

"can you drink alcohol?"

Ruvel was a little puzzled, but nodded anyway.

"Great, my son said that someone from Ruvel will come to drink with me tonight. You really came." Franz Karl said to the guards, "Let him go."

Lord Sommerlett, the attendant of Archduke Franz Karl, asked in a low voice, "Are you sure?"


"Okay." Lord Somerset summoned two guards and asked them to search Ruvel's body carefully, even including hair, mouth and socks..

Ruvel entered the carriage and sat opposite Archduke Franz Karl. Lord Somerset also got into the carriage and sat down next to Archduke Franz Karl. Immediately after, another strong guard without weapons sat down. Ruvel's side.

The strong guards and Lord Sommerlet stared at Ruvel with cold eyes, even reminding him of the time he negotiated with the Aztecas.

But Ruvel calmed down quickly, he took a deep breath and was about to speak.

"What do you drink?" said Archduke Franz Karl.

Ruvel scratched his head in embarrassment.


"Tequila! A Mexican friend gave it to me last time. You will definitely like This stuff is cold and spicy, but a little bit bitter."

After speaking, Archduke Franz Karl poured Rouvel a full glass.

"Grand Duke Franz Karl, I am here to ask you for help on behalf of President Tasan Anna. The Mexican Republic has suffered a shameless betrayal. We need Austria's help."

Grand Duke Franz Karl drank the contents of the cup in one gulp, and poured himself a second cup. Seeing that Ruvel hadn't finished drinking, he seemed a little unhappy.

Ruvel had no choice but to drink the wine in the glass. This kind of wine is not low in alcohol, and usually he would not drink it like this, but Archduke Franz Karl had already drank it, so Rouvel had to follow suit.

Archduke Franz Karl poured Rouvel another glass, and then drank his own in one gulp.

Three consecutive glasses of wine, one bottle of wine is already empty, three consecutive glasses of wine made Ruvel, a soldier, a little unbearable, and he has been under a lot of mental stress recently, and he hasn't eaten well, so he gets drunk very quickly.

Archduke Franz Karl took out a second bottle of wine and presented Rouvel with a whole ham.

Ruvel didn't know how much he drank that night. When he got up, he found himself lying in a clean bedroom. His luggage and belongings were neatly placed in the corner. The bottle is pressed.

"50,000 rifles, 50 4-pounder guns, 100 6-pounder guns, 70 8-pounder guns, 100,000 military uniforms, 20,000 pairs of military boots, 600 tons of flour..."

Ruvel burst into tears after reading it, unscrewed the wine bottle and drank it violently. +Bookmark+

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