The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 662 [Pursuing] Inexhaustible wool, inexhaustible gods

Professor Sylph really didn't show too much surprise.

She glanced at Dak with a little appreciation, and said, "The [Fire of the Underworld] you mentioned, in fact, we also have some information. The specific situation is similar to your inference."

Dak blinked, suddenly understanding.

The reason why this [Fire of the Underworld] was leaked was not only because of the Holy Religion, but also because of Didi Maxwell's troubles.

[Execution Ceremony] On the same day, the professors were also present and left quickly after the incident. It was impossible for them not to investigate the subsequent impact.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Professor Sylph knew about this in advance.

Duck asked, "So is there a way to deal with it?"

She didn't say anything after that.

But Duck has been very clear.

Professor Sylph shook his head and said, "There were too many people present at the time, and many of them had special identities, making it difficult to investigate, and the people possessed by [Fire of the Underworld] were actually victims, and it is impossible for us to do so. Get him arrested, so the matter itself is difficult to resolve."

But she then laughed again: "Fortunately, shortly after that, the duke's mansion took action, which made us feel a lot easier. Although I don't know what kind of existence that consciousness smuggled from the underworld is, it To be revived, enough [Underworld Fire] is needed. We collect and seal the [Underworld Fire] as much as possible to reduce the possibility of its resurrection. Even if it is finally forced to resurrect, there are not enough [Underworld Fire]. Fire], the strength after resurrection will also be extremely limited. At that time, just grab it before it regains its full strength, and then…”

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The stronger the magister, the weaker the reverence for the gods.


The same thing, from Patricia Bolin-senpai's mouth and from Professor Sylph's mouth, are completely two different feelings.

From this, it can be seen that in this world where "theocracy" still exists, the mages walking in front of the torrent have been able to view the existence of "God" very rationally.

How to defeat God?

Kill a god first!

After walking out of Professor Silver's office, Duck felt a lot more relaxed.

Just now, Professor Shilf popularized him a very terrifying idea in the office.

The so-called "God's Card" was originally made based on the material of God.

As long as you can kill a god, you can get a lot of god materials.


For a magister, as long as there are enough rare materials, a powerful enough magic wizard can be refined.

Excluding the halo created by the long history and legends, the so-called "God" is just a life that is powerful to a certain extent.

Even if their life forms have transcended a certain dimension, they cannot really kill them completely.

More gods to hunt down later!


In other words, since Ragnarok has appeared more than once, why not create it again?

Isn't that what Eudora Envi's prophecy is like?

But killing it in the present world and making it return to chaos can also be done.

Otherwise, there would be no Ragnarok appearance.

It's just another war that is bigger and longer than the Demon War.

The only thing to consider is, how many people will be sacrificed in the process?


After the [Gods Resurrection], if human beings still want to maintain their sovereignty, there is only such a way.

Duck originally thought that the position of St. Marian's College was absolutely neutral, but Professor Sylph showed a clear position just now.

Before man and God, they undoubtedly chose the side of man.

As for the final victory?

This is not considered.

It's just that now this ship, which was supposed to be used to continue the fire, has been equipped with heavy firepower.

As for the demons.

On the way back to the dormitory, Dak suddenly had an idea. Maybe this is the real meaning of St. Mary's College?

Humans, the last ark!

And the "god" who is about to recover is the real "outsider".

Duck couldn't help but think of the passage recorded in the "Old Chapters":

Duck has always felt that perhaps in the eyes of St. Marian College, the demons also belong to the category of "people".

It was only after the war entered an unreversible stage that St. Mary's College was forced to do a multiple-choice question among them, and then chose the current "person".

"They, come from the starry sky?"

Dak Dimon couldn't help squinting.

They existed at least five epochs ago, they came from the stars, they walked in the abyss, they were great, they ruled the worlds... They have long been forgotten by history, they were The Old Ones buried in ancient dust!


"No wonder."


"Did the demon god of the Seven Deadly Sins also come from the starry sky?"

"Perhaps so."

Picking up the cat grass that came up with the small flower tray as usual, Duck sat down at the desk and pondered for a long time.

Before you know it, the sunset falls, the moon rises on the treetops, and the night comes.

Duck crosses the bridge and enters the tower

, walked through the common room, then went up to the third floor and entered the 301 bedroom.


Now two have already had such an effect, so what if there are three?

If you have three three-star [Magic Beasts: Eevee], you can not only increase the probability of the draw, but also be able to summon any three required magic spirits from the deck to the field.

Dak suddenly came back to his senses, and found that the time in the afternoon was so wasted, he couldn't help but hurriedly started the research that was not completed yesterday.

In today's duel with Patricia Bolin, he really experienced the toughness of Samsung's [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic].

In addition, he also felt the limitations of other low-star magic wizards.

For example, [Ball Ball Sea Lion], [Spiritual Illusionary Insect], [Wrestling Eagle Man]... Even [Magic Secretary] has lost its sense of existence in this level of magic duel.

More importantly, the [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic] after using [Battle] just returns to the hand and can be re-summoned.

These three three-star [Magic Beasts: Ibrahimovic], no matter what kind of deck they are placed in, they can connect the deck into one piece!

In addition, some four-star magic wizards are also the same.

[Fairy Ibrahimovic] is not bad for the time being, it has a [charming body] after all, and it is a big killer against the opposite sex.

[Pot Pot] Although the teacher is still reliable, if it is not called by hand, the effect is actually very limited.

Once the opponent's trump card is the third-step magic wizard with more than six stars, the trick of the "pot" is not very effective.

And as [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic] and [Magic Beast: Variety Monster] have been strengthened to three stars one after another, there are fewer and fewer offerings for four stars.

It is very likely that a duel is over, and the sacrifices required for four stars cannot be collected.

But [Big Milk Tank] has already retired.

A four-star wizard that cannot be specially summoned requires a three-star and one-star, or two two-star wizard cards to be sacrificed and summoned.

The other one-star [Fruit Gnawing Bug] obviously couldn't keep up with the current duel rhythm.

Perhaps after Duck researches their directional refining, and then completely masters the [secondary refining], they can return to the stage.

Using [Trash Slime] might work.

But there is only one [Greed 3], and it needs to be used on the blade.

It's just that Dak's magic wizard still has the potential to rise again!


——But this is basically a process that every magus must go through.

Only by constantly eliminating the magic cards in the early stage, and constantly updating and strengthening the card group, can you always maintain the leading position in the magic duel.

"According to the rules of sacrificial summoning, in the composition of the magic guide duel card group, the star rating of the magic guide elf card is preferably three stars, six stars and nine stars."

"Wait until the third three-star [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic] is made, then stop for a while and consider making some high-level magic wizard cards first."

In addition, Dak found that the defect of the lack of high-star magic wizard cards in his deck became more and more obvious.

There are a lot of sacrifices available in his field, but he does not have enough high-level magic wizard cards, which greatly limits the strength of the lineup.

The two sides didn't talk too much this time, and Claire got busy after a brief explanation.

Yallweite didn't seem to be overly surprised by the information he gave.

Duck gradually has a new plan.

Then on Sunday morning, he defeated the third-year senior who was matched by the duel club, and went to Traveller's Street to meet again with Claire through Eve.

And with the different objects of possession, the items of the "Duel Ritual" will also change.

Not all duels between holders of Underworld Fire are magical duels - in fact, this only accounts for a small percentage of them.

Even when Duck didn't know it, they had already started the artificial [Underworld Fire] experiment!

The people of the Duke's Mansion have made a breakthrough discovery. [The Fire of the Underworld] can not only possess humans, but also animals and even monsters!

After another orc was possessed, he even competed with people for "food intake" through the unfolding of the duel ceremony!

And after winning, the orc's digestive ability will be further increased, and its opponent will have indigestion...

Most of the holders of [Fire of the Underworld God] use the skills they are passionate about or good at as a duel item.

For example, a tailor will compete with others in tailoring craftsmanship, and a lawyer will even compete and debate with others.

The troops dispatched by the Duke's Palace could be said to have saved him, but only his life, but not his size...

It has been more than two months since the school started in Dak, and in these two months, the people of the Duke's Mansion have collected hundreds of [Underworld Fire].

Not to mention the fate of its opponent, in short, after the orc's continuous victories, the digestion ability has become stronger and stronger, so that no matter how much food is stuffed into his stomach, he cannot fill his stomach. , even breaking through the racial size limit, very terrifying.

As a result, his gluttony craving continued to soar, and he almost became a beast that only knew how to eat.

They maintain the necessary vigilance, and basically there will be no more than two [Underworld Fire] in each person.

But later, when the role of [Fire of the Underworld] was gradually analyzed and thoroughly, the Duke's Palace

The people who have even developed a very other way of using [Underworld Fire].

These [Fire of the Underworld] are not sealed in any container. In fact, [Fire of the Underworld] is extremely difficult to seal.

In fact, they used the duel method to retake the [Fire of the Underworld] by means of the duel ritual, and then stored them in the human body separately.

There are still people on his side who are worried about finding the third student who holds the [Fire of the Underworld], and the duke's mansion over there has already been rolled up.

After the experiment, Chris and Trina transferred the [Fire of the Underworld] to the monster through a duel ceremony—you heard it right, it was transferred to the monster!

The [Scorpio Palace Maid Group] and [Lion Palace Maid Group] controlled by Chris Dimon and Trina Dimon respectively even fought for this, hoping to get more [Underworld Fire].

About this matter, Dak was completely speechless after hearing this.

Every "duel ceremony" is carried out, and the victor monster can absorb part of the magic power, physical strength, and energy from the loser monster.

After a few duels, the power of the monster will continue to grow stronger.

A monster is a collection of fighting desires.

Their "duel ritual" is only fight, fight, fight again!

The "duel ceremony" carried out by the maid is naturally the main duel project of the maid.

The duel items here can be cooking or craftsmanship. In short, as long as it is not fighting or fighting, monsters have no chance of winning.

The maids control the intensity.

When the power of the monster reaches a certain level, the maid who also holds the "fire of the underworld" will conduct a "duel ceremony" against it.

But what if there is another battle maid who holds the [Underworld Fire] duel against her?

Of course, the battle maid who easily won in this duel ceremony can perfectly absorb the huge power brought by the [Fire of the Underworld]!

The maid can easily win.

But after winning, due to the problem of the duel project, the maid was unable to absorb the huge power brought by this [Fire of the Underworld].

I heard that there are experts in this field in the Duke's Mansion.


After this operation, the [Fire of the Underworld] in the battle maid will remain in the state of three fusions.

As for how to suppress the "dueling desire" of this battle maid?

As a result, the entire Duke's Mansion set off a frenzy of chasing the [Fire of the Underworld].

I'm afraid that Mr. Underworld God, who smuggled in from the underworld and has not really recovered, could not have imagined that his "fire of the underworld" would have such a wonderful effect, right?

In short, the battle maids in the duke's mansion smashed a handful of [Underworld God] wool fiercely, and gained an unprecedentedly powerful increase in strength!

Some battle maids who lacked in magic talent have gained huge magic power through this, and the [Armed Cards] that could not be equipped before can also be equipped well now.



[Good morning, I am too busy today, the last five days are 10,000, so don’t save the monthly pass and guaranteed blade, please! 】

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