(PS: The picture shows Long Yuanxiang).

The next day there is a break at noon.

Ye Xue came to the C class door alone, at this time the C class door door was closed, and from time to time there were screams.

There were still a few students in the aisle who stayed away from it, and a few students looked at the door of Class C with curiosity.

He is different from Ayakoji.

Have a huge desire, and therefore more active, have a stronger power of action.

After all, there is a premise for promotion to Class A, and Ye Xue also hopes to be able to quickly control the information of this school.

Pure belief in the original.

This will only make you more passive when you encounter difficulties, which is an undesirable fluke psychology.

Night Snow went straight forward to open the door of Class C, as if it was resisted by something, and the door of Class C was locked back.

“Bang, bang”

In desperation, the night snow knocked on the door of the C class.

The screams in Class C stopped instantly, then there was some commotion, and finally it slowly fell silent.

Less than a moment.

The door of Class C was rudely opened, and a man with red hair and shoulders appeared in front of the night snow.

“Boy, what’s the matter?”

“Why do you have to close the door during your lunch break?”

“This is a C class problem, it has nothing to do with you, if it’s okay, get out of the egg with Lao Tzu quickly.”

The red-haired man took a step forward in an instant, and he could feel a huge sense of oppression, but his slightly swollen and somewhat purple right eye looked a little funny.

Class C leader, Long Yuanxiang.

The tyrant who dominates Class C is only just starting school now, and it will take some time to complete the control of Class C.

Just at this moment, a man with golden eyes appeared next to Long Yuanxiang, pale and covered his stomach to look at Ye Xue with some apologies.

“Sorry, what’s the matter?”

Ye Xue frowned, but instead cared, “It’s all right, do you want to go to the health care room to see?” ”


“What are you kidding, is it a brain problem?” If it’s okay, who’s going to go to a place like the health room, right, Kaneda? ”

Before the man who was called Kaneda could finish speaking, he was strongly interrupted.

Dragon Garden was directly between the two, and his red and swollen eyes stared at the uninvited guest in front of him like a poisonous snake.

Ye Xue’s indifferent sideways gaze swept Kaneda, and Kaneda frowned and glanced back and forth between Dragon Garden and Ye Xue, finally gritting his teeth and nodding.

“It’s true.”

Looking at the wound on Long Yuan’s eye, it can be understood that Class C is obviously engaged in a brawl, but as long as the person concerned refuses to admit it, no one can do anything.

In other words.

As long as the victim can not be heard, the school can do whatever it wants, the school will turn a blind eye, which is a default rule.

This is important!

There is no need to investigate.


Just when Ye Xue wanted to leave, Dragon Garden slammed the gate with a rough hammer, continued to take a step forward, and said viciously:

“Boy, you belong to that class, do you dare to run to the territory of our Class C and be enlightened?”

Looking deeply at the Dragon Garden, Ye Xue suddenly apologized, “One year D class day Royal Night Snow, sorry, I just care a little about why you closed the door at noon, if you feel unhappy, I will leave now.” ”

“Don’t joke with Lao Tzu, you are too naïve to break into our C class without permission, and want to leave without permission.”

The Dragon Garden, which continued to persecute, still looked at the night snow coldly, and did not let go of the other party’s intentions at all.

“Dragon Garden students, let’s almost stop here.”

“Shiina Riwa, do you think it’s better to let this guy go now?”

“It’s not important, is it?”

The maiden who was called Shiina Riwa appeared at the door of the classroom and stopped in front of Dragon Garden.

With silver hair and a delicate figure, she looked very quiet and beautiful, and it was hard to imagine how she dared to face the angry Dragon Garden.

Dragon Garden sneered and turned to enter the classroom

Shiina Hikazu also seemed relieved and looked at the night snow with some apologies:

“Tianyu classmate right, I’m really sorry, the Dragon Garden classmates in our class don’t have a good temper and cause you trouble.”

“No, I’m just a bit nosy.”

Ye Xue shook her head and said she didn’t mind.

“No, there is still a problem with Dragon Garden’s approach.” Shiina Nichiwa muttered to himself and laughed again, “Tenyu should have come to Class C for something, and if there is anything, I can also help.” ”

“It’s just a little curious, so I’ll quit first.”

Hearing that Shiina had the meaning of sending off guests, Ye Xue also left directly and walked to the D class classroom.

Regarding the intelligence of the S system, the conductor of the C class has clearly informed the C class.

Or rather.

Dragon Park perceives the information and has won the approval of the majority of students, and the improper behavior will affect the class points, and Kaneda will choose to compromise.

Dragon Garden can also detect that he is inducing, and even wants to reverse the intelligence.

In this case, there is no need for the AB two classes to continue the investigation.

The leaders of ABC Class III do have outstanding talent.


Although it was lunch break, no one left for Class C.

The main thing is that Dragon Garden uses very inferior means, such as spitting, violence and other means, to add chaos to everyone, resulting in them not being able to eat at all.

“Dragon Garden, what did you mean just now?”

Kaneda is questioning Dragon Garden, and although there is no key information, he believes that Dragon Garden can understand it.


“Idiot.” Dragon Garden put his legs on the table and sneered, and said coldly

“That guy is trying to trick you, whether you answer ‘go to the health room’ or ‘don’t go’ will cause injury – the suspicion of why the injury makes the school have to ask.”

“Although there will be no loss as long as you don’t admit it, this will expose the fact that ‘you wastes will actually resist’, affect Lao Tzu’s prestige, and without knowing the bottom line of this school, Lao Tzu does not want the school to think that Class C is a problem class.”

Already accustomed to the nonsense of Dragon Garden, Kaneda was a little dissatisfied, “Everyone is a classmate, do you need to make it like this?” ”

“Dragon Garden, in the end, this is just your speculation!”

A girl with short blue hair slammed on the table, looked at Dragon Garden, and threatened, “If you dare to take another shot at the class, I will definitely not let you go.” ”

“Ibuki… You can try it. Long Yuan smiled disdainfully, and said with some disgust, “Why is my class a bunch of idiots?” ”

“Listen, you idiots.” Dragon Garden stood up and scanned all the members with snake-like cold eyes, “That guy named Heavenly Night Snow is obviously here to investigate intelligence, and he also has a certain understanding of the school’s intelligence, and it is likely that a leader has appeared in Class D.” ”

There is also a point that Longyuan did not explain, according to Jintian’s compromise at that time, Longyuan believed that it had implanted Ye Xue with the impression that “Longyuan is the leader of Class C’, and at least suspected that as long as the rumors spread, it would be more convenient for him to dominate Class C.

“How can that be?” Kaneda was obviously in disbelief, “Could it be that the guy just now is the leader of Class D?” ”

“I’m afraid not.” Long Yuan analyzed in a cold voice, “How can that kind of waste lead a class so quickly, if this is the case, then Class D is not to worry.” ”

In the confrontation with Ye Xue just now, Dragon Garden thought that it was his victory, if it were not for the intervention of Shiina, Dragon Garden could even let the leader of the D class come to him to lead people, and even extort a sum of money.

Anyway, he already had injuries on his body, as long as he moved, it was too simple to touch porcelain.

As for face, as long as it can win, Dragon Garden doesn’t care.

However, regarding the information that the leader will know sooner or later, Dragon Garden does not care too much.

Shiina can be regarded as the only smart person in Class C, but she rarely communicates with people, and Dragon Garden is willing to give her a face.

“You’re scaring people less, I’m afraid it’s just an excuse for you to want to be a Class C leader.”

Ishizaki stopped in front of the Dragon Garden.

“Excuses? Do you still need to use a D class to make excuses? Ryuen smiled disdainfully and glanced at everyone, “It’s really a bunch of garbage, the B class has appeared as a squad leader named Ichinose Fanbo, don’t you even know this?” ”

“How is it possible that this school does not have a class president position?” And, how do you know. ”

“Even when you wastes huddle together and lick your wounds, Lao Tzu won’t waste any time.”

Hearing Dragon Garden’s words, Ibuki and the others were a little incredulous.

Dragon Garden not only added to their confusion during the day and beat them up during rest, but also found time to inquire about other classes.


Suddenly, Ryuen slammed directly in front of Ishizaki and said in a cold voice, “Who allowed you to question that?” All I need is obedience, understand? ”


Ishizaki lay on the ground and looked at the Dragon Garden, he had been fighting with the Dragon Garden for two days, no matter when and where, even the toilet Dragon Garden was said to be hands-on.

“Oh,no. Youareabadboy! ”

Seeing that his classmate was injured, a tall black man Albert threw the dragon garden to the ground with one punch.

The incapacitated Dragon Garden lay on the ground coughing violently, but the look in Albert’s eyes still did not give up.

At the moment when the other party turned around, Dragon Park instantly kicked at Albert.

However, under the huge power gap, Dragon Garden was quickly knocked down, and he was not Albert’s opponent at all.

It’s just that Albert’s mood is also a little complicated, Dragon Garden never knows what fear is, nor does it know what giving up is, and this kind of battle does not know how long it will last.

Dragon Garden has never dominated classes by violence.

Instead, with that incomparably strong heart, unscrupulous way of doing things, he forced Class C to give in and compromise, and finally convinced.

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