Dilumon's [Cat's Eye] successfully worked, making Dak on the cliff a little relieved.

The [rolling] of the big milk tank is most afraid of being interrupted at the beginning of startup.

The first roll is especially easy to block!

But as long as the early stage is passed, the speed and power of each subsequent roll will increase exponentially.

By the third roll, even if the opponent wanted to block it, it was already difficult to block it!

The power of a move as high as 240 can be said to be the pinnacle of elf moves, and it is already a very terrifying level!

What's more, there will be two exponential growths after that!


Now that the magic dragon is confused by the [Cat's Eye], it can be guaranteed that the second roll of the big milk can will also be successfully hit!

And sure enough.

Relying on the mountain wall, the big milk tank turned over, with an extremely violent momentum, once again ran over the right face of the dragon!


Pieces of dragon scales were crushed and deformed, and the dragon suddenly howled in pain!

Dilu Beast took advantage of the gap and made a [Cat Cat Fist] on its lower jaw!


The big mouth of the dragon closed suddenly, biting his tongue in one bite.

Its eyes became wet because of this, and tears were about to fall.

But under the stimulation of pain, its "chaotic" state was also lifted, and almost subconsciously, he waved the dragon's tail and swept across it!

In an instant, a dust storm erupted.

The gust of wind carried sand and dust flying like bullets.

Dilu Beast only had time to cross his arms and protect his chest before being swept away by the dragon's tail!

After a moment of stagnation.

Dilu Beast's body was shot backwards, and it smashed into the mountain wall with a "bang"!

Suddenly the mountain wall cracked, and even the top of the cliff shook.

For a moment, Dak thought that the Dilu orc was gone, but its arm block seemed to have worked, and there was still magic power left.

The power of that magic dragon is beyond imagination!


Before he could shout loudly, a strong light had erupted in Hu Hu's eyes.

It exerts its superpowers with all its strength, and surrounds itself in the light of superpowers.

"Power Trick!"

The offense and defense of the pot are instantly exchanged under the action of super powers.

[Attack: 0→2200]

[Defense: 2200→0]

"Defensive tie!"

The next moment, the light of superpower shot towards the demon dragon roaring in pain below.

On the card surface of 【Pot Pot】, its defense value is instantly raised!

It actually jumped from 0 after the offense and defense swap to 1700 points!

This means that the original defense of the magic dragon is likely to be as high as 3400 points!

If this dragon wasn't good at defense...

There was a hint of horror in Dak's eyes.

He immediately realized that the dragon in front of him was very likely to be an eight-star monster on the third step!

Even if it is only an eight-star whiteboard, it is an existence that junior students can only look up to.

"So this treasure map of Yallweite is not reserved for lower grades at all?"

"But also, who's lower grade students can guarantee to pass the level of the giant bear and the male lion without injury?"

"It is very likely that this treasure map is hidden in a place that only senior students can obtain."

"Maybe it's in a reference book that is only used in senior grades."

"Headmaster Arte, he really did a not-so-smart thing..."

While Dak smiled wryly, a new magic card was already in his hands.


And the big milk tank in the basin has completed its turn and started rolling for the third time!

After three times of doubling, the power of [Rolling] has been increased to 240 points, both speed and strength have reached a level that is impossible for normal four stars!

But in the face of a dragon that is very likely to be an eight-star, this is not enough power!

"In the name of Dak Dimon, sacrifice call!"

In order to assist the big milk tank to complete the third rolling impact, Dak burst into danger, and finally compressed the casting time of the sacrificial summoning technique to within 10 seconds!

The Dilu beast that was smashed into the mountain wall suddenly turned into light.

A huge sacrificial summoning formation lit up on the mountain wall, instantly attracting the attention of the dragon.

But it is still in pain at the moment, just glanced at the sacrifice summoning array, and turned its anger to the rolling big milk tank!


Two flames emerged from the nostrils.

The magic dragon faced the big milk jar, opened its mouth sharply, and a strong sulphuric aura emerged from it, and the fire gradually shone.

But in the sacrifice summoning array, a pink elf with a ribbon has already appeared.

It held its head high, and a soft light like water flowed in its pupils.


The sound of charm emanated from its throat, and the effect of [Charming Body] spread out in the form of a "sound", echoing throughout the basin in an instant.

very lucky.

This magic dragon guarding the treasure is a male!

Fairy Ibrahimovic, refined with [Bliss Fruit] as the core, contains the power of [Bliss] great sin in its charming effect, even if it is

The eight-star magic dragon can't help but be fascinated by it!

Almost instantly, the pain and anger in its eyes disappeared, leaving only an obsession.

The dragon's breath that was about to be brewed in his mouth was also choked up and swallowed back into his throat.

Then the third roll of the big milk can finally hit it!

The magic dragon, whose defense value was weakened by half, took a hard blow!

That huge body like a hill was almost knocked out by the big milk tank!

Although it is not obvious from the outside, its aura is obviously weakened a lot.


However, after this blow, the super power of the pot also reached its limit, the light surrounding the dragon suddenly collapsed, and the defense ability was restored.

In the eyes with the ? symbol appearing in the bottom of their eyes, there is also the meaning of struggle!

The star difference is finally reflected.

The debuff effect of the special move that originally crossed one ladder will be weakened accordingly, and the debuff effect of crossing two ladders is almost useless.

Dilumon and Fairy Ibrahimovic's nirvana had such a significant effect on the dragon, it was already a very buggy thing.

Huhu's [Defensive Equalization] only lasted for a very short time.

In just a few more moments, the magic dragon will be able to break free from the "charming" state!

But even so, it's too late!


on the cliff.

Dak took out a magic card again, carefully watching the situation below.

The rolling of the big milk can has entered the fourth round, it can be said that the general trend has been completed and it is irresistible.

Although the dragon has struggled, it is still under the control of charm, and this fourth roll will definitely hit.

But the real defense of the magic dragon is as high as 3400 points, and the vitality of the dragon species will not be low. Even this fourth attack is very likely to be resisted.

After all, the basic attack of the big milk tank is too low, which greatly limits its play.

From this, it is inferred that this battle is likely to bet on the last roll!

The fourth roll is already so powerful, and the fifth roll is impossible to abort.

But the dragon...has wings!

Once out of the charm control, it can fly into the sky with a flick of its wings, making the big milk tank impossible to hit!


After a short period of thought, the fourth rolling impact of the big milk tank has hit the body of the dragon!

The swirling airflow it brings when it rotates is like a blade, smashing the dragon scales it touches.

One of the dragon's hind legs was crushed to the point of being bloody and half-crippled!

The piercing pain further stimulated the dragon's nerves, allowing it to break free from the shackles of charm.

But at this moment, its injuries are already extremely serious.

Leaving aside the minor injuries on the left and right cheeks, the third and fourth rolling impacts of the big milk tank caused extensive contusions on its body.

The constant loss of vitality made the dragon feel threatened.

But the dignity of being a dragon prevented him from running away immediately.

So far in the battle, the poor dragon finally spewed out its full dragon breath for the first time!

The flame-like dragon's breath was almost chasing after the tail of the big milk tank, but the big milk tank was rolling so fast that it avoided the dragon's breath with just one turn!


The dragon let out an extremely angry roar.

The whole dragon stood up because of this.

Its lower limbs are thick and short, and the lower plate is extremely stable, but the upper limbs are small, slender and long.

But this does not prevent its dragon claws from being sharp and powerful!

I saw it clenched fists with both hands in extreme anger, roared up to the sky, and then slammed into the ground with a punch.

The ground was actually smashed by him!

A terrifying crack was created, spreading like lightning in the direction of the big milk jug.

Although the big milk tank avoided the direct attack of the crack by turning around, the torrent of magma suddenly bursting out of the crack made it impossible to escape!

But at this moment.

Around the body of the big milk tank, the airflow generated by the high-speed rotation is already very terrifying, wrapping its body round and round without leaving a single gap.

It rolls, including the airflow, the diameter has exceeded five meters, and its size is not inferior to the magic dragon in front of you!

All the torrents of magma that surged in were either bounced off by the air currents, or were caught in the air currents, making the big milk tank like a steaming wheel!

After an instant, the fire wheel broke through the defensive circle of the dragon, and rolled with an irresistible rolling momentum.

Its speed is beyond the limit!

The resulting impact can crush everything!

The magic dragon once again spewed out a turbulent dragon breath, but it couldn't break the barrier of the airflow at all.

that moment.

It finally felt the threat of death, and there was an unconcealed panic in the dragon eyes.

Seeing that the big milk jug had rolled in front of him, the dragon couldn't help flapping its wings any longer!

The bat-like dragon wings create an updraft, and its body floats up a short distance as a result.

Immediately after that, with a sudden flutter of wings, the strong wind blows, and it is about to fly high!

But suddenly.

The big milk tank, which was several meters away from it originally, actually crossed that distance and slammed into it!


boom! "


Whether it is hard dragon scales, thick leather, or steel-like keel.

Before the fifth roll of the big milk can, it was like a paper toy, washed, crushed, and burst open!

Its last roar was stuck in its throat forever, and its life was gone like the wind.



Dak straightened his spine a little and put down the [Blinking Spell] in his hand.

From the moment the big milk jug rolled down the cliff, to the moment when the dragon was crushed to light, the whole process lasted less than a few minutes.

Ibrahimovic's [Help], Dilumon's [Cat's Eye], Huhu's [Defense Divide], Fairy Ibrahimovic's [Charming Body] + [Charming Voice], and the last [Blinking Spell]!

All of this is to assist the big milk can to complete the fifth roll!

Even an eight-star dragon, when it lost its first opportunity, fell step by step and was completely crushed by this hellish rolling!


At the last moment, Duck did not let his guard down.

"little devil."

Under his order, the little evil beast took the lead, flew down the cliff, first circled the basin, and then flew into the dragon cave.

Moments later, it flew out of the dragon's lair, bringing all the good news of safety.

Duck looked for a slightly gentler road and climbed down a little bit.


Fairy Ibrahimovic stretched out the tentacles of the ribbon, hugged him down halfway, and then rubbed him happily.

The little evil beast pouted, but it was hard to say much in the face of the hero of the battle.

The big milk jug that filled himself with a bottle of [milk] also walked over slowly, standing in front of Dak looking forward.

Dak smiled, hugged its head and rubbed it hard, and praised: "Good job!"

The big milk jar suddenly showed an expression even more delighted than crushing the dragon.

The little evil beast impatiently flew the "8" dance in the air, and said impatiently: "Treasure, treasure!"


The treasure is in front of him, but Dak is not in a hurry.

He observed the surroundings of the basin, and by the way, he replenished the [Dilu Beast].

Dilumon on the card is holding his chest, showing a dissatisfied look.

It is dissatisfaction with itself for not being able to last until the end.

Duck comforted a few words in a low voice, and after waiting for the magic power to fill up, he summoned it again.

Not long afterward, Hu Hu and Ibrahimovic arrived at the basin with the help of the fairy Ibrahimovic.

Since they all contributed to the battle, of course they must be together when they harvest.

Dak waited for all the members to arrive before entering the dragon cave!

The little evil beast didn't fly too deep.

But the first half of the dragon's cave is obviously safe.

By the mid-section, it's not certain.

Dark was never afraid to speculate on Yallweite with the greatest intentions.

No one's sure if she'll get some tricky designs on the final level.

As you go deeper, the air gradually dries, and some pungent smells come out from inside.

Duck covered his nose until his sense of smell was exhausted.

The organ trap did not appear in the end.

Duck gave the magic wizards a round of replenishment in the middle, and then he continued to move forward, and finally arrived at the "treasure place"!

But the imaginary piles of gold coins and jewels did not appear.

It also doesn't appear in the plot that usually appears in adventure novels - finding a dragon egg!

Duck was actually looking forward to it.

Even if it's not a dragon egg, but a dragon seed/dragon attribute magic wizard card, it's still blood earned.

But it didn't.

Nothing at all!

He stood at the entrance of the treasure cave with the magic wizards, looking at the last treasure hole with a dumbfounded expression.

This entire cave is actually covered with a smooth and shiny mirror, from top to bottom, there is no gap.

When I opened my eyes, I saw countless numbers of myself in the mirror showing expressions of amazement.

It's exactly the same as the secret room Werther found!


【2-in-1 4100】

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