The villain's side of the novel

34 The upcoming War development

The Deadly Numbers Team, This name has spread terror in recent days throughout Iskar City and the neighboring towns and cities. The main mission of this team is the elimination of the monsters communities and criminal associations that exist in the city. The information on this team is very little, all people know about them are they refer to each other using numbers and that they are still relatively young, and that they were able to easily kill warriors from the fourth and fifth kingdoms. The prevailing knowledge that has led numerous organizations to steer clear of the city is that the team members are merciless, showing no regard for the age, gender, or race of their targets—anyone assigned to their missions will meet their demise.

----At the Parada Palace

Inside the head office, Fray sat at his desk while twelve teenagers stood before him, dressed formally and displaying respectful expressions.

"Welcome back, sir," standing in a nit row children greeted him respectfully.

Since the existence of the children within the Parada family was a secret, they couldn't greet Fray at the gate with the rest of the family. Therefore, they took the opportunity to welcome him now.

Fray gazed at the children with a serious expression as he posed his question, "Thank you for gathering here. Do you understand the reason behind my summons?"

Rin, displaying an emotionless face, inquired, "Sina and Isha have not yet returned. Is it possible that they didn't make it ?"

With a composed tone, Fray responded, "No, they are not deceased. However, they sustained severe injuries and remain unconscious in the hospital."

Rin maintained his stoic demeanor as he expressed gratitude, "Thank you for ensuring their admission to the hospital, sir."

Fray observed the lack of strong emotional bonds among the children, noting, "It appears that deep emotional connections have yet to form among you."

Attempting to reassure them, Fray added, "It's alright. You still have time to strengthen your bonds ."

Hearing Fray's tone a brief silence settled in as Rin deduced that he had erred in some manner, though uncertain of the specific mistake.

Shifting the topic, Fray mentioned, "I have received intelligence indicating that the Ayrume family continues to deploy spies to Iskar City. Have you encountered any of them during your missions?"

Rin promptly replied, "No, sir. We have yet to encounter any of their operatives."

Curiosity piqued, Fray further inquired, "Do any of you have any insight as to why the Ayrume family is so desperate to reclaim you?"

The Ayrume family, counted among the six ancient families, had orchestrated the nefarious Killing Machine project. Ever since Fray took the children under his wing within the Parada Palace, the Ayrume family had been dispatching a relentless stream of spies to Iskar City.

Acknowledging the children's extraordinary powers and valuable skills, Fray harbored doubts that the Ayrume family would go to such lengths merely for those attributes.

"To be honest, sir, we are also unsure why," Rin confessed.

"Then tell me, in detail, what happened to you in the cave," Fray requested.

As the children started sharing their accounts of the extraordinary experiences they had encountered over nine years, their stories unfolded with an air of peculiarity and sorrow. Amidst this tapestry of narratives, one particular tale seized Fray's attention.

"Yes, sir," one of the children began, their voice laced with a subtle sense of intrigue. "It's a sensation that goes unnoticed by most, as the energy involved isn't potent enough to register for the average person. However, owing to my body's innate sensitivity to energy, I have felt it distinctly. Whenever I have eliminated our competitors, a peculiar energy radiates from their lifeless bodies and intertwines with my own."

Upon hearing this revelation, an idea formed in Fray's mind, shedding light on why the Ayrume family sought to keep only one surviving candidate from the Killing Machine project. However, since this idea had not yet solidified within the story, Fray still had doubts regarding the Ayrume family's true intentions.

"Very well, you may leave," Fray dismissed the children, then turned his attention back to Rin. "Rin, you stay."

"Alright, Sir," Rin complied, taking a seat opposite Fray.

"Is there any new information?" Fray inquired.

In truth, Fray didn't like dealing directly with Nizar, the head of the Information League. Thus, he had designated Rin as the intermediary between himself and Nizar, and now Rin was carrying Nizar'd report about the news of the continent. 

"Yes, sir. Firstly, it appears that many commercial transactions between the Lioran Kingdom and Niram Empire have been severed, indicating a severely strained diplomatic relationship between the two. As for the Fayzan Kingdom, they have not made their intentions clear yet, but they are secretly amassing their forces. It seems that the ancient Ronal family is supporting them. At this rate, Nizar believes the kingdoms will be prepared for war within a year," Rin reported.

"What about the other ancient families?" Fray inquired.

"Ronal's family, as I mentioned earlier, seems to support the Fayzan Kingdom. The Ayrume family continues to expand its power in the underworld, and rumors suggest they have gained control over more than 70% of the criminal underworld. Even the black market is under their control. As for the Semoire family, they are attempting to recruit the top ten most wanted criminals on the blacklist. Rumors suggest they have successfully hired the second third-ranked-ranked individuals. Additionally, they seem to be pursuing the top-ranked criminal known as the Ruthless Spear. As for the other two families, there haven't been any significant movements so far," Rin conveyed.

(He didn't mention the most dangerous family! They must still be deeply hidden.) Fray pondered.

Fray had hoped to obtain information about a specific family, but it appeared that even Nizar couldn't infiltrate their ranks. This family held substantial power, and Fray deemed it unwise to provoke them at this juncture. After careful consideration, he decided not to interfere in their affairs.

"What about the other major factions?" Fray inquired.

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