----Parada mansion

Inside the limits of the chemistry room, 

Here, surrounded by a myriad of equipment, And tall Shelves filled with tick books adorned with delicate vials and shimmering substances lined the walls, each containing the potential for transformative discoveries. Fray was immersed in his new research, as soon as Fray came back and finished some important paperwork, he entered the chemistry room. 

And he spent about three days here without getting out, he even eats in this room while disclosing his newfound knowledge about the rune science.

Rune science is an ancient and enigmatic knowledge that allowed its practitioners to harness the power of mystical symbols known as runes. These intricate symbols held immense power and were used in various applications, including the creation of unique and powerful weapons.

In the heyday of rune science, its practitioners were revered for their mastery over the runes. They possessed the ability to channel and manipulate the elemental forces of nature. 

The sixth legendary weapons possessed by the sixth ancient families are the pinnacle of rune science's craftsmanship. Each weapon is intricately designed and contains a harmonious fusion of multiple runes, representing a specific aspect of power. 

However, over time, the knowledge of rune science was lost, and its practice faded into obscurity. The reasons behind this decline could be shrouded in mystery, perhaps due to wars, the fall of ancient civilizations, or deliberate efforts to suppress knowledge by powerful entities. Regardless of the cause, the art of rune science became confined to legends and forgotten tales.

In its simplest forms rune science, is an arcart thathat , harnessed the fusion of energy and matter, allowing the encapsulation of skills within these mystical inscriptions. It demanded two vital components: unique materials to blend with the ink and an intimate comprehension of the skill to be imprinted. Such was the nature of runes that only specific skills could be distilled into their essence, each falling into one of three distinct categories.

Energy manipulation skills, the most prevalent among mortals, formed the bedrock of Fray's understanding. These skills involved the manipulation and alteration of one's inner energy to manifest desired effects. From the illusory art of invisibility, mastered by Rin and their companions, to the manipulation of elemental forces, these skills could be acquired through dedicated practice and training.

Bloodline skills, on the other hand, arose from the innate mutations bestowed upon individuals from birth. Encoded within their very genes, these skills manifested as unique traits, often hereditary in nature. Montaser's telekinesis ability exemplified this category, as an invisible energy field enveloped his form, subject to his command through sheer willpower.

Lastly, there existed the enigmatic realm of Title skills. These elusive abilities were bestowed upon individuals through laws that governed the world. Those with exceptional souls, capable of forging a profound connection with the laws, were granted titles and the accompanying skills. Yet, comprehending the nature of Title skills proved an arduous task, for they defied logic and were shrouded in inexplicable mystique. The laws themselves, possessing a rudimentary form of intelligence, resembled feeble artificial entities with limited capabilities and lacked the ability to evolve or experience emotions.

Just as Fray was about to engross himself in rewriting rune words on a piece of paper, a resounding knock echoed through the room, snapping him from his reverie.

"Come in," Fray beckoned, his gaze fixated on the intricate symbols before him.

The door swung open, revealing Montaser, who carried a plate laden with numerous letters. "Sir, you have received some letters," Montaser announced, placing the stack on Fray's desk with utmost care.

Fray expressed his gratitude and picked up one of the letters, ready to peruse its contents. The missive hailed from Giam, recounting his recent encounter with the pirates Fray had previously described. After an arduous battle, Giam had triumphed, capturing their leader and intended to present him at the family palace in the near future.

Eagerly, Fray delved into the other letters, one after another. Idar had penned a request seeking Fray's permission to acquire a loan from the Golden Bank for procuring the necessary equipment to extract crystal from the newly discovered mine. Pondering the proposal, Fray acknowledged the improved financial standing of the Prada family and Iskar City due to the success of the fertilizer venture and the acquisition of gold from criminal organizations through the efforts of Rin and her comrades. Convinced of the potential benefits, Fray decided to approve Idar's request, recognizing the future prospects of reinvesting in Iskar City and gathering the resources required for his research. The loan repayment seemed well within reach once the crystal extraction commenced.

Amidst the stack of letters, Fray noticed inquiries from various cities interested in procuring organic fertilizer. However, he refrained from responding, mindful of the limited supply that could not yet meet the city's needs. As for the impending dungeon explosion, Montaser had conducted a series of interviews with journalists, ensuring the safety of Iskar's residents. Numerous newspapers had published Montaser's explanations, quelling concerns and alleviating the need for Fray's direct involvement.

A particular letter caught Fray's attention—a missive from Nizar. As he perused its contents, a wry smile played upon his lips. (Looks like they've been underestimating the Prada family a lot lately),he mused, his eyes glimmering with determination.

Montaser interjected, breaking the silence, "Sir, there are also two children who arrived at the palace today. They claim a man instructed them to come to the Palace."

Fray considered the information, his mind already contemplating the potential talent harbored by the siblings. "Yes, the brother shows promise. I wish to employ him. Attend to them as usual and inform them that I shall meet with them shortly," Fray commanded, his voice brimming with certainty.

"Very well, sir. There is one more matter," Montaser added, his tone carrying a hint of anticipation.

Fray's gaze turned towards Montaser, awaiting his revelation. "What is it?" he inquired.

"It is the mother of our master. She wishes to meet with you," Montaser revealed, his words hanging in the air.

"..." Fray. 

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