The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 221 Dak Dimon's Opening Ceremony (4k)

It is very difficult to teach people to read and write from 0 basics.

What's more, the object of teaching is still the magic wizard...

In order to better mobilize the enthusiasm of the magic wizards and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, comprehensively evaluate the learning status of the magic wizards.

Room 201 of the Tower of the Noble House has specially set up a reward and punishment system for Xiaohonghua.

By encouraging the magic wizards with excellent grades, hard work, and obvious progress in the form of Xiaohonghua, help the magic wizards to develop good study habits.

If the performance is bad, the small safflower will be deducted as an example.

At the same time, Xiaohonghua was incorporated into the internal monetary system.

Magic Wizards can buy "Wishes" with Little Red Flowers.

Whether it is a material wish or a spiritual wish, as long as he pays enough little red flowers, Dak will try his best to satisfy it.

At first, the magic wizards may not take it seriously, but once someone starts using the little red flower to "make a wish" and is satisfied, everything will change.

Duck has certain expectations for this.

On the night of December 31st.

Duck stuffed every magic wizard into the cot, covered it with a cute little quilt, and then got into his own quilt contentedly.

The first long vacation of the first grade is over in a blink of an eye. Tomorrow is a new year and the beginning of the next semester.

Having said that, there is actually no class tomorrow.

Some students and professors who went home during the holidays will rush back in the daytime tomorrow.

The school will hold an opening ceremony at 6 o'clock in the evening, and then all the teachers and students of the school will have dinner together in the auditorium.

At that time, the Headmaster will summarize the situation of the previous semester and introduce a new Professor of Magic History.

Professor Claire seems to have decided to quit his post, but there is little news about the new history of magic professor.

Based on the good impression brought by Professor Claire, the students are looking forward to the new Professor of Magic History.

Duck is also quite curious.

"System, expand the indicator."

Before going to sleep, he called out the system panel.

After a while, seven indicators appeared in the field of vision.

Compared with the end of last month, it is:

【Pride: 106→105】

【Jealousy: 41→39】

【Rage: 90→88】

【Lazy: 64→69】

【Greedy: 97→103】

【Gluttony: 64→69】

【Bliss: 109→106】

Although a total of 12 points of [Bliss] and 3 points of [Pride] were drawn in December, the overall value still showed an upward trend.

Among them, [Pride] increased by 2 points after being drawn by 3 points, and rose back to 105 points, which is unavoidable.

And the continuous decline of [Jealousy] is also expected.

With the help of Mao Maocao, [Rage] also decreased.

And [Lazy] and [Gluttony] are still rebounding.

The increase in [greed] was also expected, and some of it was intentional.

As for [Bliss], after being drawn a full 12 points, [Bliss] still rose to 106 points, which means that it has increased by a full 9 points in December!

For this result, Duck has actually expected it.

And, he did loosen his temper this month, too.

But in general, these values ​​are still in the controllable range.

He closed his eyes and thought a little.

A new month is approaching, and there will also be 15 points of [Big Sin] that can be withdrawn in January.

In the insect tree, there is also 1 point of [arrogance] stored.

But from the current point of view, his need for [Big Sin] is not urgent, and he can completely save this month's [Pride] and [Bliss] to prepare for the next [Pride 3] or Bliss [Bliss 4]. .

In addition, the research on [greed] can finally be put on the agenda!

He really wanted to know what would happen to the little evil beast in a state of "greed".

Will it reveal some of the greedy nature of being a demon?


Thinking about it, Dak couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth slightly, and then fell asleep in a daze.


Ten minutes later, his breath gradually stabilized, and his sleep gradually deepened.

But on the little bed against the wall, a few magic wizards quietly opened their eyes!

A warm cot and a cute quilt still can't stop the war from starting.

In the dark and cold night, the warmth can only be felt by the owner's side.


When Duck opened his eyes, he found a few more furry and warm bodies around him.

He covered his forehead helplessly, and suddenly felt that he should not customize a three-layer cot?

Maybe it's a better idea to get a big bed and put it together?

How do you say that word, the big quilt sleeps together?


Monday, January 1st, 7:00 a.m.

Duck took his breakfast out of the vegetable basket, took out today's "Daily Sage", and then rewarded the little evil beast with a little red flower.

The little evil beast who ate the defeat last night suddenly showed a big smile


"The first little red flower after the implementation of the little red flower reward and punishment system, my little evil beast accepted it!"

Dak shook his head helplessly, and then opened the "Da Sage Daily".

These two days, he has paid special attention to the newspapers.

The impact of the invasion of Basdia prison by a heretic sect is still brewing.

In the midst of this incident, St. Mary's College still did not express any opinion on the matter.

The dove faction led by the eldest princess Eliza wanted to conduct a comprehensive investigation in the name of the kingdom.

However, it was hindered by the hawkish forces headed by Prince Charles.

However, this "three hundred taels of silver in this place" has instead confirmed the outsider's speculation that the Holy Religion is lying.

Some dove-leaning newspapers and magazines began to report on the matter, severely condemning the Holy Church's concealment of the truth!

But this so-called condemnation only ends in words.

As a transcendental force comparable to St. Mary's College, the Holy Church has a long history even above the kingdom.

For a long time when St. Mary's College was not in the WTO, the Holy Religion even controlled the authority of the kingdom.

If it hadn't been too mediocre at the end of the war and lost people's hearts, the power of the Holy Religion would have been even greater.

Even so, the Holy Religion still occupies several seats among the thirty-six members of the House of Lords.

Now that the king is old and the royal family is weak, the faction of the Valkyrie can compete with the Holy Religion.


Do not mention the position, only stand in the perspective of a bystander to look at this event.

Duck also prefers that the Holy Religion is concealing something. The heresy that invaded the prison may be wiped out as promised, but some important prisoners in the prison are likely to escape through the chaos.

Otherwise, the Holy Religion would not remain silent, and even the eldest prince would need to intervene in the kingdom's investigation.

This event must be unusual.

There was a vague, vague feeling that something was about to happen.

"Isn't it related to the resurrection of the Demon King?"

Duck scrutinized it carefully and felt that it was not impossible.

If the mistakes of the Holy Sect were a major event that could lead to the resurrection of the Demon King, then it is no wonder that they chose to hide it.


After breakfast, Duck continued to teach the wizards how to read.

Among all the magic wizards, the little evil beast and the dilu beast are undoubtedly the fastest to learn.

Their advantage of being able to speak is very helpful for reading and writing.

The trash slime has basically been removed from the list of the kindergarten small class.

Also at the bottom is Wrestling Hawkman, who can't sit still.

It just wants to compete with the wooden dummy!


Teaching people to read was originally a very boring thing.

But teaching his own magic wizards to read, unexpectedly is a very interesting thing.

Duck never tires of it.

The magic wizards are miserable.

After the lunch break at noon, Duck also received Diana and Rose who came to visit.

The two little girls looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw the magic wizards sitting in rows and writing and practicing calligraphy.

Diana was stunned for a long while, then suddenly summoned her panda familiar, and got a pen and stuffed it into its claws.

But the poor familiar grabbed the pen for a while, and was severely criticized!

Rose couldn't help twitching at the corners of her mouth when she saw Diana trying to make things difficult for her familiar.

Because she couldn't help but feel the same way.

"Is this the difference in intelligence level?"

"What can I do to raise the intelligence level of the magic wizard to 3.0?"

"No, 3.0 is simply not enough!"

"A magic wizard who can read and write... uh, that's too exaggerated!"

Rose tucked herself into the recliner and said she didn't see anything.


Five forty-five in the afternoon.

After Duck arranged the homework for the magic wizards, he went out of the tower with Diana and Rose and walked to the auditorium on the first floor of the castle.

Along the way, Diana sighed uncontrollably, feeling extremely nostalgic for the holiday that was about to pass away.

But the fluttering singing quickly dispelled the sorrow.

She hummed a little tune along with the singing, and with her eyes closed, she floated into the auditorium along the aroma of the dessert.

It was nearly six o'clock in the castle, and it was already dark. Thousands of candles floating in the air illuminated the entire hall. Winged ribbons flew in the air, and when they met people, some star-like debris was scattered.

The four long tables placed in the main hall are as gorgeous as ever, and the golden plates and silver goblets on the tables reflect the light of colorful glass.

Just like the moment when the memory wakes up, standing on the stage to see the scene.

Like a classic re-enactment, it flooded into Dak's mind.

"It's already the second semester in the blink of an eye!"

Duck walked to the long table representing the House of Lords.

Recalling the panic when he first entered school, the expression on Dak's face became more and more comfortable.

Four months of time, his growth is not big.

Looking back on the past, it was a level he didn't even dare to think about himself.


If people do not push themselves, they will never know where their limits are.


After the teachers and students of the whole school entered the venue one after another, the atmosphere in the hall climbed to a high point. The lively atmosphere dispelled the cold in winter. The dinner on the first day of the new year made the students gradually forget the melancholy that the school is about to start.

"Welcome back to St Mary's College!"

The six o'clock bell rang quietly.

The velvety soft and silky black curtain slowly parted, and the most beautiful and noble lady of St. Marian's College - Principal Cynthia St. Arte once again took the stage.

The nine elves surrounding Principal Arte transformed into flowers and fireflies, rendering the stage dreamy and beautiful.

It's confirmed, this is the real Principal Arte!

After Duck counted it carefully, he knew that the nine elves were all there.

Principal Arte seemed to have returned just before the opening ceremony.

So what about Pandora-senpai?

Can she make it back?

Duck subconsciously stretched his neck to look in the direction of the fourth grade of the Magic Academy, but he didn't see the familiar figure.

"It seems that Senior Sister is going to take a leave of absence, and I don't know where she went?"

"Who went where?"

Diana asked suddenly.

Duck shook his head: "Who do you think the new professor of history of magic will be?"

Diana pouted for a while, then whispered, "I guess it must be a sage!"

Rose interjected, "Maybe a hero?"

Dak said helplessly: "You want to split Claire in half, right?"

Diana was about to talk back, when she suddenly heard Principal Arte's words, she poked Duck's waist and said, "Duck, I mentioned you!"

Duck: "Huh?"


on the stage.

In accordance with the process of the opening ceremony, Principal Arte praised and rewarded the students who performed well in the last semester.

And when it comes to first-year students, Dak Dimon is naturally indispensable.

Principal Arte's tone was undoubtedly pleasant: "Mr. Dimon's excellent performance is undoubtedly the biggest surprise among the freshmen. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no prefect in the first year, he must be the best candidate. Whether it is the Crimson Star The identity of the winner, or his performance not inferior to the heroes in the Luna incident, made him well-deserved to be rated as the best student in the first year. Let's see what the professors say about him first."

"The first is Professor Sylph, oh, very good! Yes, it's very good, Professor Sylph gave Mr. Dimon the best evaluation in one word!"

"Next is Professor Cazel, let me see. Dak Dimon is the most gifted student I've ever met, he is a natural magic card maker! Hey, Professor Cazel gave such a gift. High evaluation, it seems that their relationship is very good."

"And then there's Professor Lily...he'll get the Merlin Prize in arithmetic!!!"

"I can't say much about Professor Lily's evaluation. Let's continue to see what other professors have to say about him."

"Professor Thompson said he had a calmer heart than anyone else."

"Professor Jones is looking forward to the honor of being a duel champion before he graduates."

"Professor Claire...well, cute."

"Yes, our Mr. Dimon, really cute!"

There was a good-natured laughter from the stage.

Duck could clearly feel that both boys and girls were looking towards him.

Even his face was as thick as a city wall, his face was slightly red at this time.

Principal Arte paused for a moment, then continued: "The unanimous evaluation of the professors explains everything. But here, I have one more thing to announce. Just a few days ago, Mr. Dimon relied on his own Wisdom and courage, saved the lives of four students by accident! Although this is actually a secret matter, I can't help but want to say it. For this reason, including the reward of the Luna incident, I will give His reward of 10,000 credits and a chance to make a Holy Grail wish!"



【2-in-1 4100】

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