The villain's side of the novel

50 Lionar kingdom---2---

Of the once-mighty eight kingdoms that once ruled the human continent, only three have managed to survive the passage of a hundred thousand years. The Lionar Kingdom, located in the northern region of the continent, stands as one of the last remaining kingdoms. Encompassing hundreds of cities and thousands of villages, it holds a prominent position as the closest kingdom to Iskar City. Throughout the years, the relationship between Iskar City and the Lionar Kingdom had been exceptionally strong, marked by numerous political and commercial alliances spanning generations. However, like all of Iskar's former allies, the kingdom eventually turned its back on the city following the demise of the influential Parada family's patriarch and the decline of their power.

Morial, the capital of the Lionar Kingdom, housed ten massive gates encircling the city. Gate Number Eight, known as the VIP gate, served as the exclusive entrance for the most esteemed guests. Unlike the other gates, the waiting line at Gate Number Eight remained empty, as only individuals of the highest authority and influence were permitted to pass through. The doormen stationed at the gate, despite the absence of any current visitors, remained steadfast and resolute, showing no signs of laziness.

From atop the city wall, a guard's voice rang out, alerting his comrades to the approach of a group of people. The doormen's expressions grew more serious as they directed their gaze towards the horizon, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the group. Every person who passed through this gate possessed great authority and influence, leaving no room for the guards to display any semblance of carelessness.

After a while, five figures clad in formal attire emerged, making their way towards the gate. The guards couldn't help but find this group peculiar. All the members appeared remarkably young, with the eldest among them appearing to be in their twenties at most. However, what intrigued the guards the most was...

"Where is their cart?" pondered the guards, perplexed. This group was traversing on foot, with no visible means of transportation. Witnessing this with their own eyes, the guards found it difficult to believe, for the nearest city was over a month's journey away. It seemed impossible to cover such a distance on foot, especially dressed in garments more suited for formal occasions. Consequently, one possibility remained.

"Hello, sir. Have you encountered any mishaps on your journey?" inquired a guard as the group approached the gate.

"No, we haven't encountered any mishaps," replied a robust young man, retrieving an invitation card from his pocket and handing it to the guard.

"Oh! Very well, sir." One of the guards accepted the invitation card and meticulously examined it, only to discover that it granted VIP access to the royal party. With this realization, the guard proclaimed, "You may enter. Welcome to Morial City, sir," before returning the invitation to its owner.

"Thank you," Fray replied succinctly, stepping through the gate with the rest of the group trailing behind him.

Unbeknownst to the guards, Fray had actually utilized Adam's Portal to transport himself and his companions to this location. However, employing magic within the capital without official permission was strictly prohibited in the Lionar Kingdom. Hence, Fray had no choice but to employ the portal outside the city walls and continue their journey on foot.

Accompanied by Casper, Rin, and the two siblings, Fray entered the city and found himself immersed in the bustling main street. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the advancements achieved by a city that had withstood the test of tens of thousands of years. Although lacking in scientific development and devoid of skyscrapers akin to those found in Yassine's world, Morial stood as an integrated city by

 the standards of this realm. Its structures boasted harmonious and exquisite geometric shapes, while the clean streets bustled with numerous shops and activities.

"Shall I go and find a cart, sir?" Casper inquired, observing the busy street ahead. Crossing this thoroughfare on foot would consume a significant amount of time, considering the considerable distance that separated them from the Prada Palace in Morial. The most convenient mode of transportation would be a cart, as the cart lanes were separate from the bustling pedestrian street.

"Very well, we shall wait here," Fray replied nonchalantly. While Fray could have arranged for a private cart to await their arrival at the gate, he chose not to do so, deeming it simpler to rent a cart instead of making elaborate arrangements for a private one.


Inside the grandiose halls of the Royal Palace, an air of opulence and regality permeated every corner. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting ancient tales of valor and conquest, while polished marble floors reflected the soft glow of ornate chandeliers hanging from the lofty ceilings. The atmosphere was filled with an undercurrent of whispered conversations and the occasional clinking of fine crystal and silverware.

In the heart of the palace, a lavish chamber served as the sanctuary of power. Behind a magnificent desk crafted from rare ebony wood and inlaid with shimmering mother-of-pearl, sat a young woman of remarkable beauty. Her cascading golden locks framed a face adorned with piercing blue eyes that exuded an air of confidence and ambition. She was the epitome of nobility, dressed in a flowing gown embellished with intricate embroidery and precious gemstones.

Before her knelt a masked woman, her posture demonstrating utmost reverence and subservience. The masked woman wore an elegant attire, carefully tailored to conceal her identity, emphasizing her role as an agent in service of the young lady.

As the young woman listened intently to the masked woman's report, the chamber was filled with an air of suspense and anticipation. Sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting ethereal hues upon the chamber, bathing the scene in a kaleidoscope of colors.

"The head of the Parada family has entered the city," the masked woman informed, her voice soft yet carrying a tinge of excitement.

The young woman's lips curled into a smile, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. She leaned forward, the scent of delicate roses mingling with the fragrance of polished wood.

"And who has he brought with him?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of calculation.

"He arrived with a modest retinue of servants, but no knights, Young Lady," the masked woman replied, her voice steady and respectful.

A flicker of confusion danced across the young woman's features. The absence of knights accompanying such a prestigious figure puzzled her, for the perils of the journey from Iskar City to Morial were not to be taken lightly. Yet, her bewilderment quickly transformed into a glimmer of opportunity.

"I see. Send him an invitation to the dinner for the younger generation," the young woman declared, her voice tinged with a newfound sense of determination.

The masked woman nodded, her gaze fixed upon the young woman. With practiced grace, she rose from her kneeling position and retreated, her footsteps barely audible against the plush carpet.

Left alone in her chamber, the young woman reclined in her luxurious chair, her mind brimming with possibilities. Her delicate fingers toyed with a jeweled pendant adorning her neck, symbolizing her bloodline and the weight of her aspirations.

With an enigmatic smile dancing upon her lips, she contemplated the power that lay within her grasp. The allure of securing the allegiance of the Parada family, a formidable force in the realm, fueled her ambitions. She envisioned a future where the throne would be hers, where her name would be etched in the annals of history.

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