Chapter 56 Horikita Suzune VS Kushida Kirihima!!

“Jian, don’t get angry, Dragon Garden obviously deliberately made you angry, isn’t it exactly what he wants you to do now?”

Induced Sudo to tell the passage of the student council room, Ayakomi said expressionlessly.

He didn’t believe that Ye Xue was fighting for Sudo to reduce punishment, it was obvious that Ye Xue’s control over people’s hearts was very strong, and his insight was not weak and small, and he could see through the essence of things at a glance.

I’m afraid that questioning Sakura in front of the whole class is also deliberate, but Ayakoji is a little confused, Sakura Airi in addition to being beautiful and in good shape, in the class is a transparent person, and there is no price ~ value.

Although Ayakoji knows that most boys in the world like beautiful women, she can’t understand this kind of feeling, is Ye Xue also this kind of person?

If that’s the case, Nightfall probably wants to attack both Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kirito, or more.

Then it had nothing to do with his Ayakoji, and he didn’t care about that.

Night Snow loves to find as much as he wants, don’t come to hinder him. The point is.

Yuyuki really didn’t care about Sudo, or was she sure that she would help Sudo grow, and completely dumped Sudo to herself, and the problem of how to deal with Sudo came to her side.

He was trying to see how I reacted… Ayakoji thought silently.

Since this is the case, although the degree cannot be determined, the night snow is also interested in the A class.

It also has nothing to do with yourself.

Ye Xue said that he let himself exert the lowest limit of strength, which should also be the truth, and Ayakoji was already convinced of this.

But he wasn’t interested in going to Class A, he just wanted to spend three years as an average high school student.

As for Ye Xue’s promise to protect himself after graduation, this kind of empty check is just listening.

The question is.

Ye Xue is undoubtedly an extremely domineering person. How will you treat yourself if you refuse.

Or should he help Sudo grow up and create the illusion that he has fallen under the control of the other party?

It was nothing to exert his strength with Ye Xue’s wishes, but Ayakoji didn’t want to attract the attention of others.

Not wanting to have multiple enemies for no reason, and not wanting to attract attention, and being perceived by everyone is a very dangerous thing.

He still couldn’t figure out where the upper limit of Night Snow’s strength was. So.

Throw the question back.

On the one hand, it is good to show approval and on the other hand, to show rejection.

See if Ye Xue will force yourself to drop out of school, if not, then you will be relieved and let the other party play.

Until then, it is also necessary to be on guard to prevent the night snow from directly falling to the dead hand.

Or, just let Ye Xue drop out of school, but considering Ye Xue’s class status and strength, I am afraid it will be quite time-consuming.

Until then, you still need one or more tools that can be controlled, otherwise, your words will not be recognized by the class, and it will be difficult to make any arrangements

There is no harm in mastering a weapon called Sudo.


Sudo, who was sitting opposite, slammed down the table, “I know, but I always feel very unhappy to be played with by Dragon Garden like this.” ”

“Key, do you want to get revenge and go back?”

At the moment of dragging her mouth out, Aya Xiaolu frowned, such a practice would not be expected by the night snow.

“Of course.”

Sudo also said with some disgust, “If it is better than basketball or fighting, I will not have a problem playing Dragon Park or both.” ”

It is true that the martial dragon garden is not Sudo’s opponent, but the final victory will definitely be the dragon garden, Ayakomi’s face said expressionlessly, “This is the school, and the dragon park is not a basketball player, it is better not to do this.” ”

“Hey, I know that too.”

Sudo was disgusted that not only because of the school’s rules, but all Sakurajima clubs forbade members to fight, which was likely to affect his starting position.

The world is not friendly enough for good people, Sudo sighed.

“That bastard in the Dragon Garden actually dares to look down on me, Qinglong, you said there is no way, can you get the Dragon Garden?”

“This is a school, and there is no other way but to study.”

Aya Xiaoji said lightly, “Moreover, Jian should also understand that Dragon Garden will look down on you and shoot at you because of the usual attitude of wanton catharsis, if you continue, there will definitely be many such things happening in the future, and Jian does not want to do this.” ”

“Hey, I know.”

Sudo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, still very unhappy.

The same words, different people can produce different effects, night snow, he will not listen, but as a close friend Ayakoji, words can still pass into his ears. But.

Although he is grumpy and can’t control his emotions, Sudo actually knows himself better than anyone else, and knows very well what kind of trouble his usual attitude will cause to people.


Looking at the scenery outside the window, Sudo’s eyes did not focus, but just said to himself, “Even from now on, it will not help, although I don’t want to admit it, but the son of the scum is indeed a scum.” ”

He gave up growing up, although he knew that his attitude would not be liked, but he gave up restraining himself, which is probably due to some family reasons.

I am only willing to give everything in the basketball that I am interested in, and I don’t care about learning such things as no interest, and gradually I want to learn it becomes difficult to understand, and I give up directly.

[Being selected by this school shows that you already have the corresponding value.] 】

Ayakoji silently thought about the words of the tea pillar when the school started.

Both Sudo and Yamauchi actually have a very clear self-perception, but with the thinking that it is too late to change, they have taken the initiative to stop growing, much better than him, and he can no longer grow.

“Jian, in fact, I envy you.”

“Huh? Qinglong, what did you say all of a sudden? ”

Ayakoji looked down at the tea on the low table, and her voice did not fluctuate, “Although I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but your talent in basketball is genuine, so you actually said ‘it won’t help now’, where did Sudo who gave everything in basketball?” I don’t look like you at all, and I really don’t have anything. ”

“How could it be, Qinglong, your merits also… Also… There are many of them. ”

After thinking about it for half a day, Sudo really couldn’t think of any advantages of Ayakoji and couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed.

Up to now, he only knew that the ordinary Aya Koji regarded himself as a close friend, and he really didn’t know anything about this close friend, and he didn’t expect that Aya Koji actually thought so much.

Aya Xiaolu was expressionless, “Even I can pass the test, and Jian naturally can, but I don’t want to work my studies, right?” ”

“Of course, if I can learn, I also want to, but now there is no way, I don’t want to be ridiculed by others, ‘Sudo is actually studying, it is really not appropriate at all, super funny’.” 」

The surrounding environment is also a key factor affecting growth, and being labeled as ‘not good at learning’ will only provoke ridicule from others no matter how hard you try.

“That’s just an excuse.”

“Qinglong, you’re a little annoyed today, what do you really want to say?”

Sudo gradually became a little impatient, everyone understood the big truth, and being preached would only make him feel irritable.

The self-driving force that love and friendship bring are not the same, but just a few small things Sudo will not be overly concerned.

“You don’t want Dragon Garden to look down on you, so study with me, just help me study.”

“Really… I know, but my grades are not as good as yours, and I can only watch from the sidelines. ”

Looking at Ayakoji’s serious eyes, Sudo scratched his head in disgust and had already made up his mind to sit next to him and mix time.

“That’s enough.”

Ayakoji nodded, it is not difficult for Sudo to learn, he is just denied too much, no matter who it is, being denied for a long time will only become more and more inferior, as long as he gets praise, find some elementary school topics to consult, so that Suto can also be complacent, cultivate his self-confidence, and then slowly increase the difficulty so that Sudo understands the joy of learning.

As long as you can start, it’s never too late.


Ye Xue picked up a piece of tonkatsu and threw it into his mouth, looking back and forth at the two people next to him.

On the left, Kushida is sitting on the ground with a sweet smile on his face, and on the right, Suzune Horikita is eating rice with a dignified face.

As time went by, the school’s relationships became more and more stable, and Kushida was able to spend more and more time at his disposal, and it was only natural that he would run into Horikita Suzune in his dormitory.

However, Ye Xue only found out until now that Kushida was too clingy, and [becoming the first in someone’s heart] did play an effect, Kushida may not have found that her heart has begun to slowly tilt to her side, the number of vents has been left, and only when she encounters extremely annoying things will she complain to herself.

Now a little free, Kushida Kirito runs to his bedroom, every day is some small talk, or help clean his room, I don’t know if it is intentional or not, and occasionally likes to do some cute performances.

That’s not good.

This is a closed school, the whole school is only so big, it is only a matter of time before it is discovered, it will inevitably cause some rumors and affect the image of Kushita, I don’t know if she knows this in her heart.

Looking at the dinner that was not very rich and indeed exquisite, Kushida smiled in admiration, “It’s so good, Horikita is very good at cooking.” ”

“Classmate Kushita, I can understand why you want to approach me, but I have no interest in your business, and I don’t have any ideas about you in the future, so you’d better not bother me again.”

Horikita Suzune calmly responds while eating the dish.

It was clear that the other party saw himself as the man behind spreading rumors, and knew that Kushida was definitely not as pure as it seemed, but Horikita Suzune did not have any fear.

Although it is a little unhappy, after all, she signed a contract with Ye Xue, and she will abide by it very well, after all, she also got the intelligence of the S system, and did not get results, and there are too many incompetent people in the D class.

“That’s it for today, I’ll say goodbye first.”

After dinner, Horikita Suzune calmly got up.

“Night snow, the cutlery is put in the sink first, and tomorrow morning I will clean it up.”

“Oh… See you tomorrow. ”


Ye Xue responded weakly, looking at the Kushida Kirito beside him with a worried face. After Horikita left, the room fell into an eerie silence.

Kirito was sitting on the ground with his head hanging low and could not see his expression, only a soft voice came.

“Night snow, why is Horikita here?”

“Uh… Because I can’t cook, I now leave three meals a day to Horikita to handle. ”


The gentle tone of voice did not seem to have any ups and downs, even if the state of Kushida was obviously wrong, and the night snow did not feel any chill, and explained casually.

“Because Sudo and others were about to be dropped out of school during the midterm exams, I lent Horikita 450,000 points, and she was cooking for me to pay off the debt.”


The same voice came again.

Ye Xue didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence too much, and whispered tentatively, “What do you mean?” ”

“Why… It’s Horikita…”

Kushida lowered his head, raised his hand and clenched the chopsticks on the table to the right, as if too hard, and the snow-white and slender fingers could clearly see the bone joints.

“You know I’m going to let Horikita drop out of school, so why help her…”

“It’s not… This is Sudo and the others are going to be expelled from school, and I can’t give her the money for free. ”

Yuyuki whispered back that Kushida seemed to care more about the reason to help Horihoku than the source of the huge number of points.


The snow-white little hand seemed to relax a little, and Kushida still hung his head and made a sound.

“In the future, Horikita won’t have to prepare food for you.”


Ye Xue nodded and continued tentatively, “Those 450,000 points…”

After a moment of silence, Kushida was still hanging his head, and the small hand holding the chopsticks seemed to be a little harder.

“You want personal points, you can use mine, cooking, I will also help you prepare, life, I will also take care of you.” 」

It seems that she can’t accept that she is getting closer and closer to Horikita no matter what, and Yuyuki is a little embarrassed.

“This… It’s not good to use the money of the little orange terrier. ”

“I’ll let you use it.”

Suddenly, a delicate sound sounded, and Kushida Kirito slammed the table, looked up at the night snow that was a little scared, and momentarily hesitated and did not know what to do.

Suddenly swooping into the arms of the night snow, Kushida pleaded in a low voice, “Please, don’t betray me…”

“Of course.”

Ye Xue seemed relieved.

“The little orange terrier is so cute, how could I betray the little orange terrier?”


Kushida in her arms responded softly, and she could feel that she was also relaxing. Enough is enough.

You can even feel that Kushida is so eager at this moment. It was almost possible to break the last shred of Kushita’s defense.

Let her fall into the deepest hell, there is no possibility of standing up again!

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