Lisa, despite her occasional childishness and stubbornness, possessed remarkable intelligence and talent. She had been accepted into the prestigious Shield Class, a program that only admitted the most exceptional individuals on the continent, solely based on her intelligence and extensive knowledge in various sciences and languages. As one of the main heroines in the novel, it was certain that she would achieve great things in the future. Fray, on the other hand, seemed to be aware of Lisa's potential accomplishments and wanted to take advantage of them.

Lisa's thoughts raced as she tried to comprehend how Fray had acquired this confidential information. The intel they had gathered had suggested that the Parada family was unaware of the impending war, so how did Fray possess knowledge that no other family knew? She considered the possibility of a spy within their ranks, but dismissed it quickly as she believed that all those privy to such information were loyal members of the family. Lisa was bewildered by the situation but knew better than to confront Fray about his sources. She maintained a neutral expression and decided to inquire about the benefits they would gain from allowing him to join their research.

"I can retrieve the item you came to seize in Lionar Kingdom," Fray stated.

Sighing, Lisa replied, "Knowing that alone isn't enough."

"But not only that, I can collect all the items for you, and provide you with ample crystal energy to conduct your research," Fray offered.

Lisa couldn't help but wonder if Fray truly possessed knowledge of the items' locations. Even the legendary item failed to disclose their exact whereabouts. However, if what Fray claimed was true, it would be incredibly helpful for their cause. She considered his proposition and asked, "Why are you interested in this research?"

Fray responded, "I can't disclose the exact reasons, but rest assured, I won't employ it to harm innocent people."

Skeptical, Lisa pressed further, "And why should I trust your words?" Trust between them had been shattered long ago, making it difficult to embark on such a dangerous project with a lack of faith.

"You don't have to trust me entirely. You'll oversee the entire research process, and I won't interfere until it's completed," Fray assured her.

Lisa pondered for a moment before raising another concern, "And how can I trust you?"

"Ronal's family may be strong, but they are not invincible," Fray replied with an expressionless face.

Perplexed, Lisa cautiously asked, "What do you mean?"

And so, the conversation continued between Lisa and Fray, with each revelation leaving her breathless. Their discussion unfolded over an unknown period of time until finally, Fray concluded their conversation and left the room, leaving Lisa alone to immerse herself in her thoughts.


Several years ago, in the serene and tranquil night within one of the grandest mansions in Fayzan Kingdom, a luxurious living room accommodated five individuals engaged in a peaceful conversation. After lengthy discussions, three of them rose from their seats, feeling tired and ready to retire to their rooms for the night.

"Good night," a beautiful black-haired teenage girl bid with a sweet smile.

"Good night," a respectful blond-haired teenager responded.

The third individual, a black-haired boy, made a simple gesture without uttering a word.

"Good night, guys," a red-haired girl beamed with a wide smile.

And so, the three teenagers left the room, leaving a red-haired man with a strong physique and the red-haired teenager behind.

"Dad, do you like my friends?" the girl asked her father expectantly, gazing at him with anticipation.

"They are quite remarkable, sweetie, especially that kid," the man responded with a serious expression.

"Yes, Luke is

 exceptionally talented, already making a name for himself in the Fifth Kingdom at such a young age," the girl exclaimed with a smile.

"No, I'm not referring to Luke. I'm talking about the boy from the Prada family. Although Luke is talented, he pales in comparison to that boy. He's truly outstanding, and it's a shame he wasn't born into the Ronal family," the man confessed with a tinge of envy.

"What? Dad, are you sure? Fray is not weak, but comparing him to Luke, who is the strongest student in the Shield Class..." the girl trailed off, puzzled by her father's assessment.

"Yes, sweetie, I'm serious," the man affirmed, locking eyes with his daughter. "There will come a day when you'll understand what I mean. Until then, try to maintain a good relationship with him. He's the kind of person who can't coexist with his enemies." The girl absorbed her father's unexpected words, her expression reflecting her struggle to comprehend what he saw in Fray that warranted such value.


"Is that what you meant, Dad?" Lisa pondered, standing alone in the room, a myriad of emotions crossing her complex expression.


Sorry for the short chapter, as an apology here, a description for the three friends. 

Lisa, with her striking red hair, possesses a vibrant and fiery aura. Her long, flowing locks cascade down her back, accentuating her youthful features. Her red hair frames a face adorned with a scattering of freckles across her cheeks, giving her an endearing and playful charm. Her eyes, a captivating shade of hazel, sparkle with intelligence and curiosity, reflecting her inquisitive nature. Lisa's petite stature is complemented by a slender yet agile build, hinting at her physical capabilities despite her primary focus on intellectual pursuits.

Luke, on the other hand, boasts a head of blond hair that shines like rays of sunlight. His hair is neatly styled, framing a face that exudes confidence and determination. His striking blue eyes hold an intensity that captures attention and reveals his unwavering resolve. Luke possesses an athletic build, evidence of his rigorous training and dedication to physical prowess. Standing tall with a commanding presence, his strong and chiseled features give him a distinct aura of strength and capability.

Aslan, with her lustrous dark hair, possesses an air of mystery and allure. Her locks cascade down her shoulders, framing a face that exudes confidence and intelligence. Her dark, expressive eyes hold a depth that reflects her keen perception and wisdom beyond her years. Aslan's features are gracefully sculpted, with high cheekbones and a soft yet commanding presence. Her slender figure carries an elegance that complements her composed demeanor.

Despite her more delicate appearance, Aslan possesses an inner strength that is evident in her poise and grace. Her presence demands attention and respect, and her confidence shines through in every action she takes. Aslan's dark hair and eyes enhance her enigmatic charm, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to her character.

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