"What's happening?" A man exclaimed, pointing to the spot that had captured Fray's attention. His voice was loud, and his face turned pale with fear.

"It's a spatial distortion. Something is attempting to breach the fabric of space," an elderly woman said, her expression grave as she directed her gaze towards the intense emanation of power from the space deformation.

As soon as the woman finished speaking, pure white energy emerged, capturing the attention of all the guests, including Queen Fozya, Luke, Aslan, and Lisa, who had already met. Even Fray focused his gaze on this energy.

"It's about to reveal itself," the old man said, his expression bewildered as he observed the white energy.

"What is it? What will appear?" a young man asked, his face filled with fear upon hearing the old man's words.

The other guests, lacking knowledge about the laws, also turned their attention towards the old man, who had earned their trust with his wisdom and ability to predict the involvement of the laws. They eagerly awaited his answer.

"It's..." the old man looked towards the swiftly forming creature within the white energy, taking on an unfamiliar shape. In just a fraction of a second, the energy transformed into a being—a humanoid figure with pure white skin, shining blond hair, white eyes, and six enormous white wings on its back. The old man observed the creature, which regarded them with an emotionless face and frightened eyes. "It's an angel."

(So, this is the renowned manifestation of the laws—the angel.) Fray thought, his expression turning serious as he observed the exquisitely formed creature.

The angel, formed from pure white energy and possessing a mesmerizing presence, stood before the gathered guests. Its body exuded an otherworldly aura, emanating a sense of ethereal power and grace.

With a human-like form, the angel stood tall and imposing. Its flawless, pure white skin seemed to emit a gentle, radiant glow, casting a soft illumination in its surroundings. Its facial features were delicate and refined, displaying an almost statuesque beauty. The angel's eyes, devoid of color, were a striking white, seemingly reflecting the light within them.

Radiant, flowing blond hair cascaded down its back, shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. Each strand appeared to be spun from the very essence of light itself, glistening with an otherworldly brilliance.

Sprouting from the angel's back were six colossal wings, their grandeur captivating all who beheld them. These wings, as pure as the driven snow, were expansive and majestic, spanning a considerable width. The feathers of these wings possessed an iridescent quality, displaying hints of pearlescent hues that shifted and changed with every movement.

Every aspect of the angel's appearance conveyed an air of divine beauty and power. Its serene countenance bore a sense of emotionlessness, as if detached from the mortal realm. Despite its captivating appearance, the angel's eyes held a flicker of fear, a contradiction within its otherwise serene expression.

In the presence of this awe-inspiring being, the guests couldn't help but be captivated by its enchanting appearance, simultaneously filled with reverence and trepidation. The angel stood as a testament to the magnificence and mystery of the laws it represented, a living embodiment of the intricate forces that governed the universe.

The laws were enigmatic entities with origins unknown to humanity. They rarely interacted with living creatures, except in specific circumstances. Throughout the recorded history of humanity spanning a hundred years, the laws had only appeared to humans three times, each time assuming a white, human-like form composed of pure energy and adorned with colossal wings. Humans had given these forms the name "Angels."

(Is this a third or second-order law?) The queen pondered, her expression serious as she observed the angel. She patiently awaited the reason for its visit. However, like everyone present, she knew that laws were incapable of engaging in normal conversation like humans. Thus, direct questioning was futile, and they could only wait for the angel to convey its thoughts.

(They truly embody the essence of nature. Fortunately, their freedom is not absolute; otherwise, it would be impossible to restrain them.) Fray thought, maintaining a composed expression as he regarded the majestic figure with its six magnificent wings, which continued to gaze at the guests impassively.

[Analyzing the suspects...]

Suddenly, a window materialized before Fray's eyes. He read the message within and glanced around to find that everyone present was focused on the void. It appeared that the message had reached all the guests. Angels, unable to communicate like living creatures using sound, employed status windows to convey their thoughts. The window that had appeared now marked the first message dispatched by this law.

"Suspects? What does it mean by suspects?"

"Could it be referring to us? Is there a criminal among us?"

"But there hasn't been any crime significant enough to attract the laws' attention."

The guests, after reading the message, were once again filled with terror. They knew that laws were incapable of lying, thus they were certain that there was a deeper meaning concealed within the message—a hidden message that evoked fear among the guests.

"This is dangerous. Once the laws intervene, they won't retreat until they find what they seek," Lisa stated, her face serious after reading the message.

"And they will do anything to accomplish their objective," Luke added, his expression grave, reinforcing Lisa's words. He

 then glanced at the motionless angel, still floating above the guests, eliciting discomfort among them.

"But why hasn't it made a move yet?" Lisa inquired, and suddenly, images of a particular person flashed through her mind. Without even realizing it, she looked in a specific direction, her expression becoming complex.

... Aslan noticed Lisa's perplexed expression and followed her gaze, finding Fray standing there, observing the angel like everyone else. However, it didn't take long for Aslan to comprehend the reason behind Lisa's complicated expression while looking at Fray. (Why is he so calm? It's strange that even Fray would be surprised by this event. Why is he so composed?)

... Suddenly, before Aslan could grasp why Fray remained unusually quiet, Fray lowered his head and locked eyes with Aslan. The sudden intensity and impact of Fray's gaze caused Aslan to awkwardly avert his eyes.

[Analysis complete]

[Potential troublemakers for the Trial have been identified]

[The probability of one of them being the culprit is...]


[Procedures complete. Removing the dangerous individuals from the trial.]

As the succession of windows concluded abruptly, the angel raised its hands. Streams of energy emanated from its palms and advanced towards specific guests. Among those targeted were Queen Fozya, the knowledgeable old man well-versed in the ways of the laws, and several others possessing powerful auras and occupying crucial positions within the human continent. The energy currents touched these guests, who vanished from their spots without a trace, leaving the remaining guests in a state of shock and fear.

[The dangerous individuals have been successfully isolated.]

[The trial of the Law of War has commenced successfully.]

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