The villain's side of the novel

38 Fray's first invention

A week passed, and currently, Fray was still in the chemistry room inside Parada Palace. A faint smile graced his lips as he gazed at the sight before him——a large wooden bed, unlike any he had ever encountered. The bed's frame was expertly carved from rich mahogany, adorned with ornate patterns depicting mythical creatures and celestial symbols. The wood seemed to emanate gentle, soothing energy, drawing him closer.

Montaser, ever the pragmatic companion, observed Fray's expression with a mix of surprise and curiosity. It had been a long while since he had witnessed such a genuine smile on Fray's face. The significance of this bed piqued Montaser's interest, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the scene before him.

"It's time to bring back Elisa and the others," Fray spoke, his voice laced with confidence

Montaser's gaze shifted toward the enigmatic bed, skepticism etched on his face. He found it hard to believe that this seemingly ordinary piece of furniture held the power to heal wounds that had eluded even the most skilled healers and magicians. Unbeknownst to Montaser, the bed was not what it seemed—its surface was covered with intricate, invisible runes, meticulously etched into the wood. Over three hundred runes, each carrying their own magical significance, interwove to create a tapestry of healing energy.

"I'm not convinced, sir. Are you certain this bed can truly cure them?" Montaser questioned, his doubt lingering.

Fray's confidence remained unshaken. He stepped closer to the bed, his fingers grazing the smooth surface. "Yes, I am sure. This bed harnesses approximately 70% of the healing properties found in the legendary Sea Fruit."

Montaser's eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and excitement coursing through him. "The legendary Sea Fruit? If that is indeed the case, this bed could become the second most powerful healing tool on the entire human continent."

The Sea Fruit, renowned as one of the twelve mythical plants, held legendary status for its miraculous ability to heal any ailment, mend any injury, and even grant longevity. Its rarity was unparalleled, requiring over a millennium to reach its full maturity. Fray, having discovered its precise location through the novel's guidance, had sent Giam on a quest to retrieve it. Initially intending to fashion emergency healing pills, Fray's plans had taken a fortuitous turn upon delving into the science of runes. The result was the creation of this extraordinary bed, capable of harnessing the same healing energy found in the Sea Fruit.

Ten days of tireless research and craftsmanship had brought forth this masterpiece. Its creation process was an arduous and intricate one, weaving together ancient knowledge and contemporary ingenuity. The method of its construction defied simplicity, yet its purpose was clear—to convert ordinary energy into a healing force akin to the energy contained within the Sea Fruit, much like the flow of electricity in Yassine's world.

"But the challenge lies in transporting this bed. We need to bring Elisa and the others here. We shall send elite knights to escort them," Fray declared, his voice brimming with determination.

Montaser nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting between Fray and the bed. "Understood, sir. However, given the time constraints, they may not reach the city before the impending battle commences."

Fray anticipated Montaser's concern. "Yes, I am aware of that. Which is why I need you to convince Adam to return to the family."

Adam's name hung in the air, drawing Montaser's attention fully. He turned his gaze to Fray, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in his eyes. "Adam? Do you truly believe this bed can heal him?"

Fray's gaze held unwavering confidence. "Yes, with the power contained within this bed, healing him will become a straightforward task."

Montaser's mind raced, contemplating the weight of the request. "Convincing him to return won't be easy. It seems he has found solace in his retired life."

A soft smile graced Fray's lips. "I have faith in your persuasive abilities, Montaser. You will find a way to bring him back."

The words hung in the air, Montaser contemplating the daunting task ahead. As he stared at the bed, its intricate carvings and hidden runes seemed to pulse with a faint, reassuring energy. He took a deep breath, his doubts gradually giving way to determination.

"I shall do my best, sir. I will find a way to convince Adam to return," Montaser affirmed, his voice filled with newfound resolve.


In the bustling city of Iskar, nestled within the Sunset Pub, two knights clad in armor sat at a table.

"Frustrating! These prices are exorbitant. How can people endure the tyranny of this ruler? First, the ID cards, and now this damn currency!" Ned exclaimed, his voice tinged with anger as he perused the menu.

Lucas, his companion, placed the menu on the table, offering a different perspective. "These prices may seem steep only to those using foreign currencies. It appears that the Iskar citizens, accustomed to their own currency, find

 them reasonable."

Ned raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "How do you know that? I thought these people refrained from divulging information to strangers due to their precious ID cards."

Lucas gestured around the bustling tavern, prompting Ned to scan the surroundings. "What do you see?"

Ned examined the patrons, their attire not indicative of great wealth. "I see a packed bar, filled with ordinary folks. It suggests that these prices are indeed affordable for the residents of Iskar."

"I'm glad you understand. The strength of the Iskar currency surpasses that of other currencies, making even regular prices seem unreasonable when converted," Lucas explained.

Ned's realization dawned on him. "Ah, I get it now. This means that the Iskar currency holds tremendous value compared to others."

Lucas nodded. "Indeed, creating such a robust currency is no easy feat, even for the Three Kingdoms. I can't comprehend how the Parada family achieved it."

"It seems this Anas Parada, responsible for the ID cards, is also the mastermind behind this currency," Ned added.

Lucas wore a pensive expression. "It appears the Parada family has grand plans. The ID cards, the private currency, and even the organic fertilizer they produce—everything points to isolating Iskar City from the outside world. But why? Could this be linked to the unusual movements of the major powers? It seems something significant is brewing on the human continent."

Ned began to voice his thoughts, but before he could finish, a member of the Shield Union rushed into the pub, interrupting him.

"Mr. Lucas, Mr. Ned, I bring urgent news," the messenger exclaimed breathlessly, forestalling any further conversation.

"What is it?" Ned snapped, irritated by the sudden intrusion.

"The dungeon, sir. Its rank has increased—it's now a four-star dungeon."

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